4,485 research outputs found

    Examining Social, Cognitive and Teaching Presences in an Online Teacher Development Course Using WhatsApp and Community of Inquiry

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    Over the last decade, advancements in digital technologies have raised the interest of educators in all areas. Mobile learning, specifically, has drawn great attention for its potential to promote opportunities for mediating peer interactions. Drawing on the Community of Inquiry framework Garrison, Anderson and Archer’s (2000), this paper reports a quantitative analysis of the 1,670 interactions among 38 [elementary/high school teachers of Portuguese from around Brazil who participated in a 7-week continuing education course via WhatsApp. The findings show a high level of social presence at moments that the construction of collective knowledge takes place during the course

    Levantamento e importância de inimigos naturais da broca-das-pontas e da traça-da-castanha do cajueiro.

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    Levantamento e identificação de espécies de moscas-das-frutas no Estado do Ceará.

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    As mosacas brancas das frutas pertencentes a especie Ceratitis capitata e ao genero Anastrepha sao reconhecidas como as pragas mais devastadoras da fruticultura em todo o mundo ...bitstream/CNPAT-2010/5391/1/Pa-062.pd

    Manejo integrado de pragas na cultura da ata.

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    Triplectic Quantization of W2 gravity

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    The role of one loop order corrections in the triplectic quantization is discussed in the case of W2 theory. This model illustrates the presence of anomalies and Wess Zumino terms in this quantization scheme where extended BRST invariance is represented in a completely anticanonical form.Comment: 10 pages, no figure

    Whey protein supplement adulteration with rice flour quantification: A simple method using ATR-FT-MIR and iPLS

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    In this work, a method using ATR-FT-MIR and iPLS was developed to quantify whey protein supplement adulteration with rice flour. The original vanilla flavor commercial whey protein samples were adulterated with commercial rice flour with concentrations between 11.49% to 29.14% (w/w). After the adulteration, the ATR-FT-MIR spectra were obtained with no additional preparation procedure. The iPLS model analysis was performed using RStudio software with the mdatools package. The RMSEC was 1.26, the R2= 0.954 and the cross-validation error (RMSECV) was 3.31. The prediction error (RMSEP) for the validation set was equal 3.48 and the validation R2 was 0.610. These parameters, associated with the fact that the method does not require sample preparation, demonstrate the procedure viability as a tool to quantify adulterations of whey protein with rice flour

    Recomendações técnicas para o manejo da mosca-minadora no meloeiro.

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    Descrição e ciclo biológico; Danos econòmicos a cultura; Medidas de controle; Controle preventivo; Controle cultural; Controle com barreiras físicas; Uso de armadilhas adesivas de cor amarela; Controle biológico natural; Controle quimico; Controle alternativo; Considerações finais.bitstream/CNPAT-2010/9612/1/Ct-107.pd

    Recomendações para o manejo das principais pragas do meloeiro na Região do Semi-Árido nordestino.

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    Auxiliar os produtores da Região Nordeste no manejo adequado das principais pragas que atacam o meloeiro, por meio da disponibilização de informações a respeito da correta identificação das pragas, sintomas de danos, táticas de controle e inimigos naturais associadosbitstream/CNPAT-2010/9620/1/Ci-024.pd