19 research outputs found

    Effect of soybean oil on the concentration of vaccenic and rumenic fatty acids in grazing cow milk

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    El aceite de soya, rico en ácido linoleico, además del aporte de ácido linolénico mayoritario en el forraje, puede mejorar la producción de los ácidos grasos (AG) insaturados en la leche de vacas en pastoreo. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el efecto de la adición de aceite de soya (0, 3 y 6 % BS), en dietas completas mezcladas parcial (pTMR) para seis vacas Holstein multíparas en pastoreo, sobre el desempeño productivo, producción, composición y perfil de AG, con énfasis en el contenido de AG vaccénico (AV) y ruménico (AR) en leche. El diseño experimental fue un cuadro latino repetido 33 con tres periodos experimentales de 21 d cada uno, y los tratamientos (T) fueron: T1pTMR-0, T2pTMR-3 y, T3pTMR-6. Los datos se analizaron con el procedimiento MIXTO y polinomios ortogonales para los efecto lineal y cuadrático (p0.05). El consumo de TMR disminuyó linealmente (p0.05) al aumentar el contenido de aceite de soya en la dieta. La leche de las vacas con pTMR-6 y pTMR-3 tuvieron 20.8 y 7.6 % menor contenido de AG saturados comparada con pTMR-0 (p0.05), principalmente una disminución de los AG C12, C14 y C16. El AV aumentó 50.3 y 128.7 % en la leche de las vacas con pTMR-3 y pTMR-6, comparado con pTMR-0; el AR fue mayor (p0.05) en pTMR-3. En conclusión, la adición de 6 % de aceite de soya en la TMR de vacas Holstein en pastoreo, aumentó la eficiencia productiva, modificó la composición de la leche y aumentó el contenido de AV y AR

    Short communicaton. Effects of adding different protein and carbohydrates sources on chemical composition and in vitro gas production of corn stover silage

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    The use of protein-rich by-products based in swine manure (SM), poultry waste (PW) or chemicals compounds as urea (U), as well as energy products like molasses (M) and bakery by-product (BB), is a viable method to produce good quality silage. In addition, the use of a bacterial additive can improve the fermentation characteristics of silage. The objective of this study was to determine chemical composition, in vitro gas production (GP) and dry matter disappearance (DMd), using different sources of protein and energy in silage. The silages were made using SM, PW or U as protein sources and M or BB as energy source, with corn stover and with or without a bacterial additive. The organic matter (OM) content was higher (p<0.001) in silages with UBB, UM and SMBB compared with the rest of the treatments; meanwhile crude protein content was higher (p<0.001) in silages with U. The addition of a bacterial additive increased (p<0.05) OM content and decreased (p<0.05) fiber content. Total GP was higher (p<0.05) in silages containing BB, but DMd was higher (p<0.05) in silages with U and SMBB. The inclusion of a bacterial additive decreased (p<0.05) GP and DMd. The use of alternative sources of protein such as poultry and swine manure or urea, and of by-products of sugar industry and bakery is an alternative for silages based on corn stover. The results show that when properly formulated, the silages can provide more than 16% of crude protein and have DMd values above 60%. Additional key words: bakery by-product; molasses; poultry waste; swine manure; urea

    Beneficial effects of plant extracts in ruminant nutrition: A review

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    Use of antibiotics in animal feeds was banned hence researches on alternative natural products that can modulate ruminal fermentation have been intensified. Plant extracts are considered as natural compounds that can replace antibiotics as safe and sustainable alternatives. Extracts contain some plant secondary metabolites (PSM) that are a natural resource and are largely unexploited in ‘conventional’ animal production systems. They are considered as a source of antinutritional factors and not as a source of exploitable performance-enhancing compounds. Recent and continuing changes to legislation controlling the use of animal feed additives have stimulated interest in bioactive PSM as alternative performance enhancers. Interest is largely on their manipulative role in digestive and absorptive processes of the hindgut. The aim of the present review is to discuss the use of plants and their extracts to manipulate the rumen microbial ecosystem to improve the efficiency of rumen metabolism. The bioavailability of PSM and their actions on peripheral metabolism will be considered with a view to improve animal performance. In order to fully exploit their bioactive properties for the benefit of animal performance, modes of action need to be understood

