10 research outputs found

    Atributos Da História De Vida De Um Cascudo De Corredeiras De Riachos De Mata Atlântica, Brasil

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    Spatial distribution, suitable spawning sites, and sexual dimorphism were investigated in armored catfish Neoplecostomus microps in the Macaé River from March 2004 to March 2005. Individuals of N. microps (n=290) were limited to fast-flowing stretches, and the distribution was related to ontogenetic development. Larvae in post-flexion occurred in the marginal vegetation, and adults only in gaps between boulders and stones in the river channel. Juveniles occurred in both environments. Spawns were found in the natural habitat in rapid stretches, with the eggs attached to the lower surface of stones in openings formed in the riverbed. The number of eggs per stone ranged from 62 to 375, with significant differences among the mean sizes of the eggs. Sexual dimorphism was noticed to N. microps. The anal and urogenital papillae are separated in males and merged in females and there is an epidermal growth along the pectoral-fin spine of males. © 2016, Universidade Estadual de Campinas UNICAMP. All rights reserved.1621

    Reproduction of the surubim catfish (Pisces, Pimelodidae) in the São Francisco River, Pirapora Region, Minas Gerais, Brazil Reprodução do surubim (Pisces, Pimelodidae) do Rio São Francisco, Região de Pirapora, Minas Gerais

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    The reproductive biology of the surubim, P. coruscans of the São Francisco River, in the Pirapora region was studied from December/98 to November/99. Reproduction occurred between October and January with high frequency of fishes in the advanced ripening/mature and spawned/spent stages along with higher values of the gonadosomatic index. Macroscopic and microscopic analyses indicated that P. coruscans presents total spawning. The reproductive period coincided with highest rainfall and water turbidity values in the region. The smallest male captured had a total length of 63.3cm and the smallest female 92.0cm in total length. The largest male in the maturation stage was recorded to be 97.0cm and the largest female 144.1cm in total length. Surubim were more frequently captured than females, at a proportion of approximately one female to three males. The gonadosomatic, hepatosomatic, stomach repletion, and coelomic fat indexes, as well as the condition factor were related to stages of the reproductive cycle.<br>Estudou-se a biologia reprodutiva do surubim Pseudoplatystoma coruscans do Rio São Francisco, na região de Pirapora, Minas Gerais no período de dezembro/98 a novembro/99. A reprodução ocorreu entre outubro e janeiro, com alta freqüência de peixes em maturação avançada/maduros e desovados/espermiados, e os maiores valores do índice gonadossomático nesse período. Análises macro e microscópicas indicaram que P. coruscans apresenta desova total. A época reprodutiva coincidiu com maior turbidez da água e maior incidência de chuva na região. O menor e maior macho capturado em maturação apresentou 63,3cm e 97,0cm e a menor e maior fêmea neste estádio 92,0cm e 144,1cm de comprimento total, respectivamente. Registraram três machos para cada fêmea e somente as fêmeas apresentaram comprimento acima de 100cm. Os índices biológicos gonadossomático, hepatossomático, repleção estomacal, gordura celômica e fator de condição foram relacionados aos estádios do ciclo reprodutivo

    Identification and antimicrobial susceptibility of bacteria isolated from corneal ulcers of dogs Identificação e susceptibilidade antimicrobiana de bactérias isoladas de úlceras de córnea em cães

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    A total of 22 clinical specimens were obtained from 19 dogs with corneal ulcer (16 unilateral and three bilateral) for isolation and antimicrobial susceptibility evaluation of the isolated bacteria. Bacterial growth was observed in 100% of the samples (n=22). Staphylococcus intermedius was the predominant species (35.5%), followed by Corynebacterium xerosis (19.3%). Gentamicin, ciprofloxacin, chloramphenicol and tobramycin had a high efficacy against all of the isolated bacteria. The results evidenced that 80.7% of the isolates were Gram positive cocci and Gram positive bacilli, and that those microorganisms were sensitive to gentamicin, ciprofloxacin, chloramphenicol and tobramycin.<br>Utilizaram-se 22 amostras de material, obtidas de 19 cães com úlcera de córnea, sendo 16 unilaterais e três bilaterais, para isolamento e avaliação da susceptibilidade antimicrobiana das bactérias isoladas. Observou-se crescimento bacteriano em 100% das amostras (n=22). A espécie predominante foi Staphylococcus intermedius (35,5%) seguido de Corynebacterium xerosis (19,3%). Gentamicina, ciprofloxacina, cloranfenicol e tobramicina apresentaram alta eficácia contra todas as bactérias isoladas. Os resultados evidenciam que 80,7% dos isolados foram cocos e bacilos Gram positivos e que estes microrganismos foram sensíveis à gentamicina, ciprofloxacina, cloranfenicol e tobramicina

    Reproductive biology and feeding of Curimatella lepidura (Eigenmann & Eigenmann) (Pisces, Curimatidae) in Juramento reservoir, Minas Gerais, Brazil Biologia reprodutiva e alimentação de Curimatella lepidura (Eigenmann & Eigenmann) (Pisces, Curimatidae) no reservatório de Juramento, Minas Gerais, Brasil

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    Reproductive biology and feeding of Curimatella lepidura (Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1889) were studied in Juramento reservoir, São Francisco River basin, Southeastern Brazil. Histological analyses and gonadosomatic indexes revealed females and males in reproductive activity from October to March and total spawning occurring from January to March coupled with the peak of spermiating males. In the dry season, the fishes accumulated energetic reserves for reproduction during a short rainy season. The species presented sexual dimorphism, being females larger than males and sexual maturation occurring close to 7.7 cm standard length for females and 7.1 cm for males. C. lepidura presented iliophagous feeding habit, ingesting mainly sediment/detritus and a small amount of acari, algae, Tricoptera insects and Ostracoda crustaceans, suggesting a probable role in nutrient recycling of the Juramento reservoir.<br>A biologia reprodutiva e alimentação de Curimatella lepidura (Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1889) foram estudadas no reservatório de Juramento, Bacia do rio São Francisco, Sudeste do Brasil. Análises histológicas e índices gonadosomáticos mostraram fêmeas e machos em atividade reprodutiva de outubro a março e desova total ocorrendo de janeiro a março coincidindo com pico de espermiação. Na estação seca, os peixes acumularam reservas energéticas para a reprodução durante curta estação chuvosa. A espécie apresentou dimorfismo sexual, sendo as fêmeas maiores do que os machos e, a maturação gonadal ocorreu em torno de 7,7 cm de comprimento padrão para as fêmeas e 7,1 cm para os machos. C. lepidura apresentou hábito alimentar iliófago, ingerindo predominantemente sedimento/detrito e, em menor proporção, ácaros, algas, insetos Tricoptera e crustáceos Ostracodas sugerindo provável papel na reciclagem de nutrientes do reservatório de Juramento