575 research outputs found

    Induced pluripotent stem cells, a giant leap for mankind therapeutic applications

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    Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) technology has propelled the field of stem cells biology, providing new cells to explore the molecular mechanisms of pluripotency, cancer biology and aging. A major advantage of human iPSC, compared to the pluripotent embryonic stem cells, is that they can be generated from virtually any embryonic or adult somatic cell type without destruction of human blastocysts. In addition, iPSC can be generated from somatic cells harvested from normal individuals or patients, and used as a cellular tool to unravel mechanisms of human development and to model diseases in a manner not possible before. Besides these fundamental aspects of human biology and physiology that are revealed using iPSC or iPSC-derived cells, these cells hold an immense potential for cell-based therapies, and for the discovery of new or personalized pharmacological treatments for many disorders. Here, we review some of the current challenges and concerns about iPSC technology. We introduce the potential held by iPSC for research and development of novel health-related applications. We briefly present the efforts made by the scientific and clinical communities to create the necessary guidelines and regulations to achieve the highest quality standards in the procedures for iPSC generation, characterization and long-term preservation. Finally, we present some of the audacious and pioneer clinical trials in progress with iPSC-derived cells.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Comparative analysis of sustainable development environmental indicators between worldwide, Portugal and Brasil and between two universities within these countries

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    Measuring the environmental performances by indicators is considered as a crucial step to keep track of progress towards sustainability. This study compares trends in environmental sustainability indicators worldwide, Portugal, Brazil and two universities in these countries. The data collection is done based on findings from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) between 2007 and 2017, and reports from both universities between 2010 and 2018. As a result, it can be seen that global Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions decreased (10.6 to 9 ton/capita). Portugal also reduced its CO2 till 2014 (5.2 to 4.6 ton/capita) but experienced a raise in its rates in the following years. Brazil experienced a growth in its CO2 (1.7 to 2 ton/capita), as did the Portuguese university (0.85 to 0.87ton/alumnus). World municipal waste decreased (541.8 to 524.4 kg/capita), as well as in Portugal until 2013 (513.7 to 436.7 kg/capita), but in the following years increased. Similarly, Brazil reduced the indexes until 2011 (271.9 to 266.8 kg/capita) and increased in 2012. In the Portuguese university, the rates increased until 2014 (4.02 to 9.02 kg/student) and reduced in 2015, as in the Brazilian university that increased until 2018 (19.53 to 25.08kg/student). Portugal, Brazil, and the two universities pointed out a trend of increasing emissions and waste while the world data a reduction. The Brazilian university had higher municipal waste rates than Portugal. The consumption of water and energy in the Portuguese university decreased while it increased the Brazilian university. Actions have already been undertaken at universities to lower the environmental burden by improving the energy efficiency of buildings through the use of cleaner energy, setting up mobility studies, and campaigns to reduce consumption and cut down waste generation.The authors acknowledge the CAPES (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior) for its financial support for this study

    Análise de custo-benefício da implementação de materiais de mudança de fase no Norte de Portugal

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    O sector dos edifícios contribui para 30% das emissões anuais de Gases de Efeito Estufa e consume cerca de 40% da energia. Contudo, o consumo de energia nos edifícios pode ser reduzido entre 30% a 80% através de tecnologias comercialmente disponíveis. A aplicação de tecnologias de armazenamento de energia térmica na envolvente dos edifícios tem sido indicada como um método benéfico para a melhoria da eficiência energética dos edifícios. Diversos estudos têm sido realizados, evidenciando as vantagens da implementação de materiais de mudança de fase na envolvente de edifícios. Este método permite reduzir o consumo energético no inteiror dos edifícios e consequentemente os impactos ambientais deste setor. Neste trabalho apresenta-se um estudo focado na análise da implementação de materiais de mudança de fase na envolvente de um edifício residencial unifamiliar, localizado em Vila Real. Esta análise, efetuada através de simulação dinâmica, teve como objetivo estudar os benefícios deste tipo de sistemas no que respeita ao consumo energético e ao conforto térmico no interior do edifício. Adicionalmente apresenta-se também uma análise da viabilidade económica desta solução. O estudo permitiu concluir que a adoção desta tecnologia permite reduzir as necessidades energéticas de edifícios. Verificou-se ainda que a adoção de materiais de mudança de fase permitiu melhorar o conforto térmico do edifício analisado, estando esta melhoria sobretudo relacionada com a estação de arrefecimento. Por fim, a análise de viabilidade económica demonstrou que estes materiais possuem ainda um investimento inicial bastante elevado o que pode condicionar a sua ampla aplicabilidade.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    New Records, Including a New Species, of Scuttle Flies (Diptera: Phoridae) Associated with Leaf Cutter Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Brazil

