3,285 research outputs found

    Electron distribution in the ionosphere

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    Ionospheric electron density profiles for D, E, and F layer

    Generalized Fusion Potentials

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    Recently, DiFrancesco and Zuber have characterized the RCFTs which have a description in terms of a fusion potential in one variable, and proposed a generalized potential to describe other theories. In this note we give a simple criterion to determine when such a generalized description is possible. We also determine which RCFTs can be described by a fusion potential in more than one variable, finding that in fact all RCFTs can be described in such a way, as conjectured by Gepner.Comment: TAUP-2029-93, 16 pages of plain Tex. (Added a reference


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    This paper evaluates the Bulgarian positioning in the European knowledge-based economy. The analysis is mainly based on the Knowledge Assessment Methodology of the World Bank (2005). After an analytical framework, the analysis reveals an alarming situation for Bulgaria resulting from several negative factors, which reinforce one another in a cumulative process. Finally, the conclusion underlines that a necessary condition for the Bulgarian economy to become knowledge-based, is to set up good rules of governance but also to be able to mobilize human capital and to coordinate the interactions within citizens and organizations.knowledge economy, knowledge triangle, Central and East European countries

    Well-being Disparities Within the Paris Region. A Capabilist Spatialized Outlook

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    Urban riots, such as in France in 2005, have drawn attention on the spatial determinants of social discontent. We provide evidence on the pervasive collective perception of a dramatic increase of the well-being disparities within the Paris Region during the decade preceding the 2005 riots. We ground our well-being indicator on a spatialized version of Sen's normative capabilist approach, which allows to explicitly take into account the impact of one's localization on one's realizations, opportunities and freedom. Then, using multidimensional poverty indicators and ESDA, we show a global improvement of the Paris region municipalities' Capabilist Spatialized well-being (CaS) between 1999 and 2006 as well as a catching-up phenomenon between advantaged and disadvantaged municipalities. Nevertheless, we also find a growing cluster of very disadvantaged municipalities, some of which have witnessed a decrease of their CaS level. This evidence may explain the belief of a growing socio-spatial fracture within the Paris region.capabilist well-being, socio-spatial disparities, Paris region

    Supersymmetric Solutions in Three-Dimensional Heterotic String Theory

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    We consider the low-energy effective field theory of heterotic string theory compactified on a seven-torus, and we construct electrically charged as well as more general solitonic solutions. These solutions preserve 1/2, 1/4 and 1/8 of N=8, D=3 supersymmetry and have Killing spinors which exist due to cancellation of holonomies. The associated space-time line elements do not exhibit the conical structure that often arises in 2+1 dimensional gravity theories.Comment: 40 pages, LaTeX, minor correction

    LPM effect and primary energy estimations

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    The distortion of the electron cascade development under LPM effects is now admitted; it consists of an increase of depth of showers origin, of shower maximum T sum max, a decrease of the number of particles at maximum N sub max and results in a flattening and a widening of the cascade transition curve. Connected with the influence of multiple Coulomb scattering on basic electromagnetic processes (bremsstrahlung, pair production), this effect appears at high energy with a threshold dependent on the density of the medium (more than 10 TeV for lead, more than 10 sup 6 TeV in air). Consequently, the electromagnetic components of hadron induced showers in lead and EAS in air calculated for the same hadronic cascades in the different alternative, including or not the LPM effect are examined here

    The Relationship between Farmers' Values and the Decision to Practise Agrotourism: An Exploratory Study

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    Agrotourism is a growing economic activity in North America that is increasingly being seen as a new alternative for farmers seeking to augment or diversify their incomes (Lyson, 2003; Bourdeau, Doyon and Donne, 2001). Although the literature recognizes the economic dimension of agrotourism for farmers, many authors imply or argue that choosing agrotourism activities instead of alternatives such as horizontal integration or a new production activity goes well beyond rational economic optimization (Morette, Gramond and Portefait, 1998; Moinet, 1993; Grolleau and Ramus, 1986). This article explores this hypothesis by adapting the experiential approach developed by Holbrook and Hirschman (1982) to an analysis of consumer behaviour by decision makers.Production Economics,

    Le tourisme réinventé par ses périphéries ?

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    Dans le contexte europĂ©en d'une tradition touristique Ă©tablie depuis plus d'un siĂšcle, le statut et les pratiques rĂ©crĂ©atives se transforment et se recomposent sur fond de multiples facteurs de changement culturel et d'incertitude climatique, Ă©nergĂ©tique, Ă©conomique ou sĂ©curitaire. Si certaines formes traditionnelles de tourisme semblent intangibles, et si d'autres sont annoncĂ©es comme des Ă©vidences pour le futur (parcs de loisirs, comptoirs de type DubaĂŻ, croisiĂšres, tourisme spatial...), d'autres formes se font jour en explorant de maniĂšre explicite ou implicite des modĂšles de relation inĂ©dits aux temps, lieux et usages de l'Ailleurs. A mesure que le tourisme devient central dans les modes de vie, les Ă©conomies et les territoires europĂ©ens, il semble paradoxalement se diluer, se dissoudre et se dĂ©rober en tant que porteur de spatialitĂ©, de sociabilitĂ© et de temporalitĂ© spĂ©cifiques, voire mĂȘme en tant qu'objet d'Ă©tude Ă  part entiĂšre; ceci en mĂȘme temps que les pratiques rĂ©crĂ©atives s'inventent de nouvelles formes et contours dans le temps, l'espace, la culture et l'Ă©conomie. Ce faisant, ce sont Ă  la fois les compĂ©tences des "touristes", des professionnels du secteur et des destinations qui se redĂ©finissent face Ă  des enjeux de crĂ©ativitĂ©, d'interactivitĂ©, de connectivitĂ© et de rĂ©activitĂ© qui composent un aprĂšs-tourisme. Dans ce processus, les pĂ©riphĂ©ries et confins au sens gĂ©ographique et culturel offrent une matiĂšre privilĂ©giĂ©e pour penser la refondation des pratiques et du sens du fait comme utopie. Car sur fond de rĂ©orientation de la boussole de la pensĂ©e en direction des Suds, ce sont bel et bien les pĂ©riphĂ©ries qui deviennent le lieu privilĂ©giĂ© de l'affirmation de nouveaux cadres de pensĂ©e et d'action. Les expĂ©riences pour (re)penser le tourisme de maniĂšre participative Ă  l'Ă©chelle locale Ă  partir des valeurs et identitĂ©s culturelles de communautĂ©s d'accueil comme les Maori ou les Inuits ont Ă  cet Ă©gard riches d'enseignements. Alors que le tourisme est pensĂ© depuis toujours en termes de transfert de compĂ©tences de modĂšles et d'ingĂ©nierie du Nord vers le Sud, il n'est alors plus du tout incongru de reconsidĂ©rer cette Ă©vidence. Il convient alors de prendre acte du fait qu'Ă  l'inverse, ce sont aujourd'hui des rĂ©flexions etexpĂ©rimentations conduites dans des rĂ©gions en cours de touristification comme la Patagonie qui peuvent contribuer Ă  rĂ©inventer et Ă  rĂ©-enchanter l'univers du tourisme
