40 research outputs found

    Über die frühen Jahre der organisierten Sportmedizin in der Schweiz

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    Die erste in der Schweizerischen Zeitschrift fur Sportmedizin veroffentlichte Abhandlung zur Geschichte der Sportmedizin wurde 1959 vom Sporthistoriker Mathys verfasst. Fur Mathys war damals Sportmedizin die "Wissenschaft der Gesunderhaltung", und Training sollte der Lebensverlangerung dienen. Seine historische Betrachtung befasste sich in erster Linie mit der Zeit vor dem Aufkommen des modernen Sports und hatte kaum einen Bezug zur Sportmedizin, wie wir sie heute kennen. Entsprechend wurden auch keine Aspekte zur Geschichte der organisierten Sportmedizin in der Schweiz besprochen. Die Gesunderhaltung ist sicherlich ein wichtiger Tatigkeitsbereich der Sportmedizin. Aber spatestens seit dem Aufkommen des modernen Sports gehoren weitere Gebiete zu ihrem Repertoire. Schon 1924 skizzierte der Schweizer Sportarzt Knoll die Aufgaben eines sportarztlichen Dienstes folgendermassen: "Sportarztliche Tatigkeit hat zum Ziel, nicht die Behinderung des Sportmannes in seinen Leistungen, sondern im Gegenteil die Aufklarung des Sportmannes uber die Gefahren, die ein unrichtig betriebenes Training mit sich bringt und den Hinweis auf diejenigen rationellen Methoden, die nicht nur das Training selbst unschadlich gestalten, sondern damit auch die personliche Leistung zu verbessern in der Lage sind. Nicht hemmen, sondern fordern soll also eine richtig geleitete und richtig verstandene sportarztliche Tatigkeit sein". Knoll beschrieb damit schon vor gut 90 Jahren, dass ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der Sportmedizin auch die Betreuung im Spitzensport umfasst. Im Grunde genommen hat Knoll schon damals die Essenz eines ?High Performance Environment? definiert, bei dem es um die optimale Begleitung bzw. das optimale Management eines Spitzensportlers/ einer Spitzensportlerin geht. Fur Knoll war es auch selbstverstandlich, dass die sportarztliche Arbeit nur dann Erfolg hat, wenn sie in einem grosseren Umfeld organisiert und verankert ist. Nachfolgend soll der Ursprung dieser organisierten Sportmedizin bis zur Zeit der Grundung der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft fur Sportmedizin (SGSM) skizziert werden. Interessant ist, dass die Schweiz dabei eine fuhrende Rolle spielte

    Differences in whole-body fat oxidation kinetics between cycling and running

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    This study aimed to quantitatively describe and compare whole-body fat oxidation kinetics in cycling and running using a sinusoidal mathematical model (SIN). Thirteen moderately trained individuals (7 men and 6 women) performed two graded exercise tests, with 3-min stages and 1kmh−1 (or 20W) increment, on a treadmill and on a cycle ergometer. Fat oxidation rates were determined using indirect calorimetry and plotted as a function of exercise intensity. The SIN model, which includes three independent variables (dilatation, symmetry and translation) that account for main quantitative characteristics of kinetics, provided a mathematical description of fat oxidation kinetics and allowed for determination of the intensity (Fatmax) that elicits maximal fat oxidation (MFO). While the mean fat oxidation kinetics in cycling formed a symmetric parabolic curve, the mean kinetics during running was characterized by a greater dilatation (i.e., widening of the curve, P<0.001) and a rightward asymmetry (i.e., shift of the peak of the curve to higher intensities, P=0.01). Fatmax was significantly higher in running compared with cycling (P<0.001), whereas MFO was not significantly different between modes of exercise (P=0.36). This study showed that the whole-body fat oxidation kinetics during running was characterized by a greater dilatation and a rightward asymmetry compared with cycling. The greater dilatation may be mainly related to the larger muscle mass involved in running while the rightward asymmetry may be induced by the specific type of muscle contractio

    Period prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 infections and willingness to vaccinate in Swiss elite athletes.

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    Objectives (1) To assess the period prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 infections and willingness to vaccinate in Swiss elite athletes and (2) to evaluate whether sociodemographic and sport-related characteristics were associated with infection of SARS-CoV-2 in athletes. Methods A total of 1037 elite athletes (Mage=27.09) were surveyed in this cross-sectional study. They were asked whether they had been infected with SARS-CoV-2 and whether they would like to be vaccinated. Characteristics of a possible COVID-19 illness were also recorded. Results During the first year of the pandemic, 14.6% of all Swiss elite athletes were found to be infected with SARS-CoV-2, and 5.4% suspected that they had been infected. Male athletes, young athletes and team sports athletes had an increased likelihood of being infected with SARS-CoV-2. There was considerable heterogeneity in the duration and severity of a COVID-19 illness in athletes. Overall, 68% of respondents indicated a willingness to be vaccinated if they were offered an opportunity to do so. Conclusion In the first year of the pandemic, Swiss elite athletes were tested more often positive for SARS-CoV-2 than the general Swiss population. Because COVID-19 illness can impair health for a relatively long time, sports federations are advised to motivate athletes to be vaccinated

    Inter-observer agreement in athletes ECG interpretation using the recent international recommendations for ECG interpretation in athletes among observers with different levels of expertise

