12,113 research outputs found

    On the number of metastable states in spin glasses

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    In this letter, we show that the formulae of Bray and Moore for the average logarithm of the number of metastable states in spin glasses can be obtained by calculating the partition function with mm coupled replicas with the symmetry among these explicitly broken according to a generalization of the `two-group' ansatz. This equivalence allows us to find solutions of the BM equations where the lower `band-edge' free energy equals the standard static free energy. We present these results for the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model, but we expect them to apply to all mean-field spin glasses.Comment: 6 pages, LaTeX, no figures. Postscript directly available http://chimera.roma1.infn.it/index_papers_complex.htm

    Phase Ordering Dynamics of the O(n) Model - Exact Predictions and Numerical Results

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    We consider the pair correlation functions of both the order parameter field and its square for phase ordering in the O(n)O(n) model with nonconserved order parameter, in spatial dimension 2d32\le d\le 3 and spin dimension 1nd1\le n\le d. We calculate, in the scaling limit, the exact short-distance singularities of these correlation functions and compare these predictions to numerical simulations. Our results suggest that the scaling hypothesis does not hold for the d=2d=2 O(2)O(2) model. Figures (23) are available on request - email [email protected]: 23 pages, Plain LaTeX, M/C.TH.93/2

    Calculation of the free-free transitions in the electron-hydrogen scattering S-wave model

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    The S-wave model of electron-hydrogen scattering is evaluated using the convergent close-coupling method with an emphasis on scattering from excited states including an initial state from the target continuum. Convergence is found for discrete excitations and the elastic free-free transition. The latter is particularly interesting given the corresponding potential matrix elements are divergent

    Corrections to Scaling in Phase-Ordering Kinetics

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    The leading correction to scaling associated with departures of the initial condition from the scaling morphology is determined for some soluble models of phase-ordering kinetics. The result for the pair correlation function has the form C(r,t) = f_0(r/L) + L^{-\omega} f_1(r/L) + ..., where L is a characteristic length scale extracted from the energy. The correction-to-scaling exponent \omega has the value \omega=4 for the d=1 Glauber model, the n-vector model with n=\infty, and the approximate theory of Ohta, Jasnow and Kawasaki. For the approximate Mazenko theory, however, \omega has a non-trivial value: omega = 3.8836... for d=2, and \omega = 3.9030... for d=3. The correction-to-scaling functions f_1(x) are also calculated.Comment: REVTEX, 7 pages, two figures, needs epsf.sty and multicol.st

    Nonequilibrium Stationary States and Phase Transitions in Directed Ising Models

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    We study the nonequilibrium properties of directed Ising models with non conserved dynamics, in which each spin is influenced by only a subset of its nearest neighbours. We treat the following models: (i) the one-dimensional chain; (ii) the two-dimensional square lattice; (iii) the two-dimensional triangular lattice; (iv) the three-dimensional cubic lattice. We raise and answer the question: (a) Under what conditions is the stationary state described by the equilibrium Boltzmann-Gibbs distribution? We show that for models (i), (ii), and (iii), in which each spin "sees" only half of its neighbours, there is a unique set of transition rates, namely with exponential dependence in the local field, for which this is the case. For model (iv), we find that any rates satisfying the constraints required for the stationary measure to be Gibbsian should satisfy detailed balance, ruling out the possibility of directed dynamics. We finally show that directed models on lattices of coordination number z8z\ge8 with exponential rates cannot accommodate a Gibbsian stationary state. We conjecture that this property extends to any form of the rates. We are thus led to the conclusion that directed models with Gibbsian stationary states only exist in dimension one and two. We then raise the question: (b) Do directed Ising models, augmented by Glauber dynamics, exhibit a phase transition to a ferromagnetic state? For the models considered above, the answers are open problems, to the exception of the simple cases (i) and (ii). For Cayley trees, where each spin sees only the spins further from the root, we show that there is a phase transition provided the branching ratio, qq, satisfies q3q \ge 3

    Phase Ordering Kinetics with External Fields and Biased Initial Conditions

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    The late-time phase-ordering kinetics of the O(n) model for a non-conserved order parameter are considered for the case where the O(n) symmetry is broken by the initial conditions or by an external field. An approximate theoretical approach, based on a `gaussian closure' scheme, is developed, and results are obtained for the time-dependence of the mean order parameter, the pair correlation function, the autocorrelation function, and the density of topological defects [e.g. domain walls (n=1n=1), or vortices (n=2n=2)]. The results are in qualitative agreement with experiments on nematic films and related numerical simulations on the two-dimensional XY model with biased initial conditions.Comment: 35 pages, latex, no figure

    Persistence in a Random Bond Ising Model of Socio-Econo Dynamics

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    We study the persistence phenomenon in a socio-econo dynamics model using computer simulations at a finite temperature on hypercubic lattices in dimensions up to 5. The model includes a ` social\rq local field which contains the magnetization at time tt. The nearest neighbour quenched interactions are drawn from a binary distribution which is a function of the bond concentration, pp. The decay of the persistence probability in the model depends on both the spatial dimension and pp. We find no evidence of ` blocking\rq in this model. We also discuss the implications of our results for possible applications in the social and economic fields. It is suggested that the absence, or otherwise, of blocking could be used as a criterion to decide on the validity of a given model in different scenarios.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Phase Ordering of 2D XY Systems Below T_{KT}

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    We consider quenches in non-conserved two-dimensional XY systems between any two temperatures below the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition. The evolving systems are defect free at coarse-grained scales, and can be exactly treated. Correlations scale with a characteristic length L(t)t1/2L(t) \propto t^{1/2} at late times. The autocorrelation decay exponent, λˉ=(ηi+ηf)/2\bar{\lambda} = (\eta_i+\eta_f)/2, depends on both the initial and the final state of the quench through the respective decay exponents of equilibrium correlations, CEQ(r)rηC_{EQ}(r) \sim r^{-\eta}. We also discuss time-dependent quenches.Comment: LATeX 11 pages (REVTeX macros), no figure

    An evaluation of head-up displays in civil transport operations

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    To determine the advantages and disadvantages of head-up displays (HUD) in civil transport approach and landing operations, an operational evaluation was conducted on the flight simulator for advanced aircraft at Ames. A non-conformal HUD concept which contained raw data and Flight Director command information, and a conformal, flight path HUD concept was designed to permit terminal area maneuvering, intercept, final approach, flare, and landing operations. Twelve B-727 line pilots (Captains) flew a series of precision and non-precision approaches under a variety of environmental and operational conditions, including wind shear, turbulence and low ceilings and visibilities. A preliminary comparison of various system and pilot performance measures as a function of display type (Flight Director HUD, Flight Path HUD, or No HUD) indicates improvements in precision and accuracy of aircraft flight path control when using the HUDs. The results also demonstrated some potentially unique advantages of a flight path HUD during non-precision approaches

    Self Consistent Screening Approximation For Critical Dynamics

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    We generalise Bray's self-consistent screening approximation to describe the critical dynamics of the ϕ4\phi^4 theory. In order to obtain the dynamical exponent zz, we have to make an ansatz for the form of the scaling functions, which fortunately can be much constrained by general arguments. Numerical values of zz for d=3d=3, and n=1,...,10n=1,...,10 are obtained using two different ans\"atze, and differ by a very small amount. In particular, the value of z2.115z \simeq 2.115 obtained for the 3-d Ising model agrees well with recent Monte-Carlo simulations.Comment: 21 pages, LaTeX file + 4 (EPS) figure