1,210 research outputs found

    Prognostic significance of primary-tumor extension, stage and grade of nuclear differentiation in patients with renal cell carcinoma

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    Surgery remains the preferred therapy for renal cell carcinoma. The various adjunctive or complementary therapies currently yield disappointing results. Identifying reliable prognostic factors could help in selecting patients most likely to benefit from postoperative adjuvant therapies. We reviewed the surgical records of 78 patients who had undergone radical nephrectomy with lymphadenectomy for renal cell carcinoma, matched for type of operation and histology. According to staging (TNM), 5.1% of the patients were classified as stage I, 51.3% as stage II, 29.5% as stage III and 14.5% as stage IV. Of the 78 patients 40 were T2N0 and 21 T3aN0. Tumor grading showed that 39.7% of the patients had well-differentiated tumors(G1), 41.1% moderately-differentiated (G2), and 19.2% poorly-differentiated tumors (G3). Overall actuarial survival at 5 and 10 years was 100% for stage 1; 91.3% at 5 years and 83.1% at 10 years for stage II; 45.5% and 34.1% for stage III; and 29.1% and nil for stage IV (stage II vs stage III p = 0.0001). Patients with tumors confined to the kidney (pT2N0) had better 5- and 10-year survival rates than patients with tumors infiltrating the perirenal fat (pT3aN0) (p = 0.000006). Survival differed according to nuclear grading (G1 vs G3 ; p = 0.000005; G2 vs G3; p = 0.0009). In conclusion our review identified tumor stage, primary-tumor extension, and the grade of nuclear differentiation as reliable prognostic factors in patients with renal cell carcinomas

    Port noise and complaints in the North Tyrrhenian sea and framework for remediation

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    Compared to the other relevant noise sources such as railways, roads, and airplanes, the regulation regarding port noise is lagging behind. The absence of specific laws is likely one of the main causes of the increasingly high number of complaints reported by the citizens living nearby the ports. At the same time, scientific literature concerning the impact of port noise and its mitigation is not so widespread and only a few studies are available at the moment. However, the volume of maritime traffic has increased in the last years and consequently, Port Authorities are required to assess the impact of port operations on the city soundscape without using specific directives or guidelines. In this context, the INTERREG Maritime programme projects RUMBLE, MON ACUMEN, and REPORT aim to fill this gap, by investigating the state-of-the-art of port noise in the north Tyrrhenian sea and developing helpful instruments. Data were collected via a survey sent to the Port Authorities, local environmental protection agencies and universities involved in the projects. The survey was focused on monitoring systems, previous measurement campaigns, noise maps, and citizens’ complaints already taken. The results confirmed both a lack of awareness among residents and authorities and the absence of actions aimed at reducing port noise. In this framework, the difficulties encountered by the Port Authorities in managing the ports sustainably are highlighted. An underestimation of citizens’ exposure to noise in port areas could be expected

    JCV-specific T-cells producing IFN-gamma are differently associated with PmL occurrence in HIV patients and liver transplant recipients

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    Aim of this work was to investigate a possible correlation between the frequency of JCV-specific T-cells and PML occurrence in HIV-infected subjects and in liver transplant recipients. A significant decrease of JCV-specific T-cells was observed in HIV-PML subjects, highlighting a close relation between JCV-specific T-cell immune impairment and PML occurrence in HIV-subjects. Interestingly, liver-transplant recipients (LTR) showed a low frequency of JCV-specific T-cells, similar to HIV-PML subjects. Nevertheless, none of the enrolled LTR developed PML, suggesting the existence of different immunological mechanisms involved in the maintenance of a protective immune response in LT

    Thiazolidin-4-one formation. Mechanistic and synthetic aspects of the reaction of imines and mercaptoacetic acid under microwave and conventional heating

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    Microwave irradiation of a mixture of benzylidene-anilines and mercaptoacetic acid in benzene gives 1,3-thiazolidin-4- ones in very high yield (65–90%), whereas the same reaction performed through using the conventional method, at refluxtemperature, requires a much longer time and gives a much lower yield (25–69%). This difference seems to be due to someintermediates and by-products formed during the conventional reaction. On the basis of 1H NMR studies, two differentmechanisms, acting in benzene and in DMF, respectively, have been hypothesized for the thiazolidin-4-one system formation

