1,308 research outputs found

    Measuring Brazilian Inequality Using the Gender Inequality Index

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    Gender inequality is a common feature shared by all countries, in different degrees. Its importance is evident in the United Nations 2030 Agenda. The Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number 5 is mainly dedicated to it. However, for its multidimensional features, different SDGs include it among their targets, the third (health), fourth (education), and tenth (labor) goals in particular. A composite index better describes multiple disparities. In this paper, the Gender Inequality Index (GII), presented in the 2010 Human Development Report, is discussed and then calculated for the Brazilian Federation Units. Its dimensions, health, empowerment, and economic activity cover three crucial dimensions of gender inequality. The GII contributes to evaluate how inequality lowers human development among countries and within a country, as presented in this study. Even though its complex methodology, it is an important tool for policy guidance

    GIS-based modelling of odour emitted from the waste processing plant: case study

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    The emission of odours into the atmospheric air from the municipal economy and industrial plants, especially in urbanized areas, causes a serious problem, which the mankind has been struggling with for years. The excessive exposure of people to odours may result in many negative health effects, including, for example, headaches and vomiting. There are many different methods that are used in order to evaluate the odour nuisance. The results obtained through those methods can then be used to carry out a visualization and an analysis of a distribution of the odour concentrations in a given area by using the GIS (Geographic Information System). By their application to the spatial analysis of the impact of odours, we can enable the assessment of the magnitude and likelihood of the occurrence of odour nuisance. Modelling using GIS tools and spatial interpolation like IDW method and kriging can provide an alternative to the standard modelling tools, which generally use the emission values from sources that are identified as major emitters of odours. The work presents the result, based on the odour measurements data from waste processing plant, of the attempt to connect two different tools – the reference model OPERAT FB and GIS-based dispersion modelling performed using IDW method and ordinary kriging to analyse their behaviour in terms of limited observation values

    Colloque Charles Dupin 25 et 26 octobre 2007

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    Pierre Charles François DUPIN (X1801 ; 1784-1873) savant, homme politique, statisticien, économiste libéral. Le colloque vise à étudier son rôle dans les savoirs scientifiques, économiques et sociaux du XIXe siècle, du Premier au Second Empire.Le présent document est la libre transcription de ce colloque par un de ses auditeurs, membre de la SABIX. Il n’engage pas les auteurs des conférences ni les organisateurs du colloque

    Evaluative Strategies in Adult Education

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    AbstractStructural changes in post-revolutionary Romanian society require affirmation of adult education as a prerequisite for harmonious integration and development on the socio-professional plan. If in the past, the adult education was specific to academic environment, nowadays this educational term covers most social groups as a consequence of the ability of human beings to be educated. It can be said that the process of education occurs during the adult's life, based on their learning needs and in correspondence with the adult's psychological features. In the message Declaration of the First National Conference regarding adult education, Timisoara 2001, it's stated that “it is necessary to recognize adult education as a national priority, as part of the national education system” (Sava, 2001: 194). An important role in adult education is played by the access to the latest information from the social, cultural and professional domains, as a premise for skills development at individual level but also macro-economical level, for the society progress based on knowledge. Learning can be performed in specialized institutions through courses, training programs and/or e-learning platform which are completed by an official diploma certifying a particular professional qualification. Improving the quality of evaluation trough training programs for adults require the identification of evaluation strategies that highlight correctly the skills acquired by the students. This article aims to identify the main evaluation strategies used in adult education from teacher-trainers’ perspective in order to optimize courses’ design and development for adults. The paper is structured in four chapters, as follows: the first chapter outlines general characteristics of adult assessment activity. The second chapter presents various conceptual approaches in the literature on assessment strategies used in courses for adults. The third chapter presents the authors contribution to the dynamics of educational policy elements of Romania relating to adult education The fourth chapter highlights the conclusions drawn from the proposed study

    Fourier, le Nouveau Monde Amoureux et mai 1968. Politique des passions, égalité des sexes et science sociale

