120 research outputs found


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    Optimizationturning machineis performed to maximize every machining on the turning machine, so that the machine can work optimally. Turning machine optimization process includes several stages, First, check all components of the turning machine is normal and there is no damage, secondly, the process of replacing a component on the turning machine that is broken between the worm gear, nortonbox shaft, and tapered pin. Then, testing the workpiece according to operating procedures. The results obtained from testing the turning machine is cutting force 29,36 N, power of cut 8,8 Watt, and the effective turning time is 1,21minute.The tangential force smaller than the received force during operation, is still in safe condition. Keywords: optimization, tangential force, power of cut, cutting force Optimalisasi mesin bubut dilakukan untuk memaksimalkan setiap proses permesinan pada mesin bubut agar mesin dapat bekerja secara optimal. Proses optimalisasi mesin bubut meliputi beberapa tahapan, yaitu : pertama mengecek semua komponen dari mesin bubut apakah normal dan tidak ada kerusakan, kedua, proses penggantian komponen pada mesin bubut yang rusak di antaranya, roda gigi cacing. Kemudian dilakukan pengujian pada benda kerja sesuai prosedur pengoperasian. Hasil yang diperoleh dari pengujian mesin bubut yaitu gaya potong 29,36 N, daya pemotongan 8,8 Watt, serta waktu pembubutan efektif 1,21 menit. Dengan gaya tangensial lebih kecil saat beroperasi dibanding gaya yang mampu diterima. Kata kunci : optimalisasi, gaya tangensial, daya pemotongan, gaya poton


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    Salah satu cara untuk mengolah biji kopi hasil pertanian adalah dengan pengeringan. Dimasa ini bermuculan pengeringan dengan menggunakan alat mekanis/ pengeringan buatan untuk mengatasi kekurangan – kekurangan pengeringan dengan penjemuran dibawah terik sinar matahari. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengeringan biji kopi menggunakan alat pengering model oven, dengan memanfaatkan udara panas dari tungku pembakaran.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menyelidiki berapa jumlah holeter baik terhadap pengeringan biji kopi menggunakan udara panas. Variasi jumlah hole yang digunakan adalah 300, 350, 400 hole.Sebagai hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa waktu pengeringan selama 2 jam untuk pengeringan biji kopi menggunakan udara panas, kadar air biji kopi yang berkurangadalah37,67%, dariasumsikadar air awal± 60 % dengan efisiensi pengeringan36,68 %. Efisiensi variasi jumlah hole terbaik terjadi pada 400 hole. kadar air akhir biji kopi 38,59%

    SGLT2 Inhibitors Therapy in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

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    Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a chronic progressive disease characterized by chronic hyperglycemia and increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). It results from multiple defects that lead to defective regulation of the blood glucose and requires continuous medical care with multifactorial risk-reduction strategies beyond glycemic control. Multiple groups of drugs have been approved in the past decades that work through different mechanisms. Apart from their limited efficacy in reducing cardiovascular outcome, most of them are neutral, and some may even increase mortality from CVDs such as rosiglitazone. The kidney has an important role in glucose regulation that was only recently targeted for drug development. Sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors (SGLT2-I) are a new class of oral antihyperglycemic (OAH) agents that mainly act by preventing the reabsorption of filtered glucose by renal convoluted tubules. By their insulin-independent unique mechanism of action, SGLT2-I result in treating hyperglycemia while avoiding hypoglycemia, promote weight loss, reduce blood pressure, and, more importantly, decrease the risk of major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE). Therefore, SGLT2-I address fundamental aspects of the unmet needs of T2DM management that most of the other OAH failed to resolve. The main side effects of SGLT2-I are slight increase in the incidence of genital mycotic infections (GMI) and euglycemic ketoacidosis (EKA) along with increased risk of lower limb amputations, which has been reported with some but not all agents of this class


