54 research outputs found
Pulsed squeezed vacuum characterization without homodyning
Direct photon detection is experimentally implemented to measure the
squeezing and purity of a single-mode squeezed vacuum state without an
interferometric homodyne detection. Following a recent theoretical proposal
[arXiv quant-ph/0311119], the setup only requires a tunable beamsplitter and a
single-photon detector to fully characterize the generated Gaussian states. The
experimental implementation of this procedure is discussed and compared with
other reference methods.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure
Single photon generation by pulsed excitation of a single dipole
The fluorescence of a single dipole excited by an intense light pulse can
lead to the generation of another light pulse containing a single photon. The
influence of the duration and energy of the excitation pulse on the number of
photons in the fluorescence pulse is studied. The case of a two-level dipole
with strongly damped coherences is considered. The presence of a metastable
state leading to shelving is also investigated.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, submitted to PR
Mises en défens et plantations : étude synchronique de deux techniques de restauration pour améliorer les communautés végétales et les propriétés du sol dans des steppes arides dégradées (Algérie)
Steppes of arid Mediterranean zones are deeply threatened by desertification. To stop or
alleviate ecological and economic problems associated with this desertification, management actions have been
implemented since the last three decades. The struggle against desertification has become a national priority in
some of these countries. In Algeria, several management techniques have been used to cope with desertification.
This study aims to investigate the effect of two management techniques on vegetation, soil properties and
pastoral value after four years of implementation. The two techniques were grazing exclosure which was widely
set up in degraded steppes and plantations (consisting in plantation and grazing exclosure) in deeply degraded
ones. 49 phytoecological and soil samples have been studied. Results showed that plant diversity, composition,
vegetation cover and pastoral value were significantly higher in protected areas. Management techniques also
affected soil surface elements (percentage of sand, coarse soil elements, bare silty crust, and bare ground),
organic matter and soil nitrogen content. We also demonstrated that important differences between both techniques
remain: plantation technique on heavily degraded soil results in a higher pastoral value of plant communities
whereas grazing exclosure technique on lesser degraded soil favours plant diversityLe processus de désertification menace depuis de nombreuses années les milieux steppiques arides du bassin méditerranéen. Afin d'arrêter ou atténuer les problèmes écologiques et économiques associés à cette désertification, des
actions de gestion ont été mises en œuvre depuis les trois dernières décennies. Cette lutte est devenue pour certains pays une priorité nationale. En Algérie, plusieurs techniques de gestion visant à limiter le surpâturage ont été utilisées parmi lesquelles la plantation d'Atriplex canescens
provenant d'Amérique centrale et la mise en défens de larges surfaces. Cette étude synchronique compare l'impact de ces deux pratiques de gestion après quatre ans de mise en œuvre sur la flore, la valeur fourragère et plusieurs paramètres édaphiques. Les 49 relevés phytoécologiques effectués
montrent des modifications de la composition floristique, ainsi que des augmentations de la diversité, du recouvrement de végétation et de la valeur pastorale avec la protection des parcelles. L'ordination des résultats sur un plan factoriel permet de caractériser les trajectoires des
différentes formations en fonction du mode de gestion qui leur est appliqué. Ces résultats mettent en évidence des groupements à richesse modérée et haute valeur pastorale dans les plantations, alors que les mises en défens conduisent à des formations à richesse élevée mais à valeur
pastorale plus faible. Les paramètres édaphiques mesurés sont également affectés par la gestion: diminution de la fraction sableuse, des éléments grossiers, de la pellicule de glaçage, du sol nu et augmentation de la teneur en matière organique et azote total. Les conséquences de ces deux
modes de gestion en termes de restauration et de réhabilitation écologiques sont discutées
Single-particle nonlocality and entanglement with the vacuum
We propose a single-particle experiment that is equivalent to the
conventional two-particle experiment used to demonstrate a violation of Bell's
inequalities. Hence, we argue that quantum mechanical nonlocality can be
demonstrated by single-particle states. The validity of such a claim has been
discussed in the literature, but without reaching a clear consensus. We show
that the disagreement can be traced to what part of the total state of the
experiment one assigns to the (macroscopic) measurement apparatus. However,
with a conventional and legitimate interpretation of the measurement process
one is led to the conclusion that even a single particle can show nonlocal
properties.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure
Quantum key distribution using gaussian-modulated coherent states
Quantum continuous variables are being explored as an alternative means to
implement quantum key distribution, which is usually based on single photon
counting. The former approach is potentially advantageous because it should
enable higher key distribution rates. Here we propose and experimentally
demonstrate a quantum key distribution protocol based on the transmission of
gaussian-modulated coherent states (consisting of laser pulses containing a few
hundred photons) and shot-noise-limited homodyne detection; squeezed or
entangled beams are not required. Complete secret key extraction is achieved
using a reverse reconciliation technique followed by privacy amplification. The
reverse reconciliation technique is in principle secure for any value of the
line transmission, against gaussian individual attacks based on entanglement
and quantum memories. Our table-top experiment yields a net key transmission
rate of about 1.7 megabits per second for a loss-free line, and 75 kilobits per
second for a line with losses of 3.1 dB. We anticipate that the scheme should
remain effective for lines with higher losses, particularly because the present
limitations are essentially technical, so that significant margin for
improvement is available on both the hardware and software.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure
Probabilistic Quantum Logic Operations Using Polarizing Beam Splitters
It has previously been shown that probabilistic quantum logic operations can
be performed using linear optical elements, additional photons (ancilla), and
post-selection based on the output of single-photon detectors. Here we describe
the operation of several quantum logic operations of an elementary nature,
including a quantum parity check and a quantum encoder, and we show how they
can be combined to implement a controlled-NOT (CNOT) gate. All of these gates
can be constructed using polarizing beam splitters that completely transmit one
state of polarization and totally reflect the orthogonal state of polarization,
which allows a simple explanation of each operation. We also describe a
polarizing beam splitter implementation of a CNOT gate that is closely
analogous to the quantum teleportation technique previously suggested by
Gottesman and Chuang [Nature 402, p.390 (1999)]. Finally, our approach has the
interesting feature that it makes practical use of a quantum-eraser technique.Comment: 9 pages, RevTex; Submitted to Phys. Rev. A; additional references
A single-photon transistor using nano-scale surface plasmons
It is well known that light quanta (photons) can interact with each other in
nonlinear media, much like massive particles do, but in practice these
interactions are usually very weak. Here we describe a novel approach to
realize strong nonlinear interactions at the single-photon level. Our method
makes use of recently demonstrated efficient coupling between individual
optical emitters and tightly confined, propagating surface plasmon excitations
on conducting nanowires. We show that this system can act as a nonlinear
two-photon switch for incident photons propagating along the nanowire, which
can be coherently controlled using quantum optical techniques. As a novel
application, we discuss how the interaction can be tailored to create a
single-photon transistor, where the presence or absence of a single incident
photon in a ``gate'' field is sufficient to completely control the propagation
of subsequent ``signal'' photons.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure
Post-processing with linear optics for improving the quality of single-photon sources
Published versio
Quantum Cryptography
Quantum cryptography could well be the first application of quantum mechanics
at the individual quanta level. The very fast progress in both theory and
experiments over the recent years are reviewed, with emphasis on open questions
and technological issues.Comment: 55 pages, 32 figures; to appear in Reviews of Modern Physic
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