20,178 research outputs found

    The structure of the graviton self-energy at finite temperature

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    We study the graviton self-energy function in a general gauge, using a hard thermal loop expansion which includes terms proportional to T^4, T^2 and log(T). We verify explicitly the gauge independence of the leading T^4 term and obtain a compact expression for the sub-leading T^2 contribution. It is shown that the logarithmic term has the same structure as the ultraviolet pole part of the T=0 self-energy function. We argue that the gauge-dependent part of the T^2 contribution is effectively canceled in the dispersion relations of the graviton plasma, and present the solutions of these equations.Comment: 27 pages, 6 figure

    Influence of Hybridization on the Properties of the Spinless Falicov-Kimball Model

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    Without a hybridization between the localized f- and the conduction (c-) electron states the spinless Falicov-Kimball model (FKM) is exactly solvable in the limit of high spatial dimension, as first shown by Brandt and Mielsch. Here I show that at least for sufficiently small c-f-interaction this exact inhomogeneous ground state is also obtained in Hartree-Fock approximation. With hybridization the model is no longer exactly solvable, but the approximation yields that the inhomogeneous charge-density wave (CDW) ground state remains stable also for finite hybridization V smaller than a critical hybridization V_c, above which no inhomogeneous CDW solution but only a homogeneous solution is obtained. The spinless FKM does not allow for a ''ferroelectric'' ground state with a spontaneous polarization, i.e. there is no nonvanishing -expectation value in the limit of vanishing hybridization.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Theory of Type-II Superconductors with Finite London Penetration Depth

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    Previous continuum theory of type-II superconductors of various shapes with and without vortex pinning in an applied magnetic field and with transport current, is generalized to account for a finite London penetration depth lambda. This extension is particularly important at low inductions B, where the transition to the Meissner state is now described correctly, and for films with thickness comparable to or smaller than lambda. The finite width of the surface layer with screening currents and the correct dc and ac responses in various geometries follow naturally from an equation of motion for the current density in which the integral kernel now accounts for finite lambda. New geometries considered here are thick and thin strips with applied current, and `washers', i.e. thin film squares with a slot and central hole as used for SQUIDs.Comment: 14 pages, including 15 high-resolution figure

    Non-linear electromagnetic interactions in thermal QED

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    We examine the behavior of the non-linear interactions between electromagnetic fields at high temperature. It is shown that, in general, the log(T) dependence on the temperature of the Green functions is simply related to their UV behavior at zero-temperature. We argue that the effective action describing the nonlinear thermal electromagnetic interactions has a finite limit as T tends to infinity. This thermal action approaches, in the long wavelength limit, the negative of the corresponding zero-temperature action.Comment: 7 pages, IFUSP/P-111

    Critical State in Thin Anisotropic Superconductors of Arbitrary Shape

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    A thin flat superconductor of arbitrary shape and with arbitrary in-plane and out-of-plane anisotropy of flux-line pinning is considered, in an external magnetic field normal to its plane. It is shown that the general three-dimensional critical state problem for this superconductor reduces to the two-dimensional problem of an infinitely thin sample of the same shape but with a modified induction dependence of the critical sheet current. The methods of solving the latter problem are well known. This finding thus enables one to study the critical states in realistic samples of high-Tc superconductors with various types of anisotropic flux-line pinning. As examples, we investigate the critical states of long strips and rectangular platelets of high-Tc superconductors with pinning either by the ab-planes or by extended defects aligned with the c-axis.Comment: 13 pages including 13 figure files in the tex

    Motion of Vacancies in a Pinned Vortex Lattice: Origin of the Hall Anomaly

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    Physical arguments are presented to show that the Hall anomaly is an effect of the vortex many-body correlation rather than that of an individual vortex. Quantitatively, the characteristic energy scale in the problem, the vortex vacancy formation energy, is obtained for thin films. At low temperatures a scaling relation between the Hall and longitudinal resistivities is found, with the power depending on sample details. Near the superconducting transition temperature and for small magnetic fields the Hall conductivity is found to be proportional to the inverse of the magnetic field and to the quadratic of the difference between the measured and the transition temperatures.Comment: minor change

    Analytic Solution for the Critical State in Superconducting Elliptic Films

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    A thin superconductor platelet with elliptic shape in a perpendicular magnetic field is considered. Using a method originally applied to circular disks, we obtain an approximate analytic solution for the two-dimensional critical state of this ellipse. In the limits of the circular disk and the long strip this solution is exact, i.e. the current density is constant in the region penetrated by flux. For ellipses with arbitrary axis ratio the obtained current density is constant to typically 0.001, and the magnetic moment deviates by less than 0.001 from the exact value. This analytic solution is thus very accurate. In increasing applied magnetic field, the penetrating flux fronts are approximately concentric ellipses whose axis ratio b/a < 1 decreases and shrinks to zero when the flux front reaches the center, the long axis staying finite in the fully penetrated state. Analytic expressions for these axes, the sheet current, the magnetic moment, and the perpendicular magnetic field are presented and discussed. This solution applies also to superconductors with anisotropic critical current if the anisotropy has a particular, rather realistic form.Comment: Revtex file and 13 postscript figures, gives 10 pages of text with figures built i

    Thermal matter and radiation in a gravitational field

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    We study the one-loop contributions of matter and radiation to the gravitational polarization tensor at finite temperatures. Using the analytically continued imaginary-time formalism, the contribution of matter is explicitly given to next-to-leading (T2T^2) order. We obtain an exact form for the contribution of radiation fields, expressed in terms of generalized Riemann zeta functions. A general expression is derived for the physical polarization tensor, which is independent of the parametrization of graviton fields. We investigate the effective thermal masses associated with the normal modes of the corresponding graviton self-energy.Comment: 32 pages, IFUSP/P-107

    Behavior of logarithmic branch cuts in the self-energy of gluons at finite temperature

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    We give a simple argument for the cancellation of the log(-k^2) terms (k is the gluon momentum) between the zero-temperature and the temperature-dependent parts of the thermal self-energy.Comment: 4 page