1,459 research outputs found

    Derivation of Distances with the Tully-Fisher Relation: The Antlia Cluster

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    The Tully-Fisher relation is a correlation between the luminosity and the HI 21cm line width in spiral galaxies (LLW relation). It is used to derive galaxy distances in the interval 7 to 100 Mpc. Closer, the Cepheids, TRGB and Surface Brightness Fluctuation methods give a better accuracy. Further, the SNIa are luminous objects still available for distance measurement purposes, though with a dramatically lower density grid of measurements on the sky. Galaxies in clusters are all at the same distance from the observer. Thus the distance of the cluster derived from a large number of galaxies (N) has an error reduced according to the square root of N. However, not all galaxies in a cluster are suitable for the LLW measurement. The selection criteria we use are explained hereafter; the important point being to avoid Malmquist bias and to not introduce any systematics in the distance measurement.Comment: Moriond0

    Oligocene magmatic activity and associated mineralization in the polymetallic belt of Central Peru

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    Les données géochronologiques obtenues à partir des échantillons prélevés dans les districts miniers de Milpo-Atacocha et de Chungar mettent en évidence l'importance des épisodes magmatiques et de l'activité métallogénique à l'Oligocène dans le Pérou centra

    Posterior Average Effects

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    Economists are often interested in estimating averages with respect to distributions of unobservables, such as moments of individual fixed-effects, or average partial effects in discrete choice models. For such quantities, we propose and study posterior average effects (PAE), where the average is computed conditional on the sample, in the spirit of empirical Bayes and shrinkage methods. While the usefulness of shrinkage for prediction is well-understood, a justification of posterior conditioning to estimate population averages is currently lacking. We show that PAE have minimum worst-case specification error under various forms of misspecification of the parametric distribution of unobservables. In addition, we introduce a measure of informativeness of the posterior conditioning, which quantifies the worst-case specification error of PAE relative to parametric model-based estimators. As illustrations, we report PAE estimates of distributions of neighborhood effects in the U.S., and of permanent and transitory components in a model of income dynamics

    Earnings and Consumption Dynamics: A Nonlinear Panel Data Framework

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    We develop a new quantile‐based panel data framework to study the nature of income persistence and the transmission of income shocks to consumption. Log‐earnings are the sum of a general Markovian persistent component and a transitory innovation. The persistence of past shocks to earnings is allowed to vary according to the size and sign of the current shock. Consumption is modeled as an age‐dependent nonlinear function of assets, unobservable tastes, and the two earnings components. We establish the nonparametric identification of the nonlinear earnings process and of the consumption policy rule. Exploiting the enhanced consumption and asset data in recent waves of the Panel Study of Income Dynamics, we find that the earnings process features nonlinear persistence and conditional skewness. We confirm these results using population register data from Norway. We then show that the impact of earnings shocks varies substantially across earnings histories, and that this nonlinearity drives heterogeneous consumption responses. The framework provides new empirical measures of partial insurance in which the transmission of income shocks to consumption varies systematically with assets, the level of the shock, and the history of past shocks

    Transmission measurement at 10.6 microns of Te2As3Se5 rib-waveguides on As2S3 substrate

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    The feasibility of chalcogenide rib waveguides working at lambda = 10.6 microns has been demonstrated. The waveguides comprised a several microns thick Te2As3Se5 film deposited by thermal evaporation on a polished As2S3 glass substrate and further etched by physical etching in Ar or CF4/O2 atmosphere. Output images at 10.6 microns and some propagation losses roughly estimated at 10dB/cm proved that the obtained structures behaved as channel waveguides with a good lateral confinement of the light. The work opens the doors to the realisation of components able to work in the mid and thermal infrared up to 20 microns and even more.Comment: The following article appeared in Vigreux-Bercovici et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 011110 (2007) and may be found at http://link.aip.org/link/?apl/90/01111

    Safe liquid scintillators for large scale detectors

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    Many experiments in particle physics, in particular in the field of neutrino searches, rely on organic liquid scintillators as target and detection material. The size of these detectors was continously growing in the last decades, up to the kiloton scale. In several cases these detectors are located at sites with enhanced safety requirements as underground laboratories or in the vicinity of nuclear reactors. Therefore, there is strong demand in liquids which are safe with respect to aspects as fire protection, human health or environmental pollution. In particular, properties as the flash point, the vapor pressure or the toxicity need to be significantly improved as compared to classical solvents such as xylene or pseudocumene. We present and compare the performance and optical properties of scintillators based on high flash point solvents. In particular polysiloxane based scintillators are characterized by outstanding properties in terms of safety.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Safe liquid scintillators for large scale detectors

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    Many experiments in particle physics, in particular in the field of neutrino searches, rely on organic liquid scintillators as target and detection material. The size of these detectors was continously growing in the last decades, up to the kiloton scale. In several cases these detectors are located at sites with enhanced safety requirements as underground laboratories or in the vicinity of nuclear reactors. Therefore, there is strong demand in liquids which are safe with respect to aspects as fire protection, human health or environmental pollution. In particular, properties as the flash point, the vapor pressure or the toxicity need to be significantly improved as compared to classical solvents such as xylene or pseudocumene. We present and compare the performance and optical properties of scintillators based on high flash point solvents. In particular polysiloxane based scintillators are characterized by outstanding properties in terms of safety