30 research outputs found

    Site-fidelity and movement patterns of bottlenose dolphins (<i>Tursiops truncatus</i>) in central Argentina: essential information for effective conservation

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    The effectiveness of conservation measures such as marine protected areas (MPAs) for the conservation of cetaceans is determined by how well their home range or critical habitat is covered. The present study seeks to provide information on the site-fidelity and movement patterns of individual bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in central Argentina. Between 2007 and 2013, photo-identification data of bottlenose dolphins were collected in four study sites some 90-200km apart from each other along the central Argentinean coast. Results show long-term site-fidelity (over 5years) in one of the study areas. Re-sighting rates further suggest the existence of different sub-populations of bottlenose dolphins, but also confirm some connectivity (with movements over 200-290km) and thus potential for gene flow within the region. Considering the population declines of bottlenose dolphins in Argentina, information on site-fidelity and movement patterns will be of value to improve the effectiveness of existing MPAs for the conservation of the species as well as prioritizing areas for increased research

    Don’t forget the porpoise: acoustic monitoring reveals fine scale temporal variation between bottlenose dolphin and harbour porpoise in Cardigan Bay SAC

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    Populations of bottlenose dolphin and harbour porpoise inhabit Cardigan Bay, which was designated a Special Area of Conservation (SAC), with bottlenose dolphin listed as a primary feature for its conservation status. Understanding the abundance, distribution and habitat use of species is fundamental for conservation and the implementation of management. Bottlenose dolphin and harbour porpoise usage of feeding sites within Cardigan Bay SAC was examined using passive acoustic monitoring. Acoustic detections recorded with calibrated T-PODs (acoustic data loggers) indicated harbour porpoise to be present year round and in greater relative abundance than bottlenose dolphin. Fine-scale temporal partitioning between the species occurred at three levels: (1) seasonal differences, consistent between years, with porpoise detections peaking in winter months and dolphin detections in summer months; (2) diel variation, consistent across sites, seasons and years, with porpoise detections highest at night and dolphin detections highest shortly after sunrise; and (3) tidal variation was observed with peak dolphin detections occurring during ebb at the middle of the tidal cycle and before low tide, whereas harbour porpoise detections were highest at slack water, during and after high water with a secondary peak recorded during and after low water. General Additive Models (GAMs) were applied to better understand the effects of each covariate. The reported abundance and distribution of the two species, along with the temporal variation observed, have implications for the design and management of protected areas. Currently, in the UK, no SACs have been formally designated for harbour porpoise while three exist for bottlenose dolphins. Here, we demonstrate a need for increased protection and species-specific mitigation measures for harbour porpoise

    An Assessment of the Effectiveness of High Definition Cameras as Remote Monitoring Tools for Dolphin Ecology Studies.

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    Research involving marine mammals often requires costly field programs. This paper assessed whether the benefits of using cameras outweighs the implications of having personnel performing marine mammal detection in the field. The efficacy of video and still cameras to detect Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) in the Fremantle Harbour (Western Australia) was evaluated, with consideration on how environmental conditions affect detectability. The cameras were set on a tower in the Fremantle Port channel and videos were perused at 1.75 times the normal speed. Images from the cameras were used to estimate position of dolphins at the water’s surface. Dolphin detections ranged from 5.6 m to 463.3 m for the video camera, and from 10.8 m to 347.8 m for the still camera. Detection range showed to be satisfactory when compared to distances at which dolphins would be detected by field observers. The relative effect of environmental conditions on detectability was considered by fitting a Generalised Estimation Equations (GEEs) model with Beaufort, level of glare and their interactions as predictors and a temporal auto-correlation structure. The best fit model indicated level of glare had an effect, with more intense periods of glare corresponding to lower occurrences of observed dolphins. However this effect was not large (-0.264) and the parameter estimate was associated with a large standard error (0.113).The limited field of view was the main restraint in that cameras can be only applied to detections of animals observed rather than counts of individuals. However, the use of cameras was effective for long term monitoring of occurrence of dolphins, outweighing the costs and reducing the health and safety risks to field personal. This study showed that cameras could be effectively implemented onshore for research such as studying changes in habitat use in response to development and construction activities

    Means-end comprehension in four parrot species: Explained by social complexity

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    A method for testing association patterns of social animals

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    Association indices were originally developed to describe species co-occurrences, but have been used increasingly to measure associations between individuals. However, no statistical method has been published that allows one to test the extent to which the observed association index values differ from those of a randomly associating population. Here, we describe an adaptation of a test developed by Manly (1995, Ecology, 76, 1109-1115), which uses the observed association data as a basis for a computer-generated randomization. The observed pattern of association is tested against a randomly created one while retaining important features of the original data, for example group size and sighting frequency. We applied this new method to test four data sets of associations from two populations of Hector's dolphin, Cephalorhynchus hectori, using the Half-Weight Index (HWI) as an example of a measure of association. The test demonstrated that populations with similar median HWI values showed clear differences in association patterns, that is, some were associating nonrandomly whereas others were not. These results highlight the benefits of using this new testing method in order to validate the analysis of association indices