19 research outputs found

    Integrated marketing communication and new marketing paradigm

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    Predmet ovog istraživanja obuhvata teorijske, metodološke i praktične aspekte kreiranja i primene adekvatne marketing strategije u procesu pripreme domaćih privrednih subjekata za primenu integrisanog marketing komuniciranja. Strateško partnerstvo predstavlja složen proces uspostavljanja saradnje izmedju različitih privrednih subjekata najčešće iz različitih zemalja. U ovom radu su definisane zajedničke oblasti koje je potrebno istražiti a rezultate istraživanja usmeriti na poboljšanje efikasnosti ovih procesa posebno u segmentu manjih poslovnih sistema. U okviru analize realizovanih načina primene integrisanog marketinng komuniciranja u zemlji i u okruđenju, položaja naše zemlje u regionu, potencijala i mogućnosti, razradjeni su svi oblici saradnje koji imaju obeležja strateškog partnerstva, a poseban naglasak je dat na novom konceptu integrisanog marketing komuniciranja kao jednom od najefikasnijih oblika koji nije dovoljno u primeni na našem prostoru

    Agile Management of IT Projects by Modified Scrum Processes

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    Scrum is the result of evolution in product development originating from the Japanese management system and process improvement (kaizen) and the Toyota production system from middle of the 20th century. However, Scrum is not the end result but a constant evolution. The purpose of this paper is an attempt to add new knowledge to this evolution. There are numerous alternatives to Scrum process and rules, commonly called hybrids. It is important to be aware that one approach or process cannot be a solution for every software development project. The key is to find a balance between the processes and the people, policies and the principles, as well as focus on long-term or short-term goals, etc. This problem is one of the biggest challenges widely discussed in present-day scientific and industrial communities

    Upravljanje korišćenjem novog načina PVC pakovanja u poljoprivrednim preduzećima sa agro-ekološkim aspektima

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    Corporate management demands new ways to improve business. In the paper the author's focus was on the application of PVC packaging from the agro ecological aspect. Comparison of the number of weed weeds in compost that was stored outdoors in relation to the number of weed weeds in compost kept in plastic containers was performed. The experiment was carried out on 10x10 cm plain surfaces of both composts in real nursery production in a large nursery in Novi Sad. Changes were found that indicate differences in the number of weed weeds on all parcels covered with compost that was differently conserved. The obtained average results of the weed plants at the end of the first week on the parcels amounted to the first compost 1.6 and higher compared to 0.9 in the second mode of storage at the end of the second week at 2.8 at 1.4 and at the end of the third week 5.5 compared to 1.1 for composts stored in PVC packaging. PVC packaging can be reused in more than 10 new cycles in nursery production and overall results point to the overall positive trend of such compost storage.Korporativno upravljanje zahteva nove načine unapređenja poslovanja. U radu fokus autora bio je usmeren na primenu PVC ambalaže sa agro-ekološkog aspekta. Izvršena je komparacija broja izniklih korovskih biljaka kod komposta koji je skladišten na otvorenom u odnosu na broj korovskih biljaka kod komposta koji je čuvan u plastičnim kontejnerima. Eksperiment je urađen na površinama 10x10 cm redno postavljenom površinom sa oba komposta u rasadničkoj proizvodnji u velikom rasadniku u Novom Sadu. Utvrđene su promene koje ukazuju na razlike broja korovskih biljaka na svim parcelama koje su prekrivene kompostom koji je različito bio čuvan. Dobijeni prosečni rezultati broja korovskih biljaka na kraju prve nedelje na parcelama iznose kod prvog načina čuvanja komposta 1.6 i veći su u poređenju sa 0.9 kod drugog načina čuvanja, na kraju druge nedelje iznose 2.8 u poređenju sa 1.4, a na kraju treće nedelje iznose 5.5 u odnosu na 1.1 kod komposta čuvanog u PVC ambalaži. PVC ambalaža može se ponovo koristiti u više od 10 novih ciklusa u rasadničkoj proizvodnji, a generalno rezultati ukazuju na pozitivan trend takvog načina skladištenja komposta


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    The fair value within the business improvement in the enterprises of the Republic of Serbia is continuing demanding work that is carried out in the framework of financial reporting management companies, sectors of economy, but the national authorities may require a completely evaluation of companies, based on the decisions of state bodies and individual requirements. An important place in this context have the internal audit, external audit, as these can be a driver of the fair value of the initial phase by the management council. External audit is able to thinking management delivered only after the end of the business year, when it receives the financial statements of the previous year of business, and then can make recommendations, because through their impact on future business management, provided that it is adopted, it will be is maintained in the next period of operation. Therefore regardless of the drivers and the initiator of the fair value now exist ways to increase the security of the overall business, and in this paper highlighted the fair value as an element of financial reporting. It is expected to increase the number of effective fair value in the Republic of Serbia, because companies can realize numerous benefits