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    Menguji semua aktivitas proyek sambil berkonsentrasi pada aktivitas yang berada di jalur kritis dikenal sebagai "menabrak", dan merupakan prosedur yang bertujuan, metodis, dan analitis (Sebastian, 2015). Menerjang mempengaruhi setiap tugas di jalur kritis, dimulai dengan yang memiliki kemiringan biaya terendah. Estimasi waktu yang paling akurat untuk penyelesaian proyekakan diperoleh melalui tahap ini dengan biaya serendah mungkin. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghitung biaya akhir dan waktu setelah crash untuk mendapatkan harga yang lebih murah dan waktu yang lebih singkat jika proyek dipercepat dengan penambahan tenaga kerja. Lokasi Proyek: Kecamatan Medan Amplas, Kota, Jl. Garu II, Medan, Sumatera Utara. Waktu  pelaksanaan survey adalah 240 (dua ratus empatpuluh) harikalender. Pada penelitian ini termasuk dalam analisis data kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian pada proyek pembangunan “Tanggul Sungai Deli Sheet Pile Baja” ini berfokus kepada pekerjaan Pemancangan Sheet Pile Baja memakan biaya untuk Pekerja, Tukang, dan Mandoritu Rp. 2.482.000,00 dengan Analisa Kebutuhan Tenaga Kerja sebelum adanya penambahan tenaga kerja. Makadari itu, saya menganalisa biaya upah dan waktu dengan menggunakan Analisa Produktivitas Tenaga Kerja dan Penambahan Tenaga Kerja setelah dapat hasil tersebut. Saya menghitung Durasi Sesudah Tenaga Kerja Ditambahkan, maka dapatlah hasil upah biaya dan waktu durasi tersebut adalah Rp. 2.853.964,00 dengan memakan waktu durasi 40 hari.


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    The Schmidt hammer has been used worldwide as a rapid index test to determine rock strength and deformability characterization, this is because it is easy to use, low cost and can be performed in a short time and is non-destructive to samples. There are 6 sampling locations, where the first location was carried out on the outcrop of Jln. Kadrie Oening, the second location was carried out on the outcrop of Jln. Ringroad I, the third location is carried out on the outcrop of Jln. Ringroad II, the fourth location is done on the outcrop of Jln. Hj. Mastuang, the fifth location is done on the outcrop of Jln. Padat Karya, the sixth location is carried out on the outcrop of Jln. Mount Lingai City of Samarinda, East Kalimantan. Research uses quantitative methods, activity plans by making a framework or flowchart. There are many published papers that focus on getting a correlation between Schmidt hammer and unconfined compressive strength. The compressive strength value produced in the Pulaubalang Formation is greater than the compressive strength value in the Balikpapan Formation, where the compressive strength value in the Pulaubalang Formation is 1.187 MPa-1.445 MPa, while the compressive strength value in the Balikpapan Formation is 0.774 MPa-1.032 MPa. The reflected value in the Pulaubalang Formation is greater than the reflected value in the Balikpapan Formation, where the reflected value in the Pulaubalang Formation is 11.167-11.875, while the reflected value in the Balikpapan Formation is 10.417-10.708. There is a positive linear correlation between the compressive strength and the reflected value, where the higher the compressive strength, the higher the rebound value. Keywords: Compressive Strength Value, Rebound Numbe

    Effect of Current, Voltage, Temperature, and Time Variations on Thickness of Steel using Electroplating Process

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    The use of low carbon steel is categorized as one of the supporting materials in industrial and technological developments because it has high ductility and toughness. However, low carbon steel has limitations in terms of corrosion resistance. There are several ways to increase corrosion resistance in steel. One of them is by providing a layer of protection on the steel surface. The steel plating method used is the electrolysis method or electroplating method. This study aims to determine the influence of variations in current, voltage, temperature, and time on the thickness of the coating formed on steel. The steel plating process is carried out by electroplating process where the coating material or anode is Nickel (Ni) with dimensions (60 mm x 30 mm x 0,1 mm). In comparison, the coated object or cathode is SK5 steel with dimensions (50 mm x 20 mm x 0,3 mm). The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of Current, Voltage, Temperature, and Time Variations on the thickness of steel using electroplating processes. Moreover, all factors will be optimised to achieve the best thickness for steel. Consequently, the corrosion resistance of SK5 can be significantly improved by increasing its thickness. The current variations were used 1A, 2A, 3A, and 4A; voltage variations were used 3V, 6V, 9V, and 12V; temperature variations were used 30°C, 40°C, and 50°C; and times variations were used 0 m, 5 m, 10 m, and 20 m. Based on the results of research that has been carried out on all samples, it is concluded that current, voltage, temperature and time affect the thickness of the sample in the electroplating process. The current, voltage, temperature and time values are linearly related to the thickness resulting from the electroplating process


