1,037 research outputs found

    A Semiparametric Model Selection Criterion with Applications to the Marginal Structural Model

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    Estimators for the parameter of interest in semiparametric models often depend on a guessed model for the nuisance parameter. The choice of the model for the nuisance parameter can affect both the finite sample bias and efficiency of the resulting estimator of the parameter of interest. In this paper we propose a finite sample criterion based on cross validation that can be used to select a nuisance parameter model from a list of candidate models. We show that expected value of this criterion is minimized by the nuisance parameter model that yields the estimator of the parameter of interest with the smallest mean-squared error relative to the expected value of an initial consistent reference estimator. In a simulation study, we examine the performance of this criterion for selecting a model for a treatment mechanism in a marginal structural model (MSM) of point treatment data. For situations where all possible models cannot be evaluated, we outline a forward/backward model selection algorithm based on the cross validation criterion proposed in this paper and show how it can be used to select models for multiple nuisance parameters. We evaluate the performance of this algorithm in a simulation study of the one-step estimator of the parameter of interest in a MSM where models for both a treatment mechanism and a conditional expectation of the response need to be selected. Finally, we apply the forward model selection algorithm to a MSM analysis of the relationship between boiled water use and gastrointestinal illness in HIV positive men

    The Madison plasma dynamo experiment: a facility for studying laboratory plasma astrophysics

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    The Madison plasma dynamo experiment (MPDX) is a novel, versatile, basic plasma research device designed to investigate flow driven magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) instabilities and other high-β\beta phenomena with astrophysically relevant parameters. A 3 m diameter vacuum vessel is lined with 36 rings of alternately oriented 4000 G samarium cobalt magnets which create an axisymmetric multicusp that contains \sim14 m3^{3} of nearly magnetic field free plasma that is well confined and highly ionized (>50%)(>50\%). At present, 8 lanthanum hexaboride (LaB6_6) cathodes and 10 molybdenum anodes are inserted into the vessel and biased up to 500 V, drawing 40 A each cathode, ionizing a low pressure Ar or He fill gas and heating it. Up to 100 kW of electron cyclotron heating (ECH) power is planned for additional electron heating. The LaB6_6 cathodes are positioned in the magnetized edge to drive toroidal rotation through J×B{\bf J}\times{\bf B} torques that propagate into the unmagnetized core plasma. Dynamo studies on MPDX require a high magnetic Reynolds number Rm>1000Rm > 1000, and an adjustable fluid Reynolds number 10<Re<100010< Re <1000, in the regime where the kinetic energy of the flow exceeds the magnetic energy (MA2=(M_A^2=(v//vA)2>1_A)^2 > 1). Initial results from MPDX are presented along with a 0-dimensional power and particle balance model to predict the viscosity and resistivity to achieve dynamo action.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figure

    On-label and off-label use of high-dose influenza vaccine in the United States, 2010–2012

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    High-dose inactivated, influenza vaccine was licensed by the FDA in December 2009 for adults aged 65 y and older. The ACIP did not issue or state a preference for a specific vaccine in the elderly population. The extent of its on-label and off-label use is unknown. Using the MarketScan Commercial Claims and Encounters and the Medicare Supplemental database, we identified individuals who received the high-dose influenza vaccine or the standard, seasonal trivalent influenza vaccine between January 1, 2010 and December 31, 2012. For people aged ≥65 y, we used multivariable regression to assess the association between patient and provider level variables and high-dose influenza vaccine versus standard influenza vaccine. We characterized all off-label high-dose vaccine administered to people younger than 65 y of age, and investigated whether sicker patients were targeted for off-label use by examining the association between various comorbid conditions and receipt of the high-dose vaccine among adults aged 18–64. Among patients aged ≥65 y who received an influenza vaccine, 18.4% received the high-dose vaccine. Uptake was minimal in 2010, but 25% and 32% of influenza shots were the high-dose formulation in 2011 and 2012, respectively. Almost 27,000 seniors received a second high-dose vaccine with a median of 368 d (IQR: 350–387 days) between doses. Older age, family practice physicians, and having PPO insurance were positively associated with receiving high-dose vaccine. There were 36,624 off-label high-dose vaccines administered. Half of the patients receiving off-label doses were aged 50–64. Adults aged 18–64 y receiving high-dose vaccine were more likely to have chronic comorbidities than people receiving standard influenza vaccine; however, there was not one specific illness that seemed to be targeted by physicians. In the first 3 y since licensure, use of the high-dose vaccine among seniors has been limited. The safety of this vaccine should be monitored closely among 2 groups of people - seniors receiving repeat doses and people <65

