17 research outputs found

    LABEC, the INFN ion beam laboratory of nuclear techniques for environment and cultural heritage

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    The LABEC laboratory, the INFN ion beam laboratory of nuclear techniques for environment and cultural heritage, located in the Scientific and Technological Campus of the University of Florence in Sesto Fiorentino, started its operational activities in 2004, after INFN decided in 2001 to provide our applied nuclear physics group with a large laboratory dedicated to applications of accelerator-related analytical techniques, based on a new 3 MV Tandetron accelerator. The new accelerator greatly improved the performance of existing Ion Beam Analysis (IBA) applications (for which we were using since the 1980s an old single-ended Van de Graaff accelerator) and in addition allowed to start a novel activity of Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS), in particular for 14C dating. Switching between IBA and AMS operation became very easy and fast, which allowed us high flexibility in programming the activities, mainly focused on studies of cultural heritage and atmospheric aerosol composition, but including also applications to biology, geology, material science and forensics, ion implantation, tests of radiation damage to components, detector performance tests and low-energy nuclear physics. This paper describes the facilities presently available in the LABEC laboratory, their technical features and some success stories of recent applications

    Relational Sequence Clustering for Aggregating Similar Agents

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    Many clustering methods are based on flat descriptions, while data regarding real-world domains include heterogeneous objects related to each other in multiple ways. For instance, in the field of Multi-Agent System, multiple agents interact with the environment and with other agents. In this case, in order to act effectively an agent should be able to recognise the behaviours adopted by other agents. Actions taken by an agent are sequential, and thus its behaviour can be expressed as a sequence of actions. Inferring knowledge about competing and/or companion agents by observing their actions is very beneficial to construct a behavioural model of the agent population. In this paper we propose a clustering method for relational sequences able to aggregate companion agent behaviours. The algorithm has been tested on a real world dataset proving its validity

    Classifying Agent Behaviour through Relational Sequential Patterns

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    Statistical Relational Learning (SRL) is a growing field in Machine Learning that aims at the integration of logic-based learning approaches with probabilistic graphical models. Markov Logic Networks (MLNs) are one of the state-of-the-art SRL models that combine first-order logic and Markov networks (MNs) by attaching weights to first-order formulas and viewing these as templates for features of MNs. Learning models in SRL consists in learning the structure (logical clauses in MLNs) and the parameters (weights for each clause in MLNs). Structure learning of MLNs is performed by maximizing a likelihood function (or a function thereof) over relational databases and MLNs have been successfully applied to problems in relational and uncertain domains. However, most complex domains are characterized by incomplete data. Until now SRL models have mostly used Expectation-Maximization (EM) for learning statistical parameters under missing values. Multistrategic learning in the relational setting has been a successful approach to dealing with complex problems where multiple inference mechanisms can help solve different subproblems. Abduction is an inference strategy that has been proven useful for completing missing values in observations. In this paper we propose two frameworks for integrating abduction in SRL models. The first tightly integrates logical abduction with structure and parameter learning of MLNs in a single step. During structure search guided by conditional likelihood, clause evaluation is performed by first trying to logically abduce missing values in the data and then by learning optimal pseudo-likelihood parameters using the completed data. The second approach integrates abduction with Structural EM of [17] by performing logical abductive inference in the E-step and then by trying to maximize parameters in the M-step

    Relational Sequence based Classification in Multi-agent Systems

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    In multiagent adversarial environments, the adversary consists of a team of opponents that may interfere with the achievement of goals. In this domain agents must be able to quickly adapt to the environment and infer knowledge from other agents’ deportment to identify the future behaviors of opponents. We present a relational model to characterize adversary teams based on its behavior. A team’s deportment is represent by a set of relational sequences of basic actions extracted from their observed behaviors. Based on this, we present a similarity measure to classify the teams’ behavior. The sequence extraction and classification are implemented in the domain of simulated robotic soccer, and experimental results are presented

    Relational Learning by Imitation

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    A Logic Programming Framework for Learning by Imitation

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    Humans use imitation as a mechanism for acquiring knowledge, i.e. they use instructions and/or demonstrations provided by other humans. In this paper we propose a logic programming framework for learning from imitation in order to make an agent able to learn from relational demonstrations. In particular, demonstrations are received in incremental way and used as training examples while the agent interacts in a stochastic environment. This logical framework allows to represent domain specific knowledge as well as to compactly and declaratively represent complex relational processes. The framework has been implemented and validated with experiments in simulated agent domains