11 research outputs found

    A review on the characteristics of gomuti fibre and its composites with thermoset resins

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    Gomuti fibre is obtained from Arenga pinnata tree and is known with other names such as sugar-palm fibre, gomutu, ijuk, serat aren and black fibre. This article presents a review on the physical, mechanical, chemical and thermal properties of gomuti fibre in comparison with other common natural fibres. Furthermore, this article reviews the mechanical properties of gomuti fibre composites with thermoset polymer resins based on the existing published literature. It is observable that gomuti fibre has a close similarity to coir fibre in its physical and mechanical properties than the other natural fibres. It has the characteristics of lower density, strength and modulus, but higher elongation. The composites with gomuti fibre also exhibit properties similar to coir fibre composites

    Technology and development of self-reinforced polymer composites

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    In recent years there has been an increasing amount of interest, both commercially and scientifically, in the emerging field of "self-reinforced polymer composites". These materials, which are sometimes also referred to as "single polymer composites", or "all-polymer composites", were first conceived in the 1970s, and are now beginning to appear in a range of commercial products. While high mechanical performance polymer fibres or tapes are an obvious precursor for composite development, various different technologies have been developed to consolidate these into two- or three-dimensional structures. This paper presents a review of the various processing techniques that have been reported in the literature for the manufacture of self-reinforced polymer composites from fibres or tapes of different polymers, and so exploit the fibre or tape performance in a commercial material or product