    Timing and predictors of severe rotavirus gastroenteritis among unvaccinated infants in low- and middle-income countries

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    Delays in rotavirus vaccine schedule could improve performance in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). However, delaying the first dose could be detrimental if infants experience severe rotavirus gastroenteritis (RVGE) early in life. Our objective was to describe the timing and predictors of severe RVGE in unvaccinated children in LMICs. We analysed the placebo arms from two clinical trials (cohort 1: NCT00241644; cohort 2: NCT00362648). We estimated the rate, cumulative incidence (per 1000 infants) and age distribution of severe RVGE episodes. Cox proportional hazards models were used to estimate hazard ratios and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for the association between baseline factors and severe RVGE. Cumulative incidence at 6 months of age was 23/1000 (95% CI 15-30) in cohort 1 and 6/1000 (95% CI 3-8) in cohort 2. Early antibiotic use (compared with no use) was associated with 2.03 (95% CI 1.18-3.48) and 1.41 (95% CI 0.80-2.51) times the rate of severe RVGE in cohorts 1 and 2, respectively. The cumulative incidence of severe RVGE was low at 6 months of age, suggesting that a 4-week delay in the vaccination schedule may not result in a large number of severe RVGE episodes prior to vaccine receipt. Copyright © Cambridge University Press 2018

    The Wisconsin Plasma Astrophysics Laboratory

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    The Wisconsin Plasma Astrophysics Laboratory (WiPAL) is a flexible user facility designed to study a range of astrophysically relevant plasma processes as well as novel geometries that mimic astrophysical systems. A multi-cusp magnetic bucket constructed from strong samarium cobalt permanent magnets now confines a 10 m3^3, fully ionized, magnetic-field free plasma in a spherical geometry. Plasma parameters of Te5 T_{e}\approx5 to 2020 eV and ne1011n_{e}\approx10^{11} to 5×10125\times10^{12} cm3^{-3} provide an ideal testbed for a range of astrophysical experiments including self-exciting dynamos, collisionless magnetic reconnection, jet stability, stellar winds, and more. This article describes the capabilities of WiPAL along with several experiments, in both operating and planning stages, that illustrate the range of possibilities for future users.Comment: 21 pages, 12 figures, 2 table

    Effects of aggregation of drug and diagnostic codes on the performance of the high-dimensional propensity score algorithm: an empirical example

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    BACKGROUND: The High-Dimensional Propensity Score (hd-PS) algorithm can select and adjust for baseline confounders of treatment-outcome associations in pharmacoepidemiologic studies that use healthcare claims data. How hd-PS performance is affected by aggregating medications or medical diagnoses has not been assessed. METHODS: We evaluated the effects of aggregating medications or diagnoses on hd-PS performance in an empirical example using resampled cohorts with small sample size, rare outcome incidence, or low exposure prevalence. In a cohort study comparing the risk of upper gastrointestinal complications in celecoxib or traditional NSAIDs (diclofenac, ibuprofen) initiators with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, we (1) aggregated medications and International Classification of Diseases-9 (ICD-9) diagnoses into hierarchies of the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical classification (ATC) and the Clinical Classification Software (CCS), respectively, and (2) sampled the full cohort using techniques validated by simulations to create 9,600 samples to compare 16 aggregation scenarios across 50% and 20% samples with varying outcome incidence and exposure prevalence. We applied hd-PS to estimate relative risks (RR) using 5 dimensions, predefined confounders, ≤ 500 hd-PS covariates, and propensity score deciles. For each scenario, we calculated: (1) the geometric mean RR; (2) the difference between the scenario mean ln(RR) and the ln(RR) from published randomized controlled trials (RCT); and (3) the proportional difference in the degree of estimated confounding between that scenario and the base scenario (no aggregation). RESULTS: Compared with the base scenario, aggregations of medications into ATC level 4 alone or in combination with aggregation of diagnoses into CCS level 1 improved the hd-PS confounding adjustment in most scenarios, reducing residual confounding compared with the RCT findings by up to 19%. CONCLUSIONS: Aggregation of codes using hierarchical coding systems may improve the performance of the hd-PS to control for confounders. The balance of advantages and disadvantages of aggregation is likely to vary across research settings