    Los B-agonistas adrenérgicos como modificadores metabólicos y su efecto en la producción, calidad e inocuidad de la carne de bovinos y ovinos: una revisión

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    Los B-agonistas adrenérgicos (BAA) se han utilizado en la producción animal, incluidos los rumiantes, propiciando una mayor eficiencia de uso del alimento, la cual se manifiesta en mejores características de la canal, así como en la composición química de la carne, al reducir el contenido de grasa y aumentar el de proteína. En el presente documento se revisa la estructura química y los mecanismos de acción de los BAA en el metabolismo de los nutrientes, así como resultados de investigaciones sobre BAA usados en la producción animal y sus efectos en la eficiencia de uso de los nutrientes que se traducen en mejoras en el crecimiento y en la calidad de la carne, principalmente en sistemas de alimentación intensiva; también se presenta información sobre la producción e inocuidad de la carne para evitar el uso de sustancias no aprobadas en la nutrición animal, por representar riesgos en la salud pública.Los β-agonistas adrenérgicos (βAA) se han utilizado en la producción animal, incluidos los rumiantes, propiciando una mayor eÀciencia de uso del alimento, la cual se maniÀesta en mejores características de la canal, así como en la composición química de la carne, al reducir el contenido de grasa y aumentar el de proteína. En el presente documento se revisa la estructura química y los mecanismos de acción de los βAA en el metabolismo de los nutrientes, así como resultados de investigaciones sobre βAA usados en la producción animal y sus efectos en la eÀciencia de uso de los nutrientes que se traducen en mejoras en el crecimiento y en la calidad de la carne, principalmente en sistemas de alimentación intensiva; también se presenta información sobre la producción e inocuidad de la carne para evitar el uso de sustancias no aprobadas en la nutrición animal, por representar riesgos en la salud pública

    Canales y márgenes de comercialización de caprinos en Tejupilco y Amatepec, estado de México

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    Con el objetivo de analizar los canales y márgenes de comercialización de la carne de caprino, se realizó una investigación en los municipios de Tejupilco y Amatepec, Estado de México durante 2004-2005. Se determinó el canal de comercialización más utilizado por los agentes participantes de dicho mercado y se calcularon los márgenes absolutos y relativos, a través de la obtención de sus valores equivalentes y de los costos y ganancias de cada agente participante. De 133 productores entrevistados, 96.5% realiza la venta en pie. El productor obtuvo 46.5% del precio real que pagó el consumidor final por kilogramo de carne cruda y el intermediario 53.5%. Considerando la birria como producto final, el productor alcanzó 20.42% de las ganancias de todo el proceso y los intermediarios 79.58%; los birrieros obtuvieron la mayor parte (79.58%) del margen total de comercialización. El canal de comercialización más común fue productor, acopiador regional, birriero y consumidor final. Se concluye que el birriero obtuvo las mayores relaciones beneficio costo (8.86 y 8.61)

    Ileal apparent and standardized amino acid digestibility of soybean and colza meal in diets for finishing pigs

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    Agri-food chains generate by-products such as soybean and colza meal for animal feed. Their nutritional value is variable and should be analysed for better quality control before their inclusion in balanced diets. The objective was to determine the content and ileal apparent and standardized digestibility of protein and amino acids (AA) of soybean (PS) and colza meal (PC) as a source of protein in diets for finishing pigs. The experimental units were arranged in a 3×3 Latin square design repeated. The treatments (T) were T1: PS+corn starch, T2: PC+corn starch, and T3: corn starch (Control), which were randomly assigned to six pigs cannulated in distal ileum (PV 75±1.2 kg). The variables were contents and apparent ileal and standardized ileal digestibility of amino acids in soybean and colza meal. To determine digestibility, chromic oxide was added to the diets. The protein and fat contents were higher in the soybean meal. Ash, crude fibre, neutral detergent fibre, acid detergent fibre, phosphorus and calcium contents were higher in the colza meal. Essential amino acid content was higher in soybean meal, but methionine was higher in colza meal. Apparent ileal digestibility (DIA) of total amino acids was similar (p > 0.05) among protein ingredients; but for lysine and threonine it was higher (p ≤ 0.05) in soybean meal, except methionine. Methionine DIA was 89.78 %, 3.88 % higher (p ≤ 0.05) in colza meal. Standardized ileal digestibility (DIE) of total amino acids was similar (p > 0.05) among ingredients, but lysine and threonine were higher (p ≤ 0.05) in soybean meal. DIE was different (p ≤ 0.05) among ingredients for all amino acids except methionine. Ileal and standardized digestibility of all amino acids were higher in soybean meal, except methionine, which was higher in colza meal. The DIA of total amino acids was similar in both protein ingredients, except lysine and threonine in soybean meal and methionine in colza meal


