4,115 research outputs found

    Pacto federativo e gestão de águas

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    Resultant from a constitutional provision, the National Water Resources Management System (Singreh), regulated by Law n.9.433 of 1997, considers the federative nature of Brazil. Besides that, the legislation brings new decentralization paradigms and use of economic tools for public management and participation in the decision-making process. The present essay, besides approaching issues of availability and demand of water resources in all 12 hydrographic regions of the country and the institutional design and functioning of Singreh in terms of legal and institutional arrangements, outlines the challenges of the water management in each hydrographic basin in the context of the federation. It also deals with the implementation process of technical and institutional tools of water resources in Paraíba do Sul River Basin - the first basin to implement water charges and operate a Water Agency in Brazil.Resultado de um dispositivo constitucional, o Sistema Nacional de Gerenciamento de Recursos Hídricos (Singreh), regulamentado pela Lei n.9.433 de 1997, considera a natureza federativa do país. Além disso, a legislação traz novos paradigmas de descentralização, utilização de instrumentos econômicos para a gestão e participação pública no processo de tomada de decisão. O presente artigo, portanto, além de tratar das disponibilidades e demandas de recursos hídricos nas 12 regiões hidrográficas e abordar o desenho institucional e o funcionamento do Singreh em termos dos arranjos legais e institucionais, apresenta, em linhas gerais, os desafios da gestão das águas por bacia hidrográfica no contexto federativo, e trata do processo de implementação dos instrumentos técnicos e institucionais de recursos hídricos na Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Paraíba do Sul, primeira bacia brasileira a implantar a cobrança pelo uso da água e a operacionalizar uma Agência de Água

    Transcribing and annotating speech corpora for speech recognition: A three-step crowdsourcing approach with quality control

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    Large speech corpora with word-level transcriptions annotated for noises and disfluent speech are necessary for training automatic speech recognisers. Crowdsourcing is a lower-cost, faster-turnaround, highly scalable alternative for expert transcription and annotation. In this paper, we showcase our three-step crowdsourcing approach motivated by the importance of accurate transcriptions and annotations.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Discovery of optical pulsations in V2116 Ophiuchi/GX 1+4

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    We report the detection of pulsations with 124\sim 124 s period in V2116 Oph, the optical counterpart of the low-mass X-ray binary GX 1+4. The pulsations are sinusoidal with modulation amplitude of up to 4% in blue light and were observed in ten different observing sessions during 1996 April-August using a CCD photometer at the 1.6-m and 0.6-m telescopes of Laborat\'orio Nacional de Astrof\'{\i}sica, in Brazil. The pulsations were also observed with the UBVRIUBVRI fast photometer. With only one exception the observed optical periods are consistent with those observed by the BATSE instrument on board the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory at the same epoch. There is a definite correlation between the observability of pulsations and the optical brightness of the system: V2116~Oph had RR magnitude in the range 15.315.515.3-15.5 when the pulsed signal was detected, and R=16.017.7R = 16.0-17.7 when no pulsations were present. The discovery makes GX 1+4 only the third of 35\sim 35 accretion-powered X-ray pulsars to be firmly detected as a pulsating source in the optical. The presence of flickering and pulsations in V2116 Oph adds strong evidence for an accretion disk scenario in this system. The absolute magnitude of the pulsed component on 1996 May 27 is estimated to be MV1.5M_V \sim -1.5. The implied dimensions for the emitting region are 1.1 R_{\sun}, 3.2 R_{\sun}, and 7.0 R_{\sun}, for black-body spectral distributions with T=105T = 10^5 K, 2×1042 \times 10^4 K, and 1×1041 \times 10^4 K, respectively.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures in PostScript, latex, accepted for publication on the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Effects of drying kinetics on essential oil yield from Piper aduncum L. leaves.

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    Piper aduncum L., better known as "pimenta-de-macaco", is one of the most important natural resources of dillapiole, a chemical compound with great potential to be used in the insecticide industry. The yield of the essential oil of this plant, however, is directly affected by the conditions applied before extraction. This work intends to evaluate the effects of natural air-drying on the yield of essential oil of leaves from P. aduncum L. To perform the tests, plants of this species were collected and cleaned at Embrapa Amazônia Ocidental in December, 2014