    Managing agricultural company by using internal control and significance of risk presentation

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    The survival of a company on the market is possible if there is a good company managing, led by agile and professional management. Company development is a general objective and it can be achieved if the management of the company managed to establish their own style of organization and management. In addition to the aforesaid, the management should have a developed system of internal control within the regular and continuous business operations. Our contribution is reflected in the presentation of mode of managing nursery-garden plant production, using internal control for the benefits of management. We found that the application of detected risks in said production could be presented and illustrated in a range of risks, all of it with the aim of making management decisions that will reduce the overall risk of an agricultural company's business operations

    Management of joint-stock companies and farms by using fair value of agricultural equipment in financial statements on the example of IMT 533 tractor

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    More demanding management requires management to foster the application of different mechanisms. One of the upcoming ways of improving management is the use of the fair value of property and equipment in the business books of the company. The authors of this study emphasize the importance of fair valuation of agricultural equipment, processing surveyed 382 legal entities of the Republic of Serbia, in the case of widespread tractor IMT 533 agricultural holdings in 207 and 175 joint-stock companies. To show the real application of fair value, the research period lasted from 2015 to 2018. We came to the basic conclusion that there is a statistically significant relationship between organizations, enterprises and the age of the tractor to the application of the fair value of the tractor in the business books of the company. There is also a conclusion that fair financial reporting brings about benefits to agricultural entities of other legal forms

    Impact of different light intensity on the production of the plant Narcissus L. and its financial effects

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    Plant production monitoring should be conducted taking into consideration agrarian, economic and other factors. The authors of the paper point out the importance of the intensity of light on plant growing in predominantly urban growing conditions. The authors conducted an experimental research on Narcissus L. The focus was on 8 physical parameters of cultivated plants that are compared to average actual prices on the market of the Republic of Serbia. The contribution of authors is in pointing out an individual physical plant parameter with a decisive impact on its price. Narcissus L. growing under lower natural light intensity indicates that the biggest impact on plant price is that of the flower diameter (β = .555, п≤.001). Plant growing under higher light intensity has an impact on its price predominantly on the basis of the flower diameter (β=2.947, p≤.001) and stalk diameter (β = 2.947, п≤.001)

    Financial and business advisory services for small and medium enterprises and entrepreneurs in agribusiness in Serbia

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    Small and Medium-sized Enterprises and Entrepreneurs (SMEE), as a Sector, can take on a major role in agricultural development of the Republic of Serbia. However, in order to develop these enterprises, it is necessary to provide financial resources for their establishment and development, as well as appropriate business advisory support. This paper analyzes the issues regarding agribusiness companies financing, and interprets the use of advisory services. The aim of this analysis is to prove that small and medium-sized enterprises, entrepreneurs and farmers in particular, have limited access to financing and advisory services compared to larger companies. A survey that included 119 companies was conducted during this project. The obtained responses were stratified according to company size into three groups: entrepreneurs and farmers, small and medium-sized enterprises and large enterprises. The results showed that there were statistically significant differences between entrepreneurs and farmers, small, medium and large enterprises in most of the monitored parameters


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    Managing the company requires a higher degree of standardization of processes, decision-making, decisionmaking, application of standard operating methods in companies, the use of international accounting standards, the standard of international financial reporting, and many other forms of business that can improve business operations and manage the company. There are numerous advantages for the top management of companies especially for those who have decided to apply the International Accounting Standards in everyday business in the accounting and financial sector of enterprises primarily, and then in other parts of the company. Their implementation allows for realistic financial reporting, which is extremely important for making a timely decision regarding strategic decision-making in an enterprise. This is particularly true for countries in transition, as well as for those countries that have not applied more widely to international accounting standards in regular and continuous business. The application of international accounting standards as well as the application of international financial reporting standards can lead to positive results and the enterprise can realize multiple benefits, especially if the company fully applies fair reporting in its business to top management but also towards the owners of the company or the founders of the compan


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    Management decisions can speed up the work and business operations of the company. This is achieved by the proper selection of measures and activities undertaken by the management in order to achieve the visible effects of the company's operations in a given observation period. The observation period to be taken is at least one business year. In the period of observation of financial and other reports, companies must have realistic values in the books of account, and the results of these activities must be available to state authorities, banks, tax and other inspectors that at any moment can perform and further control of the activities of the company. Timely business decisions must be made in each period of action. The choices made so far can be seen as a decision-making process within the real-life management of the company. The goal of the approach thus presented is the achievement of the given values that the owners of the company or the founders of the company put before management. Verification of decisions is seen at the end of the observation period. The goal of all management decisions is to maximize the profit and survival of the company