2,455 research outputs found

    Control of state and state entanglement with a single auxiliary subsystem

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    We present a strategy to control the evolution of a quantum system. The novel aspect of this protocol is the use of a \emph{single auxiliary subsystem}. Two applications are given, one which allows for state preservation and another which controls the degree of entanglement of a given initial state

    Effect of LPS-induced inflammatory state on some aspects of reproductive function of rabbit does

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    Effetto dell\u2019infiammazione indotta con LPS su alcuni aspetti della funzione riproduttiva nelle coniglie. Scopo della ricerca \ue8 stato quello di studiare un modello d\u2019induzione sperimentale di infiammazione con lipopolisaccaridi (LPS) microbici nella coniglia fattrice e l'eventuale effetto sulla risalita degli spermatozoi. Due gruppi di 6 coniglie fattrici sono state inoculate per via intra-peritoneale rispettivamente con LPS di E. coli 0127:B8 (100 \ub5g/kg peso vivo), o con soluzione fisiologica (controllo). Sono stati rilevati per 72 ore temperatura rettale e il numero dei leucociti; dopo inseminazione artificiale \ue8 stata valutata la risalita degli spermatozoi nel tratto riproduttivo femminile e la situazione ovarica. L\u2019infiammazione sperimentale ha indotto un rilevante incremento della temperatura rettale e sostanziali modifiche a livello di leucociti che sono comunque scomparse entro 72 ore. Anche il numero di spermatozoi risaliti \ue8 stato significativamente pi\uf9 basso a livello di corna uterine e addirittura nullo a livello dell\u2019ovidutto. In conclusione si pu\uf2 affermare che \ue8 possibile costruire un modello d\u2019induzione dello stato infiammatorio nella coniglia mediante inoculazione intra-peritoneale di 100 \ub5g LPS/kg di peso vivo.The efficiency of the cycled production system in rabbit farms is greatly conditioned by the fertility rate of does. Nulliparous does generally exhibit high fertility rate (Castellini et al., 1998), whereas the reproductive performances of multiparous does goes down. One reason of this reduction is related to the use of intensive reproductive rhythms which implies an overlapping between lactation and insemination which often produces a severe energy deficit. As in other mammals, lactation shows a strong hormonal antagonism with the reproductive activity. An other cause of hypo-fertility depends on the sanitary condition of does. Genital tract inflammation and/or infection is one of the major causes of infertility (Gram et al., 2002) and often determined by incorrect practices of artificial insemination (AI). It has been demonstrated that uterine infection negatively affects fertility (Facchin et al., 1999) and prolongs the life span of corpora lutea (Boiti et al., 1999) due to uterine leukocytes infiltration, reduced prostaglandins synthesis and increased spermatozoa reabsorption. Lipopolysaccarides (LPS), constituents of the Gram-negative germ wall, are potent stimulators of prostaglandins synthesis and are widely used to simulate inflammation in several district and organs. The aim of the paper was to verify the effect of an LPS-induced inflammatory state on some aspects of reproductive function of non-lactating rabbit does

    Greenhouse gas emissions from soil cultivated with vegetables in crop rotation under integrated, organic and organic conservation management in a Mediterranean environment

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    A combination of organic and conservation approaches have not been widely tested, neither considering agronomic implications nor the impacts on the environment. Focussing on the effect of agricultural practices on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from soil, the hypothesis of this research is that the organic conservation system (ORG+) may reduce emissions of N2O, CH4 and CO2 from soil, compared to an integrated farming system (INT) and an organic (ORG) system in a two-year irrigated vegetable crop rotation set up in 2014, in a Mediterranean environment. The crop rotation included: Savoy cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. sabauda L. cv. Famosa), spring lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. cv. Justine), fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill. cv. Montebianco) and summer lettuce (L. sativa cv. Ballerina). Fluxes from soil of N2O, CH4 and CO2 were measured from October 2014 to July 2016 with the flow-through non-steady state chamber technique using a mobile instrument equipped with high precision analysers. Both cumulative and daily N2O emissions were mainly lower in ORG+ than in INT and ORG. All the cropping systems acted as a sink of CH4, with no significant differences among treatments. The ORG and ORG+ systems accounted for higher cumulative and daily CO2 emissions than INT, maybe due to the stimulating effect on soil respiration of organic material (fertilizers/plant biomass) supplied in ORG and ORG+. Overall, the integration of conservation and organic agriculture showed a tendency for higher CO2 emissions and lower N2O emissions than the other treatments, without any clear results on its potential for mitigating GHG emissions from soil

    What a difference a workplace makes. A scientometric analysis on the relationship between job crafting and healthy organizations' factors

