336 research outputs found

    Narrative comprehension and production in children with SLI: An eye movement study

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    This study investigates narrative comprehension and production in children with specific language impairment (SLI). Twelve children with SLI (mean age 5; 8 years) and 12 typically developing children (mean age 5; 6 years) participated in an eye-tracking experiment designed to investigate online narrative comprehension and production in Catalan- and Spanish-speaking children with SLI. The comprehension task involved the recording of eye movements during the visual exploration of successive scenes in a story, while listening to the associated narrative. With regard to production, the children were asked to retell the story, while once again looking at the scenes, as their eye movements were monitored. During narrative production, children with SLI look at the most semantically relevant areas of the scenes fewer times than their age-matched controls, but no differences were found in narrative comprehension. Moreover, the analyses of speech productions revealed that children with SLI retained less information and made more semantic and syntactic errors during retelling. Implications for theories that characterize SLI are discussed

    Effect of verb argument structure on picture naming in children with and without specific language impairment (SLI)

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    Background: This study investigated verb argument structure effects in children with specific language impairment (SLI). Aims: A picture-naming paradigm was used to compare the response times and naming accuracy for nouns and verbs with differing argument structure between Spanish-speaking children with and without language impairment. Methods & Procedures: Twenty-four children with SLI (ages 5;3-8;2 [years;months]), 24 age-matched controls (ages 5;3-8;2), 24 MLU-w controls (ages 3;3-7;1 years), and 31 adults participated in a picture-naming study. Outcomes & Results: The results show all groups produced more correct responses and were faster for nouns than all verbs together. As regards verb type accuracy, there were no differences between groups in naming one-argument verbs. However, for both two- and three-argument verbs, children with SLI were less accurate than adults and age-matched controls, but similar to the MLU-matched controls. For verb type latency, children with SLI were slower than both the agematched controls and adults for one- and two-argument verbs, while no differences were found in three-argument verbs. No differences were found between children with SLI and MLU-matched controls for any verb type. Conclusions & Implications: It has been shown that the naming of verbs is delayed in Spanish children with SLI. It is suggested that children with SLI may have problems encoding semantic representations

    The formulation of argument structure in SLI: an eye-movement study

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    This study investigated the formulation of verb argument structure in Catalan- and Spanishspeaking children with specific language impairment (SLI) and typically developing age-matched controls. We compared how language production can be guided by conceptual factors, such as the organization of the entities participating in an event and knowledge regarding argument structure. Eleven children with SLI (aged 3;8 to 6;6) and eleven control children participated in an eyetracking experiment in which participants had to describe events with different argument structure in the presence of visual scenes. Picture descriptions, latency time and eye movements were recorded and analyzed. The picture description results showed that the percentage of responses in which children with SLI substituted a non-target verb for the target verb was significantly different from that for the control group. Children with SLI made more omissions of obligatory arguments, especially of themes, as the verb argument complexity increased. Moreover, when the number of arguments of the verb increased, the children took more time to begin their descriptions, but no differences between groups were found. For verb type latency, all children were significantly faster to start describing one-argument events than two- and three-argument events. No differences in latency time were found between two- and three-argument events. There were no significant differences between the groups. Eye-movement showed that children with SLI looked less at the event zone than the age-matched controls during the first two seconds. These differences between the groups were significant for three-argument verbs, and only marginally significant for one- and two-argument verbs. Children with SLI also spent significantly less time looking at the theme zones than their age-matched controls. We suggest that both processing limitations and deficits in the semantic representation of verbs may play a role in these difficulties

    PWAs and PBJs: Language for describing a simple procedure

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze responses to a simple procedural discourse task in persons with aphasia (PWAs n=141) and non-aphasic participants (n=145). Participants described how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Results showed significant differences between groups on mean length of utterance, total number of words, total number of utterances, and task duration. However, the top 10 verbs and nouns used by both groups were nearly identical and the proportion of nouns, verbs, pronouns, and determiners used by each group was similar. Aphasia severity correlated moderately with total number of words only

    Editorial: Emergentist approaches to language

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    202202 bcvcVersion of RecordOthersSymposium grant R13DC018182 from NIDCD and NICHD titled TalkBank for the Next GenerationPublishe

    AphasiaBank: Preliminary Lexical, Morphosyntactic, and Error Analyses

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    AphasiaBank collects and analyzes samples of the discourse of individuals with aphasia and normal participants across a range of tasks. The goal of AphasiaBank is to assemble a large repository of video-recorded discourse samples, transcribed in a format that facilitates extensive computerized language analyses. This paper outlines the AphasiaBank protocol and presents core analyses of language samples from 15 normal adults and 15 individuals with aphasia using selected analyses for lexicon, morphosyntax, errors, and repetition