    Approaches to Selecting "Time Zero" in External Control Arms with Multiple Potential Entry Points: A Simulation Study of 8 Approaches

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    Background: When including data from an external control arm to estimate comparative effectiveness, there is a methodological choice of when to set “time zero,” the point at which a patient would be eligible/enrolled in a contemporary study. Where patients receive multiple lines of eligible therapy and thus alternative points could be selected, this issue is complex. Methods: A simulation study was conducted in which patients received multiple prior lines of therapy before entering either cohort. The results from the control and intervention data sets are compared using 8 methods for selecting time zero. The base-case comparison was set up to be biased against the intervention (which is generally received later), with methods compared in their ability to estimate the true intervention effectiveness. We further investigate the impact of key study attributes (such as sample size) and degree of overlap in time-varying covariates (such as prior lines of therapy) on study results. Results: Of the 8 methods, 5 (all lines, random line, systematically selecting groups based on mean absolute error, root mean square error, or propensity scores) showed good performance in accounting for differences between the line at which patients were included. The first eligible line can be statistically inefficient in some situations. All lines (with censoring) cannot be used for survival outcomes. The last eligible line cannot be recommended. Conclusions: Multiple methods are available for selecting the most appropriate time zero from an external control arm. Based on the simulation, we demonstrate that some methods frequently perform poorly, with several viable methods remaining. In selecting between the viable methods, analysts should consider the context of their analysis and justify the approach selected. There are multiple methods available from which an analyst may select “time zero” in an external control cohort. This simulation study demonstrates that some methods perform poorly but most are viable options, depending on context and the degree of overlap in time zero across cohorts. Careful thought and clear justification should be used when selecting the strategy for a study

    Controlling Time-Dependent Confounding by Health Status and Frailty: Restriction Versus Statistical Adjustment

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    Nonexperimental studies of preventive interventions are often biased because of the healthy-user effect and, in frail populations, because of confounding by functional status. Bias is evident when estimating influenza vaccine effectiveness, even after adjustment for claims-based indicators of illness. We explored bias reduction methods while estimating vaccine effectiveness in a cohort of adult hemodialysis patients. Using the United States Renal Data System and linked data from a commercial dialysis provider, we estimated vaccine effectiveness using a Cox proportional hazards marginal structural model of all-cause mortality before and during 3 influenza seasons in 2005/2006 through 2007/2008. To improve confounding control, we added frailty indicators to the model, measured time-varying confounders at different time intervals, and restricted the sample in multiple ways. Crude and baseline-adjusted marginal structural models remained strongly biased. Restricting to a healthier population removed some unmeasured confounding; however, this reduced the sample size, resulting in wide confidence intervals. We estimated an influenza vaccine effectiveness of 9% (hazard ratio = 0.91, 95% confidence interval: 0.72, 1.15) when bias was minimized through cohort restriction. In this study, the healthy-user bias could not be controlled through statistical adjustment; however, sample restriction reduced much of the bias

    Medicare Part D’s Impact on Antipsychotic Drug Use and Costs Among Elderly Patients Without Prior Drug Insurance

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    Medicare Part D’s implementation improved access to and affordability of prescription drugs for the elderly without prior drug insurance. Effects for specific drugs and drug classes are less well understood. We assessed Part D’s impact on antipsychotic medication (APM) utilization and out-of-pocket costs among elderly without prior drug insurance. Retail pharmacy claims from 3 nationwide pharmacy chains were used to analyze two time-series designs: 1) a Policy Model, to obtain a policymaker’s perspective: what was the overall impact of Part D on APM use and costs among elderly without drug insurance in 2005 with the opportunity to enroll?, and 2) a Clinical Model, to obtain a clinician’s perspective: what would happen to elderly without drug insurance in 2005 who did enroll in Part D—would they be able to get APMs? At what cost? Subgroup analyses among Part D enrollees evaluated potentially different effects for patients who received a subsidy and patients who used anti-dementia drugs. In the Policy Model, Part D implementation was associated with a 5% increase in APM use and a 37% reduction in out-of-pocket costs, suggesting a modest need for APMs among all previously uninsured elderly. Patients who did enroll in Part D (Clinical Model) had a 97% increase in APM use and a 62% decrease in out-of-pocket costs, suggesting that patients who needed APMs were able to access them at low cost through the Part D program. Part D implementation was associated with increased use and affordability of APMs for elderly without prior drug insurance