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    ABSTRACT This study discusses the corruption crimes committed by the defendant Ir. Udar Pristono, MT., As a civil servant with the position of Head of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency, as we already know, corruption is one of the crimes that has often occurred. Corruption is one of the high class crimes, because those involved in it are people who have power, educated people and people who are respected in society. The method used by the author in this research is a normative juridical approach, which is to collect data by tracing the library material. The solution to the main problem in this research is by using document studies and other theoretical sources. The author also examines by analyzing all those involved in corruption crimes must be held accountable for their actions and given punishment in accordance with Indonesian law and the results of the discussion in this study review and find out all sources of the elements of corruption and discuss the accountability of everyone involved in crime. corruption and government policies in eradicating corruption crimes in Indonesia. Kata Kunci : Corruption, Crime, Accountability. ABSTRAK Penelitian ini membahas tentang kejahatan tindak pidana korupsi yang dilakukan oleh kepala dinas perhubungan berdasar pada studi putusan nomor 655 K/ PID. SUS/ 2016, seperti yang sudah kita ketahui korupsi salah satu kejahatan yang telah sering terjadi. Korupsi juga salah satu kejahatan kelas tinggi, karena yang terlibat didalamnya merupakan orang-orang yang mempuyai kekuasaan, orang berpendidikan dan orang yang terpandang dimasyarakat. Metode yang digunakan penulis dalam penelitian adalah pendekatan yuridis normatif yaitu mengumpulkan data dengan cara penelusuran dari bahan pustaka. Penyelesaian pokok masalah dalam penelitian ini dengan cara mempergunakan studi dokumen serta sumber teoritis lainnya. Penulis juga mengkaji dengan menganalisis semua yang terlibat terhadap kejahatan korupsi harus mempertanggungjawabkan perbuatannya dan diberikan hukuman sesuai peraturan perundang-undangan di Indonesia dan hasil pembahasan dalam penelitian ini mengulas dan mencari tau segala sumber  unsur-unsur penyebab terjadinya korupsi serta membahas pertanggungjawaban para setiap pelaku yang telibat terhadap kejahatan korupsi dan kebijakan pemerintah dalam memberantas kejahatan korupsi di Indonesia. Kata Kunci: Korupsi, Tindak Pidana,  Pertanggungjawaban

    Comparative Analysis of Regression Models for Remote Sensing-based Water Quality Assessment

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    The 80-kilometer-long Vembanad Lake in Kerala, India, is a Ramsar site. Eutrophication is deteriorating its water quality and threatening its biodiversity. In this study, satellite imageries of Sentinel 2A and Landsat 8 OLI were utilized to determine its water quality. Various data sets of the water quality parameters viz. pH, Electrical conductivity, TSS, TDS, BOD, DO, chloride etc. are analyzed and interpreted. Regression models were developed on the parameters taken up for water quality analysis. The empirical R2 values of the developed models evidenced the accuracy of the developed mdoels. The findings show that remote sensing images are reliable for analyzing surface water quality characteristics. The comparative analysis of the model developed illustrated the effectiveness of using the imaging systems mentioned above for water quality index estimation through remote sensing

    Responsabilidad social empresarial y la participación del Contador Público Nacional

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    El objetivo de esta investigación es exponer aspectos conceptuales de responsabilidad social empresarial, legislación y normativa a nivel provincial y mundial, indicadores y herramientas para la aplicación de conductas socialmente responsables, casos reales de empresas que ejercen dichas conductas, ventajas de su aplicación, entrevistas con profesionales dedicados a la investigación y aplicación de estos temas; y poder brindarle así al contador público las herramientas necesarias para llevar a cabo esta nueva forma de gestionar organizaciones.Fil: Aznar, María Florencia. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas.Fil: Artuso Brema, Melisa Daniela. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas.Fil: Bauco, Florencia. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas.Fil: Delgado, María Rocío. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas.Fil: Puebla, Santiago Luis. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas