131 research outputs found

    Chapter Il museo racconta la scuola tra passato e presente

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    The Museums of educational heritage - especially those established in University Departments – represent an extraordinary resource for scientific research, education, and the Third Mission, which is aimed at promoting collaboration, dialogue and exchange between the University and its territory to generate knowledge and benefit of social, cultural, and economic nature as well. Within the Third Mission precisely lies Public History defined as "the communication of history outside academic environments" (AIPH 2018). In this framework the paper presents some examples of educational projects and activities carried out with local schools and communities by the "Mauro Laeng" Museum of school and education at the University of Roma Tre, and by the "Paolo & Ornella Ricca" Museum of school history at the University of Macerata. The final aim is to provide a methodological approach, project ideas, and operational tools for inspiring schoolteachers and professors, university researchers and museum educators

    Disentangling the Possible Drivers of Indri indri Microbiome: A Threatened Lemur Species of Madagascar

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    Research on the gut microbiome may help with increasing our understanding of primate health with species’ ecology, evolution, and behavior. In particular, microbiome-related information has the potential to clarify ecology issues, providing knowledge in support of wild primates conservation and their associated habitats. Indri (Indri indri) is the largest extant living lemur of Madagascar. This species is classified as “critically endangered” by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, representing one of the world’s 25 most endangered primates. Indris diet is mainly folivorous, but these primates frequently and voluntarily engage in geophagy. Indris have never been successfully bred under human care, suggesting that some behavioral and/or ecological factors are still not considered from the ex situ conservation protocols. Here, we explored gut microbiome composition of 18 indris belonging to 5 different family groups. The most represented phyla were Proteobacteria 40.1 ± 9.5%, Bacteroidetes 28.7 ± 2.8%, Synergistetes 16.7 ± 4.5%, and Firmicutes 11.1 ± 1.9%. Further, our results revealed that bacterial alpha and beta diversity were influenced by indri family group and sex. In addition, we investigated the chemical composition of geophagic soil to explore the possible ecological value of soil as a nutrient supply. The quite acidic pH and high levels of secondary oxide-hydroxides of the soils could play a role in the folivorous diet’s gut detoxification activity. In addition, the high contents of iron and manganese found the soils could act as micronutrients in the indris’ diet. Nevertheless, the concentration of a few elements (i.e., calcium, sulfur, boron, nickel, sodium, and chromium) was higher in non-geophagic than in geophagic soils. In conclusion, the data presented herein provide a baseline for outlining some possible drivers responsible for the gut microbiome diversity in indris, thus laying the foundations for developing further strategies involved in indris’ conservation

    I Like the Way You Eat It: Lemur (Indri indri) Gut Mycobiome and Geophagy

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    Here, we investigated the possible linkages among geophagy, soil characteristics, and gut mycobiome of indri (Indri indri), an endangered lemur species able to survive only in wild conditions. The soil eaten by indri resulted in enriched secondary oxide-hydroxides and clays, together with a high concentration of specific essential micronutrients. This could partially explain the role of the soil in detoxification and as a nutrient supply. Besides, we found that soil subject to geophagy and indris’ faeces shared about 8.9% of the fungal OTUs. Also, several genera (e.g. Fusarium, Aspergillus and Penicillium) commonly associated with soil and plant material were found in both geophagic soil and indri samples. On the contrary, some taxa with pathogenic potentials, such as Cryptococcus, were only found in indri samples. Further, many saprotrophs and plant-associated fungal taxa were detected in the indri faeces. These fungal species may be involved in the digestion processes of leaves and could have a beneficial role in their health. In conclusion, we found an intimate connection between gut mycobiome and soil, highlighting, once again, the potential consequent impacts on the wider habitat. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s00248-020-01677-5

    Banca dati dei diari di scuola e delle autobiografie. Volume 2

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    Banca dati dei diari di scuola e delle autobiografie (a cura dell’unità di ricerca dell’Università degli Studi Roma Tre, in collaborazione con la sotto-unità di ricerca dell’Università degli Studi di Torino), un repertorio elettronico di diari di scuola inediti e di autobiografie inedite redatti da insegnanti e relativi ad esperienze educative e di insegnamento realizzate nella scuola pubblica o privata

    Banca dati dei diari di scuola e delle autobiografie. volume 1

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    Banca dati dei diari di scuola e delle autobiografie (a cura dell’unità di ricerca dell’Università degli Studi Roma Tre, in collaborazione con la sotto-unità di ricerca dell’Università degli Studi di Torino), un repertorio elettronico di diari di scuola inediti e di autobiografie inedite redatti da insegnanti e relativi ad esperienze educative e di insegnamento realizzate nella scuola pubblica o privata

    Quaderno Brunelli

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    Scheda relativa al diario inedito della maestra Anita Brunell

    Cronache di amori e trasgressioni. L’educazione sentimentale borghese fra prescrizioni e storie di vita

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    Il saggio affronta il tema dei modelli educativi che in Occidente, fra Sette e Novecento, hanno condeterminato l’educazione sentimentale di uomini e donne e, al contempo, i vissuti sentimentali che emergono da alcune storie di vita, al fine di individuarne le aporie e le contraddizioni rispetto ai modelli educativi prescritti. Il contributo cercherà di individuare sia l’ideologia esplicita della cultura dominante, sia l’ideologia implicita, occulta, che esprime la forza conservatrice di un modello ma al contempo le ragioni della sua implosione sul piano storico. Saranno sottoposte ad analisi fonti letterarie, epistolari d’amore, precettistica pedagogica, tutte fonti preziose per intercettare l’immaginario dominante di una comunità, i modelli educativi imposti, l’impalpabile soglia della vita privata
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