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    Le Nouveau Monde Amoureux n’a été publié qu’en 1967, un siècle et demi après avoir été écrit par Fourier. Fourier y analyse la société de son temps, critiquant sévèrement le mariage monogame et l’asservissement des femmes. Il élabore un autre modèle théorique et politique de société, l’Harmonie, fondée sur la disparition du mariage monogame, la multiplication systématique des relations amoureuses de toutes natures, et une égalité absolue entre les sexes. A sa publication, l’ouvrage de Fourier est reçu avec enthousiasme, comme précurseur de la « libération sexuelle ». Plutôt que comme un utopiste, un prophète ou un rêveur, Fourier peut sans doute être considéré comme un des inventeurs de la science sociale, qu’il conçoit critique et radicale.Fourier’s Nouveau Monde Amoureux was first published only in 1967, one century and a half after it was written. Analysing the society of his time, Fourier subjects monogamous marriage and the servitude of women  to a harsh critique. He proposes a new theoretical and political model of society, Harmony, which would end with monogamous marriage, promote multiple love relationships of all types, and stick to strict gender equality. When it appeared, Fourier’s book was received enthusiastically, as a forerunner of “sexual liberation”. Rather than a utopian, a prophet or a dreamer, Fourier should be considered one of the inventors of  social science, which he conceives as critical and radical

    Jean-Albert Grégoire, pilote automobile et grand innovateur

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    Jean-Albert Grégoire (1899 – 1992, X1918) Père de la traction avant, il fut le constructeur des fameuses et rarissimes Tracta qu’il conduira avec succès aux 24 heures du Mans. Suspension, moteur, utilisation des alliages légers, aérodynamique lui doivent des progrès tels, qu’il peut être considéré comme l’un des créateurs de l’automobile moderne en France et dans le monde. Personnage à la fois classique et atypique, il a été un brillant sportif, champion de France du 100 mètres en 1917, inte..

    Les expositions de l’Ecole polytechnique

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    Depuis 1994 et la célébration du bicentenaire, la Bibliothèque a été de plus en plus impliquée dans l’organisation des expositions de l’Ecole. Affiche : Exposition Balzac Tout débuta après que la direction générale eut demandé au conservateur de bien vouloir prendre en charge la gestion des vitrines du couloir d’accès au restaurant, plus connu sous le nom de « couloir métro ». Il ne s’agissait donc au départ que d’un soutien logistique, la partie intellectuelle relevant de commissaires d’exp..

    Role of oxygen vacancy defect states in the n-type conduction of β-Ga[sub 2]O[sub 3]

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    Based on semiempirical quantum-chemical calculations, the electronic band structure of β-Ga2O3 is presented and the formation and properties of oxygen vacancies are analyzed. The equilibrium geometries and formation energies of neutral and doubly ionized vacancies were calculated. Using the calculated donor level positions of the vacancies, the high temperature n-type conduction is explained. The vacancy concentration is obtained by fitting to the experimental resistivity and electron mobility

    COS cell expression studies of P86L, P86R, P480L and P480Q Hunter's disease-causing mutations

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    AbstractThree missense mutations identified in the IDS gene of our Hunter's disease patients (P86L, P480L and P480Q) and the previously described P86R mutation were expressed in COS cells to evaluate their functional consequence on iduronate-2-sulfatase (IDS) activity and processing. The 86-proline residue belongs to the highly conserved pentapeptide C-X-P-S-R in which cysteine modification to a formylglycine is required for sulfatase activity. The substitution of the 86-proline residue led to a severe mutation as no mature form was targeted to the lysosome in agreement with the severe phenotype observed in patients carrying P86L and P86R mutations. Expression studies with P480L and P480Q mutant cDNAs showed the presence of a small amount of 55 kDa mature form in the lysosomes of transfected COS cells. IDS activity of the P480L and P480Q mutants in cell extracts represents 16.6% and 5.4% of the wild-type, respectively