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    Las excretas pecuarias están constituidas por fracciones de alimentos no digeridas y por otros nutrientes que se incorporan en el tubo digestivo de los animales. Su producción y acumulación es fuente de contaminación ambiental, pero también son una fuente valiosa de nitrógeno y minerales en la alimentación de rumiantes. El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar dietas con ensilados de rastrojo de maíz, melaza de caña (MEL) y subproducto de panadería (SPP) como fuentes de carbohidratos hidrosolubles (C), mezclados con cerdaza fresca (CF), pollinaza deshidratada (PO) y urea agrícola (UR) como fuentes de nitrógeno (N), y su efecto en el crecimiento y las características de la canal de corderos. Los corderos recibieron durante 60 d dietas con 145 g PC kg-1 MS y 10 MJ EM kg-1 MS, más 400 g kg-1 (MS) de ensilado. Después, los corderos se sacrificaron para medir variables productivas y calidad de la canal. El consumo de MS (CMS) se analizó con medidas repetidas; para rendimiento, engrasamiento y morfometría se empleó el diseño de bloques al azar con arreglo factorial 2 x 3. Las variables cualitativas se analizaron con la prueba Kruskal-Wallis. Las medias de cuadrados mínimos de CMS a los 60 d no presentaron diferencias (p>0.05) entre tratamientos. Sin embargo, hubo efecto (p£0.05) de la fuente de N sobre ganancia diaria de peso (GDP) e interacción de NxC para ancho de pierna y grosor de grasa torácica. La fuente de C afectó (p£0.05) el rendimiento del perímetro de pierna, área de chuleta y profundidad de grasa subcutánea. La conformación de la canal fue inferior (p£0.05) para la combinación SPP con UR; con los otros tratamientos se obtuvieron grados de conformación de R a U. El tratamiento SPP con CF causó las mayores (p£0.05) coberturas de grasa externa, color de carne rosa claro y color de grasa crema. La conclusión es que los corderos alimentados con ensilado de CF y SPP tuvieron canales con mejor conformación y engrasamiento

    Effects of exogenous enzymes on in vitro gas production kinetics and ruminal fermentation of four fibrous feeds

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    This study was conducted to investigate effects of increasing doses: 0 (control), 6 (low), 12 (medium) and 24 (high) mg/g DM of ZADO® enzyme preparation mixture (ENZ) on in vitro gas production (GP) and some ruminal fermentation parameters of the fibrous feeds Saccharum officinarum (leaves), Andropogon gayanus (leaves), Pennisetum purpureum (leaves) and Sorghum vulgare (straw). Rumen liquor was obtained from two Brown Swiss cows fitted with permanent rumen cannulae fed a total mixed ration of a 500:500 commercial concentrate and alfalfa hay ad libitum. The GP was recorded at 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 h of incubation. After 96 h, the incubation was stopped and the pH of the mixture was determined and filtrate used to determine dry matter degradability (DMD), partitioning factor (PF96), gas yield (GY24), in vitro organic matter digestibility (OMD), metabolizable energy (ME), short chain fatty acids (SCFA), and microbial crude protien production (MCP). In general, the crude protein (CP) content of the fibrous feeds was low and ranged from 23 g/kg DM (S. officinarum) to 44 (A. gayanus). The fibre contents (i.e., NDFom and ADFom) were highest (P<0.05) in S. officinarum. Increasing ENZ dose linearly increased (P<0.05) GP of all fibrous feeds and had a quadratically increased (P<0.05) asymptotic gas production in P. purpureum and S. vulgare and rate of gas production in S. officinarum and S. vulgare. Addition of ENZ also quadratically increased (P<0.05) GP at all incubation times in S. officinarum and S. vulgare, and A. gayanus, but only at 72 h in A. gayanus. The parameters of ruminal fermentation of OMD, ME, GY24 and SCFA linearly increased (P<0.05) and MCP linearly decreased (P<0.05) with the ENZ addition. Addition of enzyme affected ruminal fermentation of our feeds differently, mainly dependent on their fibre content, although dosage of enzyme was also important as impacts generally increased at higher dosages of ENZ