    Reaction between quinone and thiazolidine. A study on the formation mechanism of new antiproliferative quinolindiones

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    Reaction between quinolinquinone and thiazolidine in basic medium was investigated. 2-Arylthiazolidine-4-carboxylic acid ethyl esters undergo two different cleavages in basic medium, yielding the 1-aryl-2-azadiene and a thiolic species. In the presence of quinolinquinone, the isomeric 1-aryl-3-ethoxycarbonyl-pyridoisoquinolin-5,10-diones and 3-amino-3-ethoxycarbonyl-dihydrothienoquinolin- 4,9-diones are formed by a hetero-Diels–Alder reaction and 1,4-Michael addition reaction, respectively. A mechanism for the formation of the reaction products is presented

    Novel anticancer drug 5h-pyro[3,2-a] phenoxazin-5-one (PPH) regulates lncRNA HOTAIR and HOXC genes in human MCF-7 cells

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    Breast cancer in women is the second most commonly cancer, after skin cancer. The percentage of mortality risk for breast cancer is 1 in 37 women (2.7%), which makes breast cancer represent the second cause of cancer death in women. Recently, new research based on previously published work in systemic chemotherapy and endocrine therapy field, have improved the incidence rates. The quinonic nucleus is common to many natural and synthetic products associated with anticancer and antibacterial activities, these compounds are typically DNA-intercalating agents. The Class I Homeobox genes (HOX in human and hox in mouse) control embryonic development and specific determination of positional identity anteroposterior axis of the human body. The HOX genes, are 39 transcription factors related to morphological, physiological disease. It has been demonstrated that any deregulation into the network is able to induce neoplastic transformation. Particularly, HOXC locus collaborating with lncRNA HOTAIR play a key role in breast cancer. In this study, our group evaluated the chemical and metabolic stability of new anticancer molecule 5H-pyro[3,2-a] phenoxazin-5-one (PPH). In a recent paper, we have already demonstrated that a new and potent anticancer synthetic iminoquinone, the 5H-pyrido[3,2-a]phenoxazin-5-one (PPH), is able to inhibit a large number of lymphoblastoid and solid-tumor-derived cells at submicromolar concentrations. Based on our previous research, we decided to analyze the cytotoxic effect and capability of PPH to control the lncRNA HOTAIR and HOXC locus gene expression in human breast cancer cells MCF-7, in order to demonstrate its role like potential new breast cancer antitumor drug

    Novel Anticancer Drug 5H-pyro[3,2-a] Phenoxazin-5-one (PPH) Regulates lncRNA HOTAIR and HOXC genes in Human MCF-7 Cells

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    Breast cancer in women is the second most commonly cancer, after skin cancer. The percentage of mortalityrisk for breast cancer is 1 in 37 women (2.7%), which makes breast cancer represent the second cause of cancerdeath in women. Recently, new research based on previously published work in systemic chemotherapy andendocrine therapy field, have improved the incidence rates. The quinonic nucleus is common to many naturaland synthetic products associated with anticancer and antibacterial activities, these compounds are typicallyDNA-intercalating agents. The Class I Homeobox genes (HOX in human and hox in mouse) control embryonicdevelopment and specific determination of positional identity anteroposterior axis of the human body. The HOXgenes, are 39 transcription factors related to morphological, physiological disease. It has been demonstratedthat any deregulation into the network is able to induce neoplastic transformation. Particularly, HOXC locuscollaborating with lncRNA HOTAIR play a key role in breast cancer. In this study, our group evaluated the chemical and metabolic stability of new anticancer molecule 5H-pyro[3,2-a] phenoxazin-5-one (PPH). In a recent paper, we have already demonstrated that a new and potent anticancersynthetic iminoquinone, the 5H-pyrido[3,2-a]phenoxazin-5-one (PPH), is able to inhibit a large number oflymphoblastoid and solid-tumor-derived cells at submicromolar concentrations. Based on our previous research, we decided to analyze the cytotoxic effect and capability of PPH to control thelncRNA HOTAIR and HOXC locus gene expression in human breast cancer cells MCF-7, in order to demonstrateits role like potential new breast cancer antitumor drug

