6 research outputs found
Educational Intervention For Self-care Of Individuals With Diabetes Mellitus [intervençã O Educativa Para O Autocuidado De Indíviduos Com Diabetes Mellitus]
Objective: To assess the knowledge, attitudes and practices of self-care in individuals with diabetes mellitus (DM) in a specialized health service in Belo Horizonte - MG Brazil Methods: The research was a case study with a qualitative approach. Data were collected by conducting focus groups with the participation of 12 individuals with diabetes and who attended three sessions of the educational program developed in this health service. Results: Data were analyzed using thematic analysis, which allowed the identification of the following categories: experiences; feelings; practical education for self-care associated with food and physical activity; perceived barriers to the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle; and expectations. Conclusion: The results of the study showed the importance of education and health communication guided the dialogical relations and appreciation of popular knowledge, by reorienting the educational practices for self care, in order to establish strategies for prevention and disease control.244514519Bandura, A., Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change (1977) Psychol Rev, 84 (2), pp. 191-215. , Comment in Percept Mot Skills. 2002;94(3 Pt 1): 1056Rosenstock, I.M., The health belief model: Explaining health behavior through expectancies (1990) Health Behavior and Health Education: Theory Research and Practice, pp. 39-62. , Glanz K Lewis FM Rimer BK editors. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass PublishersGatt, S., Sammut, R., An exploratory study of predictors of self-care behaviour in persons with type 2 diabetes (2008) Int J Nurs Stud, 45 (10), pp. 1525-33Freire, P., Pedagogia da autonomia: saberes necessários à (2002) Prática Educative, , 23a ed. São Paulo: Paz e TerraDiabetes, M., (2006) Brasília: Ministério da Saúde, p. 56. , Cadernos de Atenção Básica16)Torres, H.C., Franco, L.J., Stradioto, M.A., Hortale, V.A., Shall, V.T., Avaliação estratégica de educação em grupo e individual no programa educativo em diabetes (2009) Rev Saúde Pública =J Public Health, 43 (2), pp. 291-8Skinner, T.C., Carey, M.E., Cradock, S., Dallosso, H.M., Daly, H., Davies, M.J., Doherty, Y., Desmond, C., Educator talk' and patient change: Some insights from the DESMOND (Diabetes Education and Self Management for Ongoing and Newly Diagnosed) randomized controlled trial (2008) Diabet Med, 25 (9), pp. 1117-1120(2009) Ministério da Saúde. Estratégia Nacional Para A Educação em Saúde Para O Autocuidado em Diabetes Mellitus, p. 127. , Brasil, Florianópolis: SEAD/UFSCCruz Neto, O., Moreira, M.R., Sucena, L.F.M., (2001) Rfnet Grupos Focais e Pesquisa Social Qualitativa: O Debate Orientado Como Técnica de Investigação, , Rio de Janeiro: Ed FiocruzMinayo, M.C.S., (2004) O Desafio Do Conhecimento: Pesquisa Qualitativa em Saúde, , 8a ed. São Paulo: HucitecTabrizi, J.S., Wilson, A.J., Coyne, E.T., O'rourke, P.K., Clients' perspective on service quality for type 2 diabetes in Australia (2007) Aust N Z J Public Health, 31 (6), pp. 511-515Debono, M., Cachia, E., The impact of diabetes on psychological well being and quality of life. The role of patient education (2007) Psychology, Health and Medicine, 12 (5), pp. 545-555. , DOI 10.1080/13548500701235740, PII 781899164Funnell, M.M., Anderson, R.M., Empowerment and selfmanagement of diabetes (2004) Clin Diabetes, 22 (3), pp. 123-127Heisler, M., Piette, J.D., Spencer, M., Kieffer, E., Vijan, S., The relationship between knowledge of recent HbA1c values and diabetes care understanding and self-management (2005) Diabetes Care, 28 (4), pp. 816-822. , DOI 10.2337/diacare.28.4.816Siminerio, L.M., Funnell, M.M., Peyrot, M., Rubin, R.R., US nurses' perceptions of their role in diabetes care: Results of the cross-national Diabetes Attitudes Wishes and Needs (DAWN) study (2007) Diabetes Educ, 33 (1), pp. 152-162Shojania, K.G., Ranji, S.R., McDonald, K.M., Grimshaw, J.M., Sundaram, V., Rushakoff, R.J., Owens, D.K., Effects of quality improvement strategies for type 2 diabetes on glycemic control: A meta-regression analysis (2006) Journal of the American Medical Association, 296 (4), pp. 427-440. , http://jama.ama-assn.org/cgi/reprint/296/4/427, DOI 10.1001/jama.296.4.427Torres, H.C., Amaral, M.A., Amorim, M.M., Cyrino, A.P., Bodstein, R., Capacitação de profissionais da atenção primária à saúde para educação em Diabetes Mellitus (2010) Acta Paul Enferm, 23 (6), pp. 751-75
Agentes Comunitários de Saúde: experiências e modelos do Brasil Community health agents: Brazilian experiences and models
O presente artigo é parte da tese de doutorado Perfil dos Agentes Comunitários de Saúde da Região de Juiz de Fora-MG e apresenta o perfil dos Agentes Comunitários de Saúde (ACS) sob a ótica das equipes de saúde da família, dos usuários e deles próprios. Discute os modelos e experiências sobre os ACS praticadas no Brasil antes da iniciativa do Ceará, na década de 80. Contextualiza os movimentos ocorridos para o sucesso da reforma dos ACS, que caracterizam um recurso humano central e estratégico para a implementação de ações de promoção da saúde, viabilizando o desenvolvimento de ações básicas voltadas para a comunidade. Demonstra que o agente comunitário de saúde constitui fator chave para viabilizar o apoio, a implementação e o desenvolvimento de ações básicas voltadas para a comunidade, de forma a expandi-las e a fortalecê-las em nível nacional, porém a promoção da saúde não concerne exclusivamente ao próprio setor e nem a um único profissional de saúde. Ela é resultado de ações intersetoriais, agindo nos determinantes gerais e da qualidade de vida.<br>This paper is part of the doctoral thesis Profile of Community Health Workers in the region of Juiz de Fora, MG, and presents a profile of Community Health Agents (CHA) from the perspective of family health teams, of users and themselves. It discusses the models and experiences on the CHA practiced in Brazil before the initiative of Ceará State, in the 1980's. It contextualizes the movements for the successful reform of the CHA, which characterize a central human resource and strategic for the implementation of health promotion actions, enabling the development of basic community-related actions. It shows that community health agents are a key factor to enable the support, implementation and development of basic community-related actions, to expand them and strengthen them nationwide, but health promotion concerns not only the sector itself nor a single health professional. It is the result of inter-sectoral actions acting in general and quality of life determinants