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    Introduction: The transformations that have affected the labour market in recent years have required companies to adapt to fast changes and to keep the pace of global competition. Consequently, workers have been confronted with multiple challenging demands: they have been required to develop flexibility in their jobs and to work faster and better, often with evident costs in terms of performance and their workplace well-being. Given these evidence, as also shown by some of the most recent developments in the field of Positive Work and Organizational Psychology, healthy organizations are those organizations that could resist to these challenges, because they engage in creating an environment that can promote employees’ health and safety, maximising performance. Yet, healthy organizations support positive organizational behaviors through a coherent culture, a positive climate, and good practices. Healthy organizations might also create the conditions to encourage workers to perform job crafting behaviors, meant as proactive individual behaviours aimed at modifying job demands in order to adjust them to personal needs, motivations and talents, thus maximising well-being and performance. Objective: The aim of the study was to overview the state of the art of the debate about the relationship between job crafting and healthy organizations’ factors by performing a scientometric analysis of job crafting. Therefore, the study was aimed to emphasize performances of countries, journals and authors, highlighting the dominant perspectives on the topic. Method: The starting point of the analysis was data recovery from the Scopus database using the term “job crafting” as search criterion within the title, abstract or keywords of the documents retrieved. The analysis was carried out with two softwares, R and VOSviewer, in order to investigate the growth of interest on the topic over the years, the scientific production of countries, journals and authors, the social structure of collaborative network, and the network of keywords. Results: 375 documents about job crafting were retrieved, showing a growing number of publications in recent years, with a preponderance of productions and citations in USA and Netherlands (where the construct was proposed and validated). Cluster analysis performed on the most frequently used keywords showed three main groups, each of them theoretical linked to workplace health: stimulus factors; Job Demands-Resources Model; health dimensions. Discussion: The present bibliometric analysis showed an increasing scientific interest toward job crafting and the importance of specific papers (that opened the two main perspective about it) for the whole research line. Through the cluster analysis of keywords network, it was underlined the relevance of constructs that promote healthy organizations in the scientific production on job craftin

    A para-religious setting for financial exploitation of the mentally incapacitated: when the habit doesn’t make a monk

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    Exploitation and circumvention of the mentally incapacitated is a criminal offence listed in the Italian penal code (Penal Code Art. 643). It involves the exploitation and circumvention of people who are fragile and vulnerable owing to their health conditions and/or mental status, and fits into the grey area between such subjects’ freedom to make decisions about their physical conditions and economic assets, and the abuse of their trust perpetrated by third parties for personal gain. The authors describe a case of financial exploitation and circumvention of a married couple that is remarkable in view of both the huge sums extorted from the victims and the duration of the peculiar illicit activities (that lasted more than 10 years). These were perpetrated by a charismatic figure leading a “para-religious” group. He claimed to be a prophet, but his private life was highly questionable. The method of ascertainment used to verify the victims’ mentally incapacitated state is described, analyzed and commented; the diagnosis could not be deferred in view of the characteristics of the prolonged penal offences committe


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    Several lines of evidence showed that apoptosis rate of cumulus cells in oocytes derived by assisted reproductive technologies could be used as an indicator of fertilizing gamete quality. Aim of the study was to investigate the effects of three different ovarian stimulation protocols on the biological and clinical outcome in hyporesponder patients. Collected data showed a higher significant rate of DNA fragmentation index (DFI) in U group (patients treated with Highly Purified human Menopausal Gonadotrophin) than in P group (treated with recombinant human Follicle Stimulating Hormone (r-hFSH) combined with recombinant human Luteinizing Hormone (r-hLH)). Both groups R (treated with r-hFSH alone) and P showed a significant increase in collected and fertilized oocytes number, embryo quality number. This study showed that combined r-hFSH/r-hLH therapy could represent the best pharmacological strategy for controlled ovarian stimulation and suggests to use DFI as a biomarker of ovarian function in hyporesponder patients

    Agrochemical contamination of honey and bee bread collected in the piedmont region, Italy

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    This study shows the results of a local biomonitoring plan developed by a regional beekeeping association, Aspromiele, in several areas of Piedmont (Italy), in order to understand the status of contamination from pesticides present in the environment and eventually to evaluate their impact on apiculture. Glyphosate was the most abundant chemical found in the bee bread and honey samples. The other pesticides detected at lower concentrations and minor frequency were mandipropamid, tau-fluvalinate, metalaxil and spiroxamine. Even if in the present study the pesticides found in the bee bread and honey were limited to a few molecules, it is important to highlight that the presence of glyphosate could represent a hazard to bees. Honeybees are the main pollinators in agricultural ecosystems, and thus appropriate environmental management could lead to a reduction in the impact of these chemicals on bees and other beneficial insects
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