846 research outputs found

    Vertical Melting of a Stack of Membranes

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    A stack of tensionless membranes with nonlinear curvature energy and vertical harmonic interaction is studied. At low temperatures, the system forms a lamellar phase. At a critical temperature, the stack disorders vertically in a melting-like transition.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    (Un)doing home: exploring home-making and identity – an example of a project in a London higher education classroom

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    In this article we discuss the lived, embodied experience of home-making in relation to identity and belonging through the example of a service-learning project conducted during the Covid-19 pandemic in a higher education setting in London, UK. We also explore the notion of belonging-not-belonging as a cultural, material and embodied construct, inspired by critical pedagogy. We draw on posthumanism, new materialism, intercultural studies, (auto-)ethnography and creative practice research as possible lines of flight in deconstructing the dichotomy between home and a ‘foreign’ territory-other-than-home that sits at the core of intercultural discourses. We present this project as a possible alternative discourse to (un)do more traditional considerations of home-making as a much more complex construct; in the encounter with new territories, humans and other-than-human artefacts, objects, machines and landscapes, we argue that home-making is a continuous, never-finished process that moves the learner and their teachers continuously. We aim to bring to the forefront new emerging considerations of intercultural studies at the intersection with interdisciplinary, cross-disciplinary and cross-institutional discourses, breaking away from a more traditional and neoliberal view about what belonging means within the context of higher education

    The psycholinguistic and affective structure of words conveying pain

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    Despite the flourishing research on the relationships between affect and language, the characteristics of pain-related words, a specific type of negative words, have never been systematically investigated from a psycholinguistic and emotional perspective, despite their psychological relevance. This study offers psycholinguistic, affective, and pain-related norms for words expressing physical and social pain. This may provide a useful tool for the selection of stimulus materials in future studies on negative emotions and/or pain. We explored the relationships between psycholinguistic, affective, and pain-related properties of 512 Italian words (nouns, adjectives, and verbs) conveying physical and social pain by asking 1020 Italian participants to provide ratings of Familiarity, Age of Acquisition, Imageability, Concreteness, Context Availability, Valence, Arousal, Pain-Relatedness, Intensity, and Unpleasantness. We also collected data concerning Length, Written Frequency (Subtlex-IT), N-Size, Orthographic Levenshtein Distance 20, Neighbor Mean Frequency, and Neighbor Maximum Frequency of each word. Interestingly, the words expressing social pain were rated as more negative, arousing, pain-related, and conveying more intense and unpleasant experiences than the words conveying physical pain

    Decrumpling membranes by quantum effects

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    The phase diagram of an incompressible fluid membrane subject to quantum and thermal fluctuations is calculated exactly in a large number of dimensions of configuration space. At zero temperature, a crumpling transition is found at a critical bending rigidity 1/αc1/\alpha_{\rm c}. For membranes of fixed lateral size, a crumpling transition occurs at nonzero temperatures in an auxiliary mean field approximation. As the lateral size L of the membrane becomes large, the flat regime shrinks with 1/ln⁥L1/\ln L.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Massless Decoupled Doublers: Chiral Yukawa Models and Chiral Gauge Theories

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    We present a new method for regularizing chiral theories on the lattice. The arbitrariness in the regularization is used in order to decouple massless replica fermions. A continuum limit with only one fermion is obtained in perturbation theory and a Golterman-Petcher like symmetry related to the decoupling of the replicas in the non-perturbative regime is identified. In the case of Chiral Gauge Theories gauge invariance is broken at the level of the regularization, so our approach shares many of the characteristics of the Rome approach.Comment: 11 page

    Perturbative renormalization of bilinear quark and gluon operators

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    The renormalisation constants for local bilinear quark operators are calculated using the Sheikholeslami-Wohlert improved action. In addition we compute the renormalisation constant of the leading gluon operator for different group representations and discuss the mixing of the operators E^2 and B^2.Comment: 3 pages, poster contributed at Lattice96, St. Loui

    Remark on lattice BRST invariance

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    A recently claimed resolution to the lattice Gribov problem in the context of chiral lattice gauge theories is examined. Unfortunately, I find that the old problem remains.Comment: 4 pages, plain TeX, presentation improved (see acknowledgments