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    Among scuttle flies caught at colonies of leaf cutter ants were Apterophora bragancai Disney new species, and new host records for other species

    Evaluation of design recommendations for the development of wheelchair rugby sports-wear

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    Currently, wheelchair rugby athletes face the challenges of playing the sport without specifically designed sports-wear kit. A few designs and recommendations have already been proposed by researchers but none have made it to market yet. The purpose of this study was to evaluate a set of design recommendations for the development of wheelchair rugby sports-wear. This was done so that the products to be created are developed in collaboration with their potential users, responding to their particular needs and requirements. The evaluation was done through an online survey, where the athletes were presented with a visual representation of the design recommendations. The results indicate that the people questioned agree with the majority of the proposed designs and would be happy to have these improvements made to their current sports-wear. The most criticised recommendations were for the gloves, as they are the most important part of the kit, so it is important that they are adequate and allow for a good performance

    Bioclimatic buildings strategies for the climate of Araras city, São Paulo - Brazil

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    The concept of bioclimatic architecture or passive solar architecture can be defined as an architecture that includes the climate as an important variable in the design process. Through the use of bioclimatic strategies the environment comfort can be obtained naturally for users of buildings, which depending on the climate, the construction techniques and the type of use. Considering these aspects, the main objective of this work is to identify bioclimatic strategies for buildings for the climate of Araras city, countryside of São Paulo State - Brazil, based on climatic characterization of the city and in the study of design guidelines indicated by the Brazilian Code NBR 15220-3, the Brazilian Bioclimatic Zoning. According to the code, the climate of Araras is inserted in Bioclimatic Zone 4. For this climate the main indicated strategies for winter are the use of solar passive heating and massive internal walls in buildings. For summer, the use of evaporative cooling and ventilation are indicated. Based on this information were established initial guidelines for thermal comfort and energy efficiency for projects of buildings in the climate of Araras-SP

    Atrasos Pubertários. Considerações a Propósito da Casuística de uma Consulta de Endocrinologia Pediátrica

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    Os autores fizeram a revisão retrospectiva de 65 processos de jovens enviados à Consulta de Endocrinologia Pediátrica por atraso pubertário durante um período de 10 anos. O diagnóstico foi confirmado em 27 jovens e em 38 a observação e a evolução permitiram demonstrar que aquele não existia. Nos doentes com atraso pubertário, a idade média de referência à consulta foi 14,6 ± 3,3 anos (média ± DP) e o tempo médio de seguimento foi 3,2 ± 3,0 anos. Os doentes com atraso pubertário comprovado dividiram-se por 3 grupos etiológicos: hipogonadismo temporário incluindo o atraso constitucional de maturação e anemias crónicas; situações hipergonadotróficas e hipogonadotróficas permanentes. Analisaram-se as características de cada grupo etiológico. Em 5 casos de hipogonadismo temporário e em 7 de condições permanentes foi feito tratamento; a idade cronológica e a idade óssea médias no início da terapêutica eram 17,4 ± 2,5 anos e 12,9 ± 1,3 anos respectivamente. Os autores concluem, de acordo com literatura recente, pela necessidade de referência e tratamento mais precoce destes doentes