1,933 research outputs found

    Helicopter simulator standards

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    The initial advisory circular was produced in 1984 (AC 120-XX). It was not finalized, however, because the FAR's for pilot certification did not recognize helicopter simulators and, therefore, permitted no credit for their use. That is being rectified, and, when the new rules are published, standards must be available for qualifying simulators. Because of the lack of a data base to support specification of these standards, the FAA must rely on the knowledge of experts in the simulator/training industry. A major aim of this workshop is to form a working group of these experts to produce a set of standards for helicopter training simulators

    Macroeconomic Implications of Alternative Exchange Rate Models

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    In this paper we estimate and compare several alternative exchange rate models that have received wide attention, but little comparison, during the 1970s. In order to compare purchasing power parity (PPP), nominal interest rate parity, real interest rate parity, and portfolio balance models, we first strip each down to its essential core and undertake comparable single-equation tests of both 'hard' and 'easy' (more and less constrained) versions of each model. We then embed each of the 'hard' versions in a new macroeconomic model of Canada, and assess their implications for the impacts of monetary and fiscal shocks. Using annual Canadian data from the 1950s and 1970s, all of the models have single-equation errors of about 3%, except for the 'hard' versions of PPP and real interest parity, which are heavily rejected by the data. In a macroeconomic context, the models have modestly different implications for the effects of fiscal shocks, and diverge more widely under monetary shocks.

    The Halliday Report: In Pursuit of a New Sentencing Framework or a Catastrophic Failure?

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    In 2001 the Halliday Report, Making Punishments Work: A Review of the Sentencing Framework for England & Wales devised a sentencing framework where sentences – custodial and non-custodial - meant what they said, benefited offenders and society, and ultimately made sense. The new framework was designed to successfully rehabilitate offenders, reduce re-offending and reserve prison for those offenders that justify it by creating novel but ingenious ways of changing the attitudes and behaviours of offenders. The framework was to be one that generated public confidence. Changes were proposed of such magnitude that it was believed the reform would lead to an overhaul of the dismal state of the sentencing framework. This article examines three major proposals from the Halliday report; the reform and use of custodial sentences and non-custodial sentences and the formulation of sentencing guidelines. It argues that despite specified aims the proposals have been implemented in such diluted ways that they have limited the chance of achieving the success predicted. The discussion seeks to show that despite the extensive Report, heralded by the government as the way forward in improving sentencing practice, the government has failed to acknowledge the recommendations made and use the Report to its full benefit. The underlying question posed is whether the government has successfully put the ‘sense back into sentencing’

    Aschenputtel: Aus der Asche inden Glanz - eine weibliche Karriere

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    Aschenputtel agiert selbstbestimmt und undercover. Sie legt angesichts der feindlichen Übermacht die Karten nicht auf den Tisch. Sie bleibt nicht verzagt hinterm Ofen, sondern geht in voller Pracht und als kluge Verführerin zu den königlichen Festen. Sie ist angesichts des häuslichen Machtgefälles äußerlich gefügig, formuliert aber wie in Bertolt Brechts Parabel von den Maßnahmen gegen die Gewalt ein freies inneres Nein

    Model Classrooms: One Approach to Teacher Shortages

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    Due to a nationwide teacher shortage, instructional leaders are utilizing more alternatively certified teachers than in the past, creating a problem for principals (Darling-Hammond & Berry, 2006; Birinci and Amburgey, 2022). Teachers in alternatively certified programs often lack pedagogy due to an absence of educational training, and as a result, principals hire teachers who are inadequately trained for the classroom. Therefore, there is a need to improve the way instructional leaders prepare alternatively certified teachers. The solution to this dilemma is creating professional learning through model classrooms, a term coined by the author. Model classrooms serve as exemplars to other teachers with structure, processes, and standards through experiential learning (Radovic et al., 2021; Weisling and Gardiner, 2018). Authentic, hands-on learning allows teachers to conceptualize theories and directly apply strategies within the classroom. Model classrooms provide instructional leaders with the ability to provide experiential learning that is meaningful and impactful to teachers

    Accounting Regimes and Fiscal Rules

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    Boothe contributes to the literature that focuses on the impact of budgetary institutions on fiscal outcomes by examining the interaction between accounting regimes and fiscal rules. The paper builds and calibrates a model through which cash and accrual accounting regimes are compared and their interaction with different fiscal rules is analysed. The paper does not take position on the suitability of cash versus accrual regimes. It rather looks for the circumstances under which governments may choose to move from an accounting system to the other. The author stresses that rules which discourage deficit financing are harder to comply with under cash accounting than under accrual accounting

    Abraham, der Ausgezeichnete: die Loyalitätsprobe

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    Education Revitalization is the New Reform: Five National Classroom Trends for Idaho

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    Critics have long assailed American education for failing to train a globally competitive workforce. All too often, we are faced with a shortage of highly qualified graduates in fields that are essential to our economic growth as a state and nation. An emphasis on education in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) is crucial for our children’s future

    Discussion Groups and Online Learning

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    This article investigates the components of online discussion groups in terms of their cognitive, social and teaching impact for online learning. Discussion groups serve an essential role and will be defined and their impact addressed as an active learning strategy with multilayered effects. Connecting learners in an online teaching environment is essential and integration of well-designed discussions will facilitate student learning. In the online classroom, critical thinking skills and actively engaged learners are tantamount to student success. The development of asynchronous discussions to enhance learning and critical thinking will be discussed along with reflection and activities to increase student engagement and learning
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