6,648 research outputs found

    The question concerning the environment: a Heideggerian approach to environmental philosophy : a thesis presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Philosophy at Massey University

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    This thesis will engage with the thinking of Martin Heidegger in order to show that our environmental problems are the necessary consequences of our way of 'knowing' the world. Heidegger questions the abstract, theoretical approach that the Western tradition has to 'knowledge', locating 'knowledge' in the human 'subject', an interior self, disengaged from and standing over against the other-than-human world, as external 'object'. Such an approach denies a voice to the other-than-human in the construction of 'knowledge'. Heidegger maintains that we are not a disembodied intellect, but rather we are finite, self-interpreting beings, embodied in a physical, social and historical context, for whom things matter. In view of this, he discards traditional notions of 'knowledge', in favour of understanding and interpretation. Accordingly, he develops what can be called a dialectical ontology, whereby we come to understand and interpret ourselves and other beings in terms of our involved interactions. This involved understanding acknowledges the participation of other-than-human beings in constructing an interpretation of the world, giving them a voice. Following Heidegger's way of thinking, I suggest that by developing an ontological-ethic, a way of dwelling-in-the-world based on a responsive engagement with other-than- human entities, we can disclose a world that makes both the other-than- human and humanity possible

    Some factors influencing the sudden death syndrome in cut flower plants : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Horticultural Science at Massey University

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    Soil/root mixes from plants with the Sudden Collapse Syndrome of cut flower plants were tested for Phytophthora infection using a lupin (Lupinus angustifolius) baiting technique. Boronia heterophylla and Leucadendron 'Wilsons Wonder' root samples both caused the lupin seedlings to exhibit symptoms of Phytophthora infection. The efficacy of phosphorous acid (Foschek® 500 at 1000 ppm and 2000 ppm) and a combination of phosphorous acid and an additional product (Foschek® 500 and C408 at 1000/200 ppm and 2000/400 ppm) in controlling Phytophthora cinnamomi root infections of L. 'Wilsons Wonder', B.heterophylla and B megastigma rooted cuttings was compared with fosetyl- Al (Aliette® 80 SP at 1000 ppm and 2000 ppm) under conditions of high disease pressure The fungicides were applied as a root drench 7 days prior to the roots being inoculated by a split wheat technique and the effect of the fungicides and their concentrations on the rate of plant mortality was measured The results were species dependent. The treatments delaying plant mortality most effectively were fosetyl-AI at 2000 ppm on L 'Wilsons Wonder', phosphorous acid at 2000 ppm on B. heterophylla and both fosetyl-AI at 1000 or 2000 ppm and phosphorous acid at 2000 ppm on B. megastigma. The allelopathic activity of the root bark of Protea cynaroides, L. 'Wilsons Wonder'. Macadamia 'Beaumont' and Knightia excelsa was evaluated as a growth inhibitor for Phytophthora cinnamomi. The results indicate that by day 4 the root bark of M. 'Beaumont' reduced the growth rate of Phytophthora cinnamomi by 76.8% while that of Protea cynaroides inhibited the growth totally. The root bark of L. 'Wilsons Wonder' had no effect on the growth rate but that of K. excelsa enhanced the growth rate by 128% by day 4. The root bark of Protea cynaroides plants previously infected with an unnamed, indigenous Phytophthora species provided greater resistance to the growth rate of Phytophthora cinnamomi than the root bark of uninfected plants On the corn meal agar the leachate of the infected Protea cynaroides root bark exhibited a 'zone of inhibition' which prevented the growth of Phytophthora cinnamomi. Possible reasons for this are discussed

    Far Ultraviolot Space Telescope (FAUST)

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    The Far Ultraviolet Space Telescope is a compact, wide field-of-view, far ultraviolet instrument designed for observations of extended and point sources of astronomical interest. It was originally used in sounding rocket work by both French and American investigators. The instrument was modified for flight on the space shuttle and flew on the Spacelab 1 mission as a joint effort between the Laboratoire d'Astronomie Spatiale and the University of California, Berkeley. The prime experiment objective of this telescope on the Atmospheric Laboratory Applications and Science (ATLAS 1) NASA mission is to observe faint astronomical sources in the far ultraviolet with sensitivities far higher than previously available. The experiment will cover the 1300 to 1800 A band, which is inaccessible to observers on earth. The observing program during the mission consists of obtaining deep sky images during spacecraft nighttime. The targets will include hot stars and nebulae in our own galaxy, faint diffuse galactic features similar to the cirrus clouds seen by the Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS), large nearby galaxies, nearby clusters of galaxies, and objects of cosmological interest such as quasars and the diffuse far ultraviolet background

    Fabrication and evaluation of large-area ultrasoft X-ray detectors suitable for spacecraft application

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    The modifications to the Houston/MSC design of the gas proportional counter flight electronics system are discussed. The following modifications are described: charge amplifier bandwidth improvements, power converter redesign, serial data output buffer, second differentiator, and risetime discriminator. In addition, the redesign of the stellar aspect camera is discussed along with developments in thin film fabrication

    Rocket motor exhaust products generated by the space shuttle vehicle during its launch phase (1976 design data)

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    The principal chemical species emitted and/or entrained by the rocket motors of the space shuttle vehicle during the launch phase of its trajectory are considered. Results are presented for two extreme trajectories, both of which were calculated in 1976

    Research in extreme ultraviolet and far ultraviolet astronomy

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    The Far Ultraviolet imager (FUVI) was flown on the Aries class sounding rocket 24.015, producing outstanding results. The diffuse extreme ultraviolet (EUV) background spectrometer which is under construction is described. It will be launched on the Black Brant sounding rocket flight number 27.086. Ongoing design studies of a high resolution spectrometer are discussed. This instrument incorporates a one meter normal incidence mirror and will be suitable for an advanced Spartan mission

    Research in extreme ultraviolet and far ultraviolet astronomy

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    Analysis and interpretation continued on data generated by the flight of 27.086 in April of 1986 and by the successful UVX mission. Optical and mechanical design of the 1 meter EUV telescope, planned for launch with the large SPARTAN type carrier, ASTRO-SPAS, was also continued. The major effort centered on the preparation of flight 27.106, scheduled to launch in September, 1986. Work which was performed included: design of the skins and bulkheads; completion of the optical, mechanical, and electrical design; purchase of the major components of the instruments; assemblage of the electrical components; and performance of theoretical work, to support the data interpretation

    Apollo-Soyuz test project Extreme Ultraviolet Telescope MA-083

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    Follow-on studies to the Apollo-Soyuz Extreme Ultraviolet Telescope experiment (MA-083) include analyses of individual target stars or classes of stars, not only with regard to the EUV data but also in connection with theoretical models and observations in other parts of the spectrum. Topics discussed include: observations of SS Cygni, Proxima Centauri, HZ 43, and Feige 24; computer searches for new EUV sources; Sirius: models and inferences; EUV emission from a hot gas; and the diffuse EUV background

    Study of X-ray emission from selected regions of the Southern Hemisphere sky Summary report

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    Acquisition and processing of X ray data from Southern Hemisphere sk