28 research outputs found

    TCMS inhibits ATP synthesis in mitochondria: a systematic analysis of the inhibitory mechanism

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    The interactions of the antifouling compound TCMS (2,3,5,6-tetrachloro-4-methylsulphonyl pyridine) with rat liver mitochondria have been investigated. The results indicate that the compound inhibits ATP synthesis. Further investigations regarding the ATP syn- thesis mechanism suggest that TCMS inhibits succinic dehydrogenase of the mitochondrial respiratory chain. As the respiratory chain is similar in all living organisms, it can be concluded that the toxic effect of TCMS most likely depend on the different bioavailability of the compound and on the different importance of mitochondria in the ATP production in the animal species

    A comparison between the responses of neutral red and acridine orange: Acridine Orange should be preferential and alternative to neutral red as a dye for the monitoring of contaminants by means of biological sensors

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    The acridine orange (AO) and neutral red (NR) dyes, commonly used as probes to measure the internal pH in acidic vesicles, are compared in this article. The comparison between the two dyes (arising from calculations taking into account their analytical constants) illustrated that the use of AO is preferential to that of NR because the AO response is sensitive over the whole pH range between 4.0 and 7.4, whereas the NR response is effective only between pHs 4.0 and 6.0. In addition, it became evident from the mitochondrial respiration response that NR, unlike AO, is a protonophore. When taken into consideration, these two properties suggest that AO is more suitable than NR as an indicator of toxicity measurements in water samples because the environmental toxic compounds induce pH changes in the acidic vesicles of biological structures that are used as environmental biosensors

    Beef heart mitochondria for the Rotenone monitoring.

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    A new procedure for the selective monitoring of the Rotenone is proposed. Since the Rotenone inhibits the first site of the mitochondrial respiratory chain in all living organisms, the proposed method is based on measurements of inhibition of the respiratory rate of beef heart mitochondria

    Further characterization of agmatine binding to mitochondrial membranes: involvement of imidazoline I2 receptor.

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    Agmatine, a divalent diamine with two positive charges at physiological pH, is transported into the matrix of liver mitochondria by an energy-dependent mechanism, the driving force of which is the electrical membrane potential. Its binding to mitochondrial membranes is studied by applying a thermodynamic treatment of ligand-receptor interactions on the analyses of Scatchard and Hill. The presence of two mono-coordinated binding sites S(1) and S(2), with a negative influence of S(2) on S(1), has been demonstrated. The calculated binding energy is characteristic for weak interactions. S(1) exhibits a lower binding capacity and higher binding affinity both of about two orders of magnitude than S(2). Experiments with idazoxan, a ligand of the mitochondrial imidazoline receptor I(2), demonstrate that S(1) site is localized on this receptor while S(2) is localized on the transport system. S(1) would act as a sensor of exogenous agmatine concentration, thus modulating the transport of the amine by its binding to S(2)

    The interactions of Cobalt(II) with mitochondria from rat liver

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    The interactions of Co2+ with mitochondria have been investigated. The results indicate that Co2+ inhibits ATP synthesis. Further investigations into ATP synthesis mechanisms indicated that inhibition is due to the opening of a transmembrane pore. The opening of this pore causes the collapse of the high-energy intermediate where, under a pH and a potential gradient, the energy is stored and subsequently utilized to form ATP from ADP

    Bidirectional fluxes of spermine across the mitochondrial membrane.

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    The polyamine spermine is transported into the mitochondrial matrix by an electrophoretic mechanism having as driving force the negative electrical membrane potential (DW). The presence of phosphate increases spermine uptake by reducingDpH and enhancingDW. The transport system is a specific uniporter constituted by a protein channel exhibiting two asymmetric energy barriers with the spermine binding site located in the energy well between the two barriers. Although spermine transport is electrophoretic in origin, its accumulation does not follow the Nernst equation for the presence of an efflux pathway. Spermine efflux may be induced by different agents, such as FCCP, antimycin A and mersalyl, able to completely or partially reduce theDWvalue and, consequently, suppress or weaken the force necessary to maintain spermine in the matrix. However this efflux may also take place in normal conditions when the electrophoretic accumulation of the polycationic polyamine induces a sufficient drop inDWable to trigger the efflux pathway. The release of the polyamine is most probably electroneutral in origin and can take place in exchange with protons or in symport with phosphate anion. The activity of both the uptake and efflux pathways induces a continuous cycling of spermine across the mitochondrial membrane, the rate of which may be prominent in imposing the concentrations of spermine in the inner and outer compartment. Thus, this event has a significant role on mitochondrial permeability transition modulation and consequently on the triggering of intrinsic apoptosis

    Misure elettrochimiche di ammoniacati liquidi

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