    Monitoring the thermal efficiency of fouled heat exchangers: A simplified method

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    Fouling is a problem whether we are aware of it or not. In an industrial plant, it is important not only to be able to measure the buildup of unwanted deposits, but also to do it in the simplest and most economically possible way. This paper addresses the question of monitoring fouling in an oil refinery plant, where the high number of heat exchanger units and the variability of the feedstock charge pose additional problems in terms of the practicability of following the energetic performance of such equipment. In this case, the flow rates and quality of the fluids flowing through the heat exchangers do not usually correspond to the design conditions, because they change with time. Therefore, to assess the fouling level of the exchangers, the day-to-day measured thermal efficiency should not be compared with the efficiency predicted in the design calculations. The latter should be recalculated by introducing whenever necessary new values of flow rates, physical properties, and so forth, and by evaluating new heat transfer coefficients. However, the procedures are too time consuming to be applied frequently. The present work describes a simplified method for following heat exchanger performances, based on the assessment of the number of transfer units and thermal efficiencies, where the effects of changing the feedstock charge, particularly the flow rates of the fluids, are taken into account. The only data that need to be collected are the four inlet/outlet temperatures of the heat exchanger unit and one of the flow rates. Several heat exchanger units in an oil refinery were successfully monitored by means of this method, and it was found that the variations in the physical properties did not significantly affect the results obtained for the particular plant under study

    Geometrical Aspects Of BRST Cohomology In Augmented Superfield Formalism

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    In the framework of augmented superfield approach, we provide the geometrical origin and interpretation for the nilpotent (anti-)BRST charges, (anti-)co-BRST charges and a non-nilpotent bosonic charge. Together, these local and conserved charges turn out to be responsible for a clear and cogent definition of the Hodge decomposition theorem in the quantum Hilbert space of states. The above charges owe their origin to the de Rham cohomological operators of differential geometry which are found to be at the heart of some of the key concepts associated with the interacting gauge theories. For our present review, we choose the two (1+1)(1 + 1)-dimensional (2D) quantum electrodynamics (QED) as a prototype field theoretical model to derive all the nilpotent symmetries for all the fields present in this interacting gauge theory in the framework of augmented superfield formulation and show that this theory is a {\it unique} example of an interacting gauge theory which provides a tractable field theoretical model for the Hodge theory.Comment: LaTeX file, 25 pages, Ref. [49] updated, correct page numbers of the Journal are give

    Avaliação da fertilidade do solo e do estado nutricional da cultura do caju em assentamentos do município de Caraúbas-RN

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    O município de Caraúbas-RN, apesar de estar situado numa área considerada de baixa aptidão para a cultura do caju, chega a produzir mais de 100.000 kg de castanhas/ano, sendo esta atividade de grande importância social e econômica, pois está diretamente relacionada com a sobrevivência de 114 famílias instaladas em assentamentos e comunidades rurais do município. O levantamento da fertilidade do solo e dos teores foliares de nutrientes tem a finalidade de identificar a existência de deficiências ou excessos destes para direcionar as pesquisas regionais de adubação a serem programadas. Diante do exposto, o principal objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a fertilidade dos solos cultivados com caju e o estado nutricional da cultura em três assentamentos do município de Caraúbas, Estado do Rio Grande do Norte. Os dados foram coletados em áreas dos Assentamentos Morada Nova, Petrolina e Santa Agostinha localizados no município de Caraúbas, região Oeste do Estado do RN. Realizou-se a amostragem de solo em cada área, retirando-se 20 amostras simples por lote, nas profundidades de 0-20 e 20-40 cm, onde se determinou: teores de carbono (C), potássio (K), sódio (Na), cálcio (Ca), magnésio (Mg) e alumínio (Al) trocáveis, fósforo (P) disponível; acidez potencial (Al + H) e pH em água. A partir dessas análises calcularamse a CTC total (T) e efetiva (t), soma de bases (SB), saturação por bases (V) e por alumínio (m) e porcentagem de sódio trocável (PST). Para avaliação do estado nutricional da cultura, foram escolhidas, aleatoriamente, 10 plantas por área homogênea (lote). Foram determinados os teores de P, Ca, Mg, K e Na. Calcularam-se os seguintes parâmetros estatísticos: média, valores mínimos e máximos, e coeficiente de variação. Todas as plantas apresentaram teores de P e K muito abaixo dos considerados adequados para a cultura do caju; os teores foliares de Ca e Mg, em média, foram considerados adequados para a cultura; existe a necessidade do desenvolvimento de pesquisas na área dos assentamentos com a finalidade de desenvolver ou adaptar técnicas de manejo para a cultura, para melhorar o estado nutricional das plantas e, conseqüentemente, a produção e qualidade dos frutos produzidos nesses assentamentos