15 research outputs found

    Primerjava in razmejitev med izbranimi gospodarskimi prekrški in gospodarskimi kaznivimi dejanji

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    Purpose: In the article, we are discussing demarcations between selected economic minor offences and selected economic criminal offences: Fraud in Securities TradingAbuse of Insider InformationDisclosure and Unauthorised Acquisition of Trade Secrets. By now, this topic has been given virtually no attention in legal literature. Criminal law theory has mainly addressed only the question of which criteria to use in order to recognise criminal offences amongst all unlawful actions, while on the other hand, law of minor offences has generally focused strictly on less serious unlawful actions. However, in practice, a certain action can sometimes correspond to the definition of both a criminal offence and a minor offence. Consequently, it is of the essence that the statutory elements of a particular unlawful action are precisely defined and clearly demarcated. Only this can ensure legal certainty that should be guaranteed to everyone already on the basis of the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia. A problem arises if the statutory elements of a criminal offence and a minor offence completely overlap, which leads to legal uncertainty. Design/Methods/Approach: The research is based on a quantitative investigation in the course of which we conducted a survey in order to test our assumption. First, we used basic one sided t tests on the data from section 1 questions to try our general assumption. Afterwards, we designed three sets of factors using factor analysis in order to use them on questions from sections 2–6, 7 and 8. In the last part, we took all the designed variables and some other basic information on respondents and used them in regression models for analysis of factors that affect the opinion on adequacy of Slovenian legislation regarding sanctioning and prosecution of economic crime. Findings: With the research, we wished to obtain new knowledge on the adequate demarcation between selected economic minor offences and selected criminal offences. In practice, it is material that statutory elements of a particular unlawful action are clearly defined. On the basis of our findings we propose elimination of legal vacuum in which the chosen legal articles for minor economic offences and criminal offences overlap. Research Limitations / Implications: Limitations of the present article mostly relate to the availability of data and the willingness of state agencies for cooperation in the research. This relates to the quality of primary and secondary data, particularly to the issues related with consistency in data collection and data accuracy (unwillingness of the respondents to complete the survey and the problems of time and sectorial consistency in the definitions of individual statistical variables). Practical Implications: Results of the study can provide recommendations for the consequent changes in the studied legislation and clearer demarcation of legal articles on the chosen economic and criminal offences with the purpose of strengthening of respective legal protection. Namely, this is the only way to ensure legal certainty that should be guaranteed to everyone on the basis of the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia. Originality/Value: Value of this article is in the empirical demonstration and normative arrangement of a specific field of law, i.e., the legislation in the field of sanctioning and prosecution of economic crime.Namen prispevka: V prispevku obravnavamo razmejitve med izbranimi gospodarskimi prekrški in gospodarskimi kaznivimi dejanji, in sicer: preslepitev pri poslovanju z vrednostnimi papirjizloraba notranje informacijeizdaja in neupravičena pridobitev poslovne skrivnosti. Gre za temo, ki v literaturi tako rekoč ni obravnavana. Kazenskopravna teorija se ukvarja predvsem z vprašanjem, po katerih merilih naj se med protipravnimi dejanji prepoznajo kazniva dejanja. Pravo o prekrških pa se praviloma ukvarja z lažjimi oblikami kaznivih ravnanj. V praksi se lahko zgodi, da kako ravnanje ustreza opisu kaznivega dejanja in prekrška hkrati. Zato je zelo pomembno, da so zakonski znaki določenega protipravnega dejanja točno določeni in jasno razmejeni. S tem se zagotovi pravna varnost, ki naj bi bila vsakomur zagotovljena že z Ustavo RS. Problem nastane, če se zakonski znaki kaznivega dejanja in prekrška popolnoma prekrivajo, kar lahko pripelje do pravne negotovosti. Metode: Raziskava temelji na kvantitativnem raziskovanju, kjer smo za preverjanje domneve naredili anketno raziskavo. Najprej smo z osnovnimi enostranskimi t testi preverili našo osnovno domnevo na podatkih vprašanj pri prvem poglavju, nato smo za vprašanja pri poglavjih 2–6, 7 in 8 oblikovali tri nabore faktorjev s pomočjo uporabe faktorske analize. V zadnjem delu smo vse oblikovane spremenljivke in še nekatere osnovne podatke o vprašanih uporabili v regresijskih modelih za analizo dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na mnenje o ustreznosti slovenske zakonodaje na področju sankcioniranja in pregona gospodarske kriminalitete. Ugotovitve: Z raziskavo smo želeli priti do novih spoznanj na področju ustrezne razmejitve med izbranimi prekrški in izbranimi kaznivimi dejanji. V praksi je zelo pomembno, da so zakonski znaki določenega dejanja točno določeni. Na podlagi novih ugotovitev lahko predlagamo odpravo pravne praznine, kjer se izbrani členi prekrškov in kaznivih dejanj prekrivajo. Omejitve/uporabnost raziskave Omejitve pričujočega članka se nanašajo predvsem na dostopnost do podatkov, pripravljenost državnih organov za sodelovanje v raziskavi. Navedeno se nanaša na kvaliteto primarnih in sekundarnih podatkov. Sem uvrščamo vprašanja doslednosti v zbiranju in stopnjo točnosti podatkov (nepripravljenost anketirancev izpolniti anketo oziroma intervju ter probleme časovne in sektorske doslednosti v opredelitvi posameznih statističnih vrst). Praktična uporabnost: Rezultati študije lahko ponudijo priporočila glede nadaljnje spremembe obravnavane zakonodaje in jasnejše razmejitve izbranih prekrškovnih oziroma kazenskih členov z namenom krepitve pravne varnosti. Izvirnost/pomembnost prispevka: Vrednost naslovnega članka je v empiričnem prikazu in normativni ureditvi posebnega pravnega področja, kot je zakonodaja na področju sankcioniranja in pregona gospodarske kriminalitete

