5,129 research outputs found

    Chelas Zone J revisited: Urban morphology and change in a recovering neighbourhood

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    Among new council housing areas from 1960s Lisbon is the Chelas Valley, by then overwhelmingly agrarian. Although an integral urbanization plan - the Plano de Urbanização de Chelas (PUC) – was prepared until 1964, the area was divided into six zones, urbanized in different periods, with great deviances from the original plan. Upon construction, Chelas was challenged by social problems. One of the zones, Zone J, has been particularly associated with this negative image. The architectural designs by Tomás Taveira and Victor Consiglieri introduced changes to the urban plan by Francisco Silva Dias and José Lobo de Carvalho. After construction, several municipal initiatives tried to improve living conditions in Zone J, ranging from façade changes to demolitions. All along, it has been accepted that the urban form of Zone J was a determinant factor of its failure as a habitat. Here, we revisit the original Zone J Plan. How was it implemented, and how has it changed since? What has been the input of the residents in the territory they inhabit? Can it contribute to make Lisbon a more sustainable city? This presentation aims to answer these questions while trying to identify parallels with other urban areas in a crisis that share morphological characteristics with Chelas Zone J.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Designing for productive urban landscapes. Applying the CPUL concept in Lisbon Metropolitan Area

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    Designing for urban agriculture has been recently acknowledged as a young discipline requiring the attention of architects, urban designers, and planners to promote more sustainable urban cities and continuous productive landscapes. However, how to assess such landscape proposals? How can these be evaluated in terms of their social, ecological, and spatial dimensions? Based on the Continuous Productive Urban Landscape (CPUL) tool proposed by Bohn and Viljoen (2005) this presentation exposes a framework for action which could be applied in Lisbon Metropolitan Area (LMA) in order to evaluate the spatiality of its the contemporary food system and promote design solutions to improve it. In order to do so, this paper is organized into three parts. First, it introduces the problem under analysis and the case study. Secondly, it exposes how an analysis of urban agriculture, more precisely along the Lisbon - Vila Franca de Xira axis, contributed to expanding our understanding of the productive dimension of the LMA Food System and interrelates it to a morphological perspective. Finally, it introduces the CPUL concept and a possible application of it within the case study, with impact at the several stages of food system.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Modeling electrodialysis and a photochemical process for their integration in saline wastewater treatment.

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    Oxidation processes can be used to treat industrial wastewater containing non-biodegradable organic compounds. However, the presence of dissolved salts may inhibit or retard the treatment process. In this study, wastewater desalination by electrodialysis (ED) associated with an advanced oxidation process (photo-Fenton) was applied to an aqueous NaCl solution containing phenol. The influence of process variables on the demineralization factor was investigated for ED in pilot scale and a correlation was obtained between the phenol, salt and water fluxes with the driving force. The oxidation process was investigated in a laboratory batch reactor and a model based on artificial neural networks was developed by fitting the experimental data describing the reaction rate as a function of the input variables. With the experimental parameters of both processes, a dynamic model was developed for ED and a continuous model, using a plug flow reactor approach, for the oxidation process. Finally, the hybrid model simulation could validate different scenarios of the integrated system and can be used for process optimization

    Teor de potássio no solo adubado com fontes alternativas do nutriente, sob manejo orgânico da bananeira.

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    As rochas naturais moídas têm sido utilizadas na agricultura, principalmente os calcários e os fosfatos naturais. As rochas contendo flogopita ou biotita podem ser avaliadas como fontes alternativas de potássio (K) para uso na agricultura. Alguns desses tipos de rochas são os kamafugitos, flogopititos, biotititos, kimberlitos, biotita xistos e outras. No sistema orgânico o K torna-se mais limitante, pois as plantas, principalmente as fruteiras são muito exigentes no nutriente. O potássio é o nutriente mais absorvido pela bananeira, sendo para ?Prata Anã? em torno de 34,79 kg de K (42,15 kg de K2O) por tonelada de frutos produzidos. Uma fonte utilizada em cultivos orgânicos é o sul-po-mag (22% de K2O), cujo preço é superior ao das fontes tradicionais. Acredita-se que a aplicação de rochas silicáticas moídas pode contribuir com quantidades significativas de K para a cultura a médio e a longo prazos, principalmente para sistemas orgânicos, onde a fonte solúvel mais utilizada (KCl) não é permitida. Objetivou-se avaliar o teor de potássio no solo cultivado com bananeira com aplicação de doses crescentes de flogopitito, comparando com o sul-po-mag.PDF. 037

    Radial abundance gradients in the outer Galactic disk as traced by main-sequence OB stars