    Effects of dietary chromium-yeast level on growth performance, blood metabolites, meat traits and muscle fatty acids profile, and microminerals content in liver and bone of lambs

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    To assess the effect of dietary supplement levels of chromium-yeast (Cr-yeast) on growth performance, blood glucose and triglycerides, fatty acid (FA) profile in intramuscular fat, carcase and meat traits, iron, copper, chromium and zinc concentrations in liver and bone, 24 Rambouillet male lambs (29.2 ± 0.17 kg body weight) were randomly assigned to four diets with 0, 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6mg Cr/kg DM. The growth performance trial lasted 49 d. Supplemental Cryeast did not affect growth performance and carcase characteristics (p>.05), but reduced (p<.05) perirenal and intramuscular fat, as well as 3 h post-feeding blood glucose and triglycerides concentration. In liver, Fe and Cu concentration decreased (p<.05), while Cr concentrations in liver increased with increasing Cr-yeast dietary levels. In bone, Fe decreased (p<.05) as Cryeast dietary levels increasing, and Cr-yeast supplementation increased Cr concentrations (p<.05). As Cr-yeast dietary level increased, palmitic (C16:0) and stearic (C18:0) SFA decreased linearly (p<.05), while palmitoleic (C16:1n-7), vaccenic (C18:1n-7), linoleic (C18:2n-6) and arachidic (C20:4) unsaturated fatty acids (UFA) increased linearly (p<.01). In conclusion, Cr-yeast did not affect growth performance and carcase quality, but decreased the perirenal and intramuscular fat, blood glucose and triglyceride content, and Fe and Cu concentrations in liver as increased Cr-yeast levels in the diet. Because supplemental Cr-yeast improved index of atherogenicity and unsaturated to saturated FA ratio in muscle of lambs, it could be of human nutritional interest

    In vitro gas production of foliage from three browse tree species treated with different dose levels of exogenous fibrolytic enzymes

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of different dose levels of exogenous fibrolytic enzymes (EFE) on in vitro ruminal fermentation kinetics and energy utilization of foliages from three browse trees (Pithecellobium dulce, Heliocarpus velutinus and Guazuma ulmifolia). Mixture of EFE product was added to the leaves of the three browse tree species at three dose levels: 0 (control), 3.5 and 7.0 mg/g of DM. Chemical composition of the foliages, including plant secondary metabolites such as total phenolics (TP), saponins (SAP) and aqueous fraction (AF), was determined. In addition, in vitro assaying of ruminal gas production kinetics was determined for the three browse three foliages treated with EFE. P. dulce had the highest crude protein content (p < 0.05), whereas G. ulmifolia had the highest content of neutral detergent fibre and SAP (p < 0.05) and H. velutinus had the lowest content of TP (p < 0.05). The interaction between tree species and dose level of EFE was significant (p < 0.05) for gas production (GP) at 24 h of incubation, parameters b and c of the accumulated GP curve, short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) and metabolizable energy (ME). The lowest (p < 0.01) extent of accumulated GP as well as the b and c values occurred in G. ulmifolia at 0 mg EFE/g DM. P. dulce had the highest (p < 0.05) values for ME and SCFA at the highest dose of EFE. Tree species and dose level had significant (p < 0.05) effects on all parameters describing in vitro ruminal fermentation kinetics and energy utilization. Addition of EFE improved the fermentation kinetics of the browse species considered in this study.UAE