    Frequency dependent effect of selective biphasic left vagus nerve stimulation on heart rate and arterial pressure

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    Activation of the parasympathetic pathway leads to negative chronotropic, dromotropic, and inotropic changes of heart function. The ability to selectively stimulate certain superficial compartments of peripheral nerves has been demonstrated previously. The aim of the present study was to find a clinically acceptable selective biphasic vagus nerve stimulation technique, which could allow gradual regulation of heart rate and systemic arterial pressure. In two patients, the left vagus nerve was stimulated with a combination of quasi-trapezoidal cathodic and rectangular anodic current pulses with different stimulation frequencies (10Hz, 20Hz, 30Hz) and increasing current. The heart rate and systemic arterial pressure decreased with increasing current at all different stimulation frequencies (p<0.05). The heart rate and arterial pressure response was more gradual with 10Hz compared to 20Hz/30Hz vagus nerve stimulation (p<0.05). In conclusion, selective vagus nerve stimulation, with a combination of quasi-trapezoidal cathodic and rectangular anodic current pulses at 10Hz, offers gradual heart rate and systolic arterial pressure control

    European experience of the convergent atrial fibrillation procedure: Multicenter outcomes in consecutive patients

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    BackgroundThe objective of this collaborative, multicenter, European effort was to evaluate the outcomes of the convergent procedure for the treatment of persistent and long-standing persistent atrial fibrillation (AF) in consecutive patients at 4 European centers.MethodsOutcomes of consecutive patients, undergoing the convergent procedure at 4 European centers, were evaluated in this study. Epicardial ablation was performed before endocardial ablation. Convergent procedure outcomes were recorded by interrogation of implanted loop recorders or Holter monitors. Rhythm status and required interventions (antiarrhythmic drugs, cardioversions, and repeat ablations) were quantified 6 and 12 months after the procedure. Outcomes, monitoring type, and patient baseline characteristics were analyzed and reported.ResultsSeventy-three consecutive patients presenting with persistent AF (30.1%) or long-standing persistent AF (69.9%) underwent the convergent procedure between January 2010 and December 2011. At 6 months, 82% (56/68) were in sinus rhythm. At 12 months, 80% (53/66) were in sinus rhythm; single-procedure maintenance of sinus rhythm without postblanking period interventions was 76% (50/66); 52% (34/66) were in sinus rhythm and not receiving antiarrhythmic drugs.ConclusionsThis multicenter European collaborative effort demonstrated that the convergent procedure is a safe and efficacious treatment option for persistent and long-standing persistent AF