    Source characterization guidelines for noise mapping of port areas

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    Maritime transport for both passengers and freight is continuously increasing and, consequently, the global attention toward its sustainability is growing. Ships offer advantages in terms of environmental impact compared to other transportation systems but the increasing traffic volume is expected to increase pollutants. Noise produced in port areas has been neglected for too long, until the INTERREG Maritime programme Italy-France 2014\u20132020 has brought to light how citizen complaints are emerging for some of the main ports in the Mediterranean. However, port noise prevention and management is difficult as knowledge on specific sources is very limited in the literature. Furthermore, on field measurements are difficult to be performed given the complexity of the port area, where multiple types of sound emitters mix and confuse each other. Noise maps represent the first important step in order to align ports to the requirements set by the Environmental Noise Directive to the transportation infrastructures. Once computed, they are an excellent tool supporting port management towards the reduction of citizens\u2019 noise exposure while ensuring traffic growth. The present paper reports a guideline for the characterization of noise sources needed as inputs for the noise maps, as developed in the framework of the INTERREG Maritime programme Italy-France 2014\u20132020. On the basis of the current state of the art, a procedure has been elaborated for different categories of noise sources acting in port, ranging from stationary to moving ships, from mooring operations to loading/unloading operations, from industrial activities to road and railway traffic

    Prognostic implications of Tc-99m sestamibi viability imaging and subsequent therapeutic strategy in patients with chronic coronary artery disease and left ventricular dysfunction.

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    AbstractOBJECTIVESThe aim of the study was to verify the prognostic implications of viability detection using baseline-nitrate sestamibi imaging in patients with left ventricular (LV) dysfunction due to chronic coronary artery disease (CAD) submitted to different therapeutic strategies.BACKGROUNDThe prognostic meaning of preserved viability in these patients is still debated. Sestamibi is increasingly used for myocardial perfusion scintigraphy and is being accepted also as viability tracer, but no data are available about the relationship between viability in sestamibi imaging, subsequent treatment, and patient’s outcome.METHODSFollow-up data were collected in 105 CAD patients with LV dysfunction who had undergone baseline-nitrate sestamibi perfusion imaging for viability assessment and had been later treated medically (group 1), or submitted to revascularization, which was either complete (group 2A) or incomplete (group 2B).RESULTSEighteen hard events (cardiac death or nonfatal myocardial infarction) were registered during the follow-up. A significantly worse event-free survival curve was observed in the patients of group 1 (p < 0.0002) and group 2B (p < 0.03) compared to those of group 2A. Using a Cox proportional hazard model, the most powerful prognostic predictors of events were the number of nonrevascularized asynergic segments with viability in sestamibi imaging (p < 0.003, risk ratio [RR] = 1.4), and the severity of CAD (p < 0.02, RR = 1.28).CONCLUSIONSViability detection in sestamibi imaging has important prognostic implications in CAD patients with LV dysfunction. Patients with preserved viability kept on medical therapy or submitted to incomplete revascularization represent high-risk groups

    Direction distributions of neutrons and reference values of the personal dose equivalent in workplace fields

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    Within the EC project EVIDOS, double-differential (energy and direction) fluence spectra were determined by means of novel direction spectrometers. By folding the spectra with fluence-to-dose equivalent conversion coefficients, contributions to H*(10) for 14 directions, and values of the personal dose equivalent Hp(10) and the effective dose E for 6 directions of a person's orientation in the field were determined. The results of the measurements and calculations obtained within the EVIDOS project in workplace fields in nuclear installations in Europe, i.e., at Krümmel (boiling water reactor and transport cask), at Mol (Venus research reactor and fuel facility Belgonucléaire) and at Ringhals (pressurised reactor and transport cask) are presente
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