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    Abstract INTRODUCTION: International criteria for the interpretation of the athlete's electrocardiogram (ECG) have been proposed. We aimed to evaluate the inter-observer agreement among observers with different levels of expertise. METHODS: Consecutive ECGs of Swiss elite athletes (?14 years), recorded during routine pre-participation screening between 2013 and 2016 at the Swiss Federal Institute of Sports were analysed. A medical student (A), a cardiology fellow (B) and an electrophysiologist (C) interpreted the ECG's independently according to the most recent criteria. The frequencies and percentages for each observer were calculated. An inter-observer reliability analysis using Cohen Kappa (?) statistics was used to determine consistency among observers. RESULTS: A total of 287 ECGs (64.1% males) were analysed. Mean age of the athletes was 20.4±4.9 years. The prevalence of abnormal ECG findings was 1.4%. Both, normal and borderline findings in athletes showed moderate to good agreement between all observers. ? scores for abnormal findings resulted in excellent agreement (? 0.855 in observer A vs C and B vs C to ? 1.000 in observer A vs B). Overall agreement ranged from moderate (? 0.539; 0.419-0.685 95% CI) between observer B vs C to good agreement (? 0.720; 0.681-0.821 95% CI) between observer A vs B. CONCLUSIONS: Our cohort of elite athletes had a low prevalence of abnormal ECGs. Agreement in abnormal ECG findings with the use of the recently published International recommendations for ECG interpretation in athletes among observers with different levels of expertise was excellent. ECG interpretation resulted in moderate to good overall agreement

    Delphi developed syllabus for the medical specialty of sport and exercise medicine : part 2

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    Training in the medical specialty of sport and exercise medicine (SEM) is available in many, but not all countries. In 2015, an independent Delphi group, the International Syllabus in Sport and Exercise Medicine Group (ISSEMG), was formed to create a basic syllabus for this medical specialty. The group provided the first part of this syllabus, by identifying 11 domains and a total of 80 general learning areas for the specialty, in December 2017. The next step in this process, and the aim of this paper was to determine the specific learning areas for each of the 80 general learning areas. A group of 26 physicians with a range of primary medical specialty qualifications including, Sport and Exercise Medicine, Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Cardiology, Rheumatology and Anaesthetics were invited to participate in a multiple round online Delphi study to develop specific learning areas for each of the previously published general learning areas. All invitees have extensive clinical experience in the broader sports medicine field, and in one or more components of sports medicine governance at national and/or international level. SEM, Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Cardiology, Rheumatology and Anaesthetics were invited to participate in a multiple round online Delphi study to develop specific learning areas for each of the previously published general learning areas. All invitees have extensive clinical experience in the broader sports medicine field, and in one or more components of sports medicine governance at national and/or international level. The hierarchical syllabus developed by the ISSEMG provides a useful resource in the planning, development and delivery of specialist training programmes in the medical specialty of SEM.http://bjsm.bmj.com2021-03-01hj2020Sports Medicin

    Global Alliance for the Promotion of Physical Activity : the Hamburg Declaration

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    Publisher Copyright: © Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2023. Re-use permitted under CC BY-NC. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.Non-communicable diseases (NCDs), including coronary heart disease, stroke, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, dementia, depression and cancers, are on the rise worldwide and are often associated with a lack of physical activity (PA). Globally, the levels of PA among individuals are below WHO recommendations. A lack of PA can increase morbidity and mortality, worsen the quality of life and increase the economic burden on individuals and society. In response to this trend, numerous organisations came together under one umbrella in Hamburg, Germany, in April 2021 and signed the â € Hamburg Declaration'. This represented an international commitment to take all necessary actions to increase PA and improve the health of individuals to entire communities. Individuals and organisations are working together as the â € Global Alliance for the Promotion of Physical Activity' to drive long-term individual and population-wide behaviour change by collaborating with all stakeholders in the community: active hospitals, physical activity specialists, community services and healthcare providers, all achieving sustainable health goals for their patients/clients. The â € Hamburg Declaration' calls on national and international policymakers to take concrete action to promote daily PA and exercise at a population level and in healthcare settings.Peer reviewe

    Patient-reported outcome measures for hip-related pain: A review of the available evidence and a consensus statement from the International Hip-related Pain Research Network, Zurich 2018

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    Hip-related pain is a well-recognised complaint among active young and middle-aged active adults. People experiencing hip-related disorders commonly report pain and reduced functional capacity, including difficulties in executing activities of daily living. Patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) are essential to accurately examine and compare the effects of different treatments on disability in those with hip pain. In November 2018, 38 researchers and clinicians working in the field of hip-related pain met in Zurich, Switzerland for the first International Hip-related Pain Research Network meeting. Prior to the meeting, evidence summaries were developed relating to four prioritised themes. This paper discusses the available evidence and consensus process from which recommendations were made regarding the appropriate use of PROMs to assess disability in young and middle-aged active adults with hip-related pain. Our process to gain consensus had five steps: (1) systematic review of systematic reviews; (2) preliminary discussion within the working group; (3) update of the more recent high-quality systematic review and examination of the psychometric properties of PROMs according to established guidelines; (4) formulation of the recommendations considering the limitations of the PROMs derived from the examination of their quality; and (5