    Korelacija serumske koncentracije S100B i trajanja hospitalizacije u bolesnika podvrgnutih ugradnji premosnice koronarne arterije

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    S100B protein has been proposed to be a serum marker of cerebral injury in patients undergoing cardiac surgery. The question to be answered in the present study was whether an increase in serum S100B concentration after the surgery correlated with the length of hospital stay in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting. To answer this question we measured serum S100B concentration preoperatively, at the end of the operation, and on day 1 and day 5 of the surgery in 32 patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting. The median (min; max) hospital stay was 7 days (5; 34), and serum S100B concentration was 0.075 mg/L (0.050;0. 095) preoperatively, 0.840 mg/L (0.390; 1.500) immediately after the operation, 0.180 mg/L (0.150;0. 280) on day 1 and 0.100 mg/L (0.080;0. 120) on day 5 of the operation. None of the patients had clinical signs of cerebral injury. Multivariate linear regression analysis indicated serum S100B concentration on day 1 (p=0.0296) and day 5 (p=0.0021) of the operation to correlate with the length of hospital stay independently of the type of operation (with or without the use of cardiopulmonary bypass) and patient clinical characteristics. Our data suggest that serum S100B concentration on day 1 and day 5 of the operation may have prognostic value in patients without clinical signs of cerebral injury. However, this pilot study should be extended to a larger group of patients to confirm this observation.Protein S100B se smatra serumskim biljegom moždanog oštećenja u bolesnika podvrgnutih operacijama srca. U ovom ispitivanju potražili smo odgovor na pitanje korelira li porast serumske koncentracije S100B s duljinom hospitalizacije u bolesnika podvrgnutih ugradnji premosnice koronarne arterije. Serumske koncentracije S100B mjerili smo prije operacije, neposredno nakon operacije, te prvog i petog dana od operacije u 32 bolesnika podvrgnutih ugradnji premosnice koronarne arterije. Medijan (minimum; maksimum) boravka u bolnici bio je 7 (5-34) dana, serumska koncentracija S100B prije operacije 0,075 (0,050; 0,095) µg/L, neposredno nakon operacije 0,840 (0,390; 1,500) µg/L, prvoga dana 0,180 (0,150; 0,280) µg/L i petoga dana nakon operacije 0,100 (0,080; 0,120) µg/L. Nijedan od naših bolesnika nije imao kliničke znakove moždanog oštećenja. Ipak, multivarijantna analiza linearne regresije pokazala je korelaciju serumske koncentracije S100B s trajanjem hospitalizacije prvoga dana (p=0,0296) i petoga dana (p=0,0021) od operacije neovisno o vrsti operacije (uz primjenu kardiopulmonalne obilaznice ili bez nje) i kliničkim značajkama bolesnika. Naši podaci ukazuju na to da bi serumska koncentracija S100B prvoga i petoga dana od operacije mogla imati prognostičku vrijednost u bolesnika bez kliničkih znakova moždanog oštećenja. Ovo naše probno ispitivanje trebalo bi svakako proširiti na veću skupinu bolesnika kako bi se potvrdilo ovo zapažanje