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    Using a sample of 31 main-sequence OB stars located between galactocentric distances 8.4 - 15.6 kpc, we aim to probe the present-day radial abundance gradients of the Galactic disk. The analysis is based on high-resolution spectra obtained with the MIKE spectrograph on the Magellan Clay 6.5-m telescope on Las Campanas. We used a non-NLTE analysis in a self-consistent semi-automatic routine based on TLUSTY and SYNSPEC to determine atmospheric parameters and chemical abundances. Stellar parameters (effective temperature, surface gravity, projected rotational velocity, microturbulence, and macroturbulence) and silicon and oxygen abundances are presented for 28 stars located beyond 9 kpc from the Galactic centre plus three stars in the solar neighborhood. The stars of our sample are mostly on the main-sequence, with effective temperatures between 20800 - 31300 K, and surface gravities between 3.23 - 4.45 dex. The radial oxygen and silicon abundance gradients are negative and have slopes of -0.07 dex/kpc and -0.09 dex/kpc, respectively, in the region 8.4RG15.68.4 \leq R_G \leq 15.6\,kpc. The obtained gradients are compatible with the present-day oxygen and silicon abundances measured in the solar neighborhood and are consistent with radial metallicity gradients predicted by chemodynamical models of Galaxy Evolution for a subsample of young stars located close to the Galactic plane.Comment: Accepted for publication in the A&

    Efeito da aplicação de boro em solo de Tabuleiro Costeiro na produção do maracujazeiro.

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    A cultura do maracujá está em franca expansão tanto para a produção de frutos para consumo in natura como para suco. O Brasil é o primeiro produtor mundial de maracujá, com produção aproximada de 684 mil toneladas em 48.752 hectares. O Estado da Bahia destaca-se como o maior produtor com 275 mil toneladas (40 % da produção nacional), onde o maracujazeiro é cultivado em solos de Tabuleiros Costeiros. Estes solos podem apresentar-se intemperizados, com baixos teores de matéria orgânica, escassez de água, altos teores de ferro e alumínio, levando assim, a deficiência de boro (B) nas plantas de maracujá. O boro desempenha importante papel na migração e metabolismo de carboidratos, facilitando o transporte dos açúcares através das membranas. A deficiência de B inibe ou paralisa o crescimento dos tecidos meristemáticos da parte aérea e das raízes. As plantas de maracujá deficientes em B apresentam inicialmente atrofia e posteriormente, necrose da gema terminal podendo ocorrer ou não o brotamento de gemas laterais logo abaixo da gema atrofiada. Ocorrem ainda, clorose irregular e manchas necróticas nas margens das folhas. Assim, considerando a possível limitação de boro em solos de Tabuleiros Costeiros, objetivou-se avaliar o efeito desse nutriente na produção do maracujá amarelo.PDF. 036

    Comportamento de variedades de bananeira no sistema orgânico - terceiro ciclo.

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    A bananeira, Musa spp., é uma planta originária do Continente Asiático e uma das frutas mais consumidas no Mundo. Constitui importante alimento, contendo minerais K (2.640 a 3.870 mg/kg), Mg (240 a 300 mg/kg), P (160 a 290 mg/kg), Ca (30 a 80 mg/kg), Fe (2 a 4 mg/kg) e Cu (0,5 a 1,1 mg/kg), vitaminas C (59 a 175 mg/kg), B6 (0,3 a 1,7 mg/kg) e B1 (0,3 a 0,9 mg/kg), carboidratos (230 a 320 g/kg), proteínas (10 a 13 g/kg), gordura (3,7 a 4,8 g/kg) e baixo teor calórico (900 a 1200 kcal/kg). A bananeira, predominantemente do tipo Prata (grupo genômico AAB), é cultivada de Norte a Sul do Brasil, em solos dos mais diversos, sob sistemas convencional, integrado e orgânico. O sistema orgânico busca manejar, de forma equilibrada, o solo, a água, as plantas e os animais, conservando-os a longo prazo e mantendo a harmonia desses componentes entre si e com os seres humanos.pdf 99

    Where the fields have no name: urban-rural transitions in the Lisbon Region planning history

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    This paper discusses the existing urban-rural dichotomy in Portuguese urban planning, assuming its importance on food-provision, a basic human need. Our analysis stems from an historical overview at two scales, regional and municipal, within the Lisbon Region. Specifically, we identify key changes between two time-periods: the midtwentieth century, when design-based planning was established in Portugal for larger settlements, and nowadays, when it covers the totality of the national territory, based on land-use. We review these strategies, assessing what approaches would best encompass a sustainable transition of the food system. We start with the scheme of regional radial axis by architect Étienne de Gröer in contrast with the 2002 Lisbon Regional Plan. We furthermore expose two urbanization plans from 1940s: that of Vila Franca de Xira (1946) by Miguel Jacobetty and Faria da Costa and that of Palmela (1948) by João António Aguiar. Such plans, highly representative of the planning practices of that era, are then compared with their contemporary counterparts and subsequently with samples of their physical impacts on the ground, based on a morphological analysis of settlements and productive spaces in urban and rural contexts. Finally, we identify key changes for better use of productive soils within the Lisbon Region, considering challenges posed by international and national agendas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio