721 research outputs found

    The Effects of Medicaid Reimbursement Rates on Access to Dental Care

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    Compares efforts to improve Medicaid access to dental care in California with those in Alabama, Michigan, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and Washington, and assesses the extent to which raising dentists' Medicaid reimbursement rates improved access

    Nevrobiologisk grunnlag for musikkterapi

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    Mange som er kandidater for musikkterapi har redusert funksjonsevne pÄ grunn av en eller annen form for hjernefunksjonssvikt. Kunnskap om hjernen er derfor nÞdvendig for Ä vurdere personens funksjonsprofil (funksjonsevne pÄ viktige delomrÄder) og utviklingspotensialer slik at valg av tiltak, tiltaksprofilen (type og nivÄ av tiltak), tilpasses personens evner og kapasiteter for at personen best mulig kan dra nytte av tiltakene. Nevrobiologisk forskning har gitt Þkt kunnskap om hvordan hjernen kontrollerer musikk og mer konkret forstÄelse og vitenskapelig dokumentasjon av effekt av musikk i terapi og medisin. Dette er i ferd med Ä fÞre musikkterapi fra supplerende (adjunct) tilbud til en sentral behandlingsmodalitet i rehabilitering og terapi (Thaut 2005). ForstÄelse av hvordan hjernen virker blir derfor stadig viktigere innen musikkterapi. Denne teksten redegjÞr for nevropsykologiske prinsipper for tiltak og viktige trekk ved hjernens funksjon

    Dishonourable Integration: Between Honour and Shame

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    Leader-Member Exchange Paying Attention to Immediate Subordinate Pays Off

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    The author provides a brief review of leadership seen from the dyadic perspective, also known as leader-member exchange (LMX). This perspective focuses on the relationship between leaders and their immediate subordinates as individuals, with a review of the potential benefits and importance of this perspective. It is evident that hospitality leaders, managers, and supervisors and their organizations may gain much by paying attention to the relationship they have and that they develop with their immediate subordinate

    Human rights education—a republican perspective

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    The concept of freedomis at the moral core of human rights and human rights education. In the liberal tradition, the prevalent understanding of freedom is non-interference. In the republican tradition, however, freedom is primarily conceived of as non-dominationrather than non-interference. This article discusses whether the republican ideal of freedom is conducive to the ambition of human rights education to strengthen and develop respect for human rights, and to build and promote a culture of human rights. The article arguesthat a republican perspective, although challenging, is important, because it identifies central aspects of freedom that are vital to the fundamental standing of persons and to living a life in dignity, and because it emphasises active citizenship and civic virtue as important for realising freedom. It further argues that a republican perspective requires a multidisciplinary approach to human rights education.publishedVersio

    Review of Norwegian Earthquake Assistance to Pakistan 2005 and 2006

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    The massive earthquake that struck northern parts of Pakistan and India on 8 October 2005, led to the loss of more than 75 000 lives, 100 000 were severely injured and 2.8 million were left without shelter. The relief response was immediate but demanding. It was a race against time to provide assistance before the onset of winter and to reach the most remote areas. The Norwegian Government responded quickly, and prioritised support to Norwegian NGOs with prior experience and networks in Pakistan, Pakistani NGOs with a strong local presence and UN agencies. The total Norwegian earthquake assistance was NOK 522 million, and was generally judged to be delivered in a professional, effective and efficient manner. The new UN Cluster approach was tested in Pakistan. Cluster Heads assigned responsibilities as to agencies with technical expertise, while OCHA had an overall coordination responsibility. This evaluation finds that while the cluster approach improves the relief work, there are a number of weaknesses identified which needs further attention. An important weakness in the current response was that gender issues and women were not prioritised, despite the fact that women had taken on much of the early relief responsibility in the villages, and were particularly vulnerable in the camp environment

    The Burden of Subscribing: How Young People Experience Digital News Subscriptions

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    This paper analyzes how young non-paying news users experience digital news subscriptions in Norway. As news organizations face declining advertising revenues, digital subscriptions are considered the sustainable financial strategy of the future, with young people a particularly challenging group to convert. We analyze the experiences of young adults who do not pay for news and identify three key dimensions to why they do not subscribe: lack of exclusivity, subscriptions as too time-consuming, and unattractive payment models. We also detail how the informants maneuver around paywalls, and we highlight “multi-perspectivism” as an overarching concern guiding the informants’ preferences. Empirically, the paper furthers our understanding of the challenges facing business models for journalism, especially problems with long-term, provider-specific subscriptions. Methodologically, we demonstrate how a combination of recurring interviews and a media diary matching a subscription test period yields a deeper analysis of motivations for, and experiences with, news use. Theoretically, the paper shows how approaching news through users’ experiences can provide insights not just into what users appreciate from news but also into where they consider there is a lack of value.publishedVersio

    Team-Based Interaction in the Foodservice Instructional Laboratory: An Exploratory Model of Team Composition, Team-Member Interaction, and Performance

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    [Excerpt] Much like the hard sciences, hospitality laboratory-based education is a frequently required component of academic programs due to the applied nature of the concepts taught. Laboratory courses in hospitality education are typically designed around foodservice based activities, such as operating a restaurant or components there of; lodging-based activities, such as running a front desk or housekeeping department; or gaming-based activities, such as running games and entertainment processes in a casino. While the activities mentioned above may not be present in all hospitality programs, it safe to say that the majority of well-rounded hospitality education programs offer some form of laboratory instruction consistent with their educational mission and specialty. In this investigation foodservice laboratories will be used as a frame of reference and focal point to examine team interaction. It is likely that these concepts could be applied equally well in a number of laboratory settings both in and outside hospitality education

    Consumer Acceptance of Server Recommendations

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    Servers are typically encouraged to make recommendations and attempt to up-sell. Little is known, however, about the conditions under which restaurant consumers follow server recommendations. We propose considering this from the perspectives of Mertz’s work regarding the effect of source evaluations on persuasive influence and Ajzen’s theory of planned behavior. Both perspectives yield important insights. Potential research questions are proposed. A few propositions are tested and are generally supportive