    Human endothelial cell cultures isolated from internal mammary artery

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    Izhodišča: Cilj raziskave je pripraviti homogene kulture endotelnih celic (EC), izoliranih iz človeške arterije mamarije interne (AMI), dobljene med srčno obvodno operacijo, in jih vzdrževati v dolgoročnih kulturah. Na ta način bi skušali ugotovili pogoje, pri katerih bi lahko v nadaljnjem delu s celičnimi kulturami prišli do zadostnega števila avtolognih arterijskih EC celic za uporabo pri populaciji, ki jo kardiovaskularne bolezni najbolj prizadenejo. Metode: V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 7 moških, starih 52-76 let, z diagnosticirano ishemično srčno boleznijo. Pri vseh je bila opravljena obvodna operacija. Iz žilnih vzorcev, ki smo jih pridobili med operacijo, smo osamili celice na dva načina: s proteolitično razgradnjo tkiva in situ ali pa s proteolitično razgradnjo iz predhodno razkosanih žilnih preparatov. Spremljali smo morfologijo in kinetiko rasti EC v 3 tedne starih kulturah. Celično specifičnost smo dokazali z imunohistokemičnim določanjem von Willebrandovega faktorja. Rezultati: Rast celic je bila prisotna le v kulturah, ki smo jih pripravili s prvo metodo. Celice so kazale tipične morfološke značilnosti EC in izražale von Willebrandov faktor. Največje število celic v kolonijah (v povprečju 11, maksimalno pa 51) so kulture dosegle v 6 dneh. Podvojitven čas celic je bil 82+-43 ur. Zaključki: Z raziskavo smo pokazali, da je predstavljena metoda osamitve EC iz majhnega vzorca AMI primerna za pridobivanje vitalnih celic. Metoda je selektivna EC in omogoča njihovo rast v dolgoročnih kulturah. Končno število celic v kolonijah je za zdaj premajhno za uporabo v tkivnem inženirstvu, vendar bi se z optimizacijo metode v prihodnjih raziskavah lahko bolj približali temu cilju.Background: The aim of our study was to prepare homogenic and long tern cultures of endothelial cells (EC) from a human internal mammary artery (IMA) obtained during a cardiac by pass graft operation (CABG). In this way we would be able to assess the conditions suitable for the preparation of sufficient number of autologous arterial ECs and their use in a population mostly affected with cardiovascular diseases. Methods: Seven 52-76 years old male patients diagnosed with ischemic heart disease were included in ourstudy. Samples of internal mammary artery were collected during CABG performed on these patients. EC cells were prepared from these samples using two approaches. in situ digestion with proteolytical enzymes and proteolytic digestion from the previously resected IMA vessels. Cell morphology and growthkinetics were studied in 3 weeks old cultures. EC cell specificy was determined by immunohystochemical staining for von Willebrandćs factor. Results: Cell growth could be observed only in cultures prepared with the in situ proteolytic digestion. Cells sowed the typical EC morphology and were positive for von Willebrand\u27s factor. The maximal cell number in colonies (11 in average, 51 at the most) was reached after 6 days in culture. The average cell doubling time of the five cultures was 82+-43 hours. Conclusions: The study proved that our method of isolation is specific for ECs. Using a small IMA sample we were able to collect a number of colonies and sustain them in long term cultures, but the end numbers of cells is still too small for their application in tissue engineering (TE). Our further efforts will be focused onthe optimization of the conditions which would allow sufficient proliferation of EC so that small IMA sample would be enough for the TE

    A common polymorphism in the MTHFD1 gene is a modulator of risk of congenital heart disease

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    Several environmental and genetic factors may influence the risk of congenital heart defects (CHDs), which can have a substantial impact on pediatric morbidity and mortality. We investigated the association of polymorphisms in the genes of the folate and methionine pathways with CHDs using different strategies: a case–control, mother–child pair design, and a family-based association study. The polymorphism rs2236225 in the MTHFD1 was confirmed as an important modulator of CHD risk in both, whereas polymorphisms in MTRR, FPGS, and SLC19A1 were identified as risk factors in only one of the models. A strong synergistic effect on the development of CHDs was detected for MTHFD1 polymorphism and a lack of maternal folate supplementation during early pregnancy. A common polymorphism in the MTHFD1 is a genetic risk factor for the development of CHD, especially in the absence of folate supplementation in early pregnancy