11 research outputs found

    Self Assessment in Insects: Honeybee Queens Know Their Own Strength

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    Contests mediate access to reproductive opportunities in almost all species of animals. An important aspect of the evolution of contests is the reduction of the costs incurred during intra-specific encounters to a minimum. However, escalated fights are commonly lethal in some species like the honeybee, Apis mellifera. By experimentally reducing honeybee queens' fighting abilities, we demonstrate that they refrain from engaging in lethal contests that typically characterize their reproductive dominance behavior and coexist peacefully within a colony. This suggests that weak queens exploit an alternative reproductive strategy and provides an explanation for rare occurrences of queen cohabitation in nature. Our results further indicate that self-assessment, but not mutual assessment of fighting ability occurs prior to and during the agonistic encounters

    P2 purinergic receptor modulation of cytokine production

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    Cytokines serve important functions in controlling host immunity. Cells involved in the synthesis of these polypeptide mediators have evolved highly regulated processes to ensure that production is carefully balanced. In inflammatory and immune disorders, however, mis-regulation of the production and/or activity of cytokines is recognized as a major contributor to the disease process, and therapeutics that target individual cytokines are providing very effective treatment options in the clinic. Leukocytes are the principle producers of a number of key cytokines, and these cells also express numerous members of the purinergic P2 receptor family. Studies in several cellular systems have provided evidence that P2 receptor modulation can affect cytokine production, and mechanistic features of this regulation have emerged. This review highlights three separate examples corresponding to (1) P2Y6 receptor mediated impact on interleukin (IL)-8 production, (2) P2Y11 receptor-mediated affects on IL-12/23 output, and (3) P2X7 receptor mediated IL-1β posttranslational processing. These examples demonstrate important roles of purinergic receptors in the modulation of cytokine production. Extension of these cellular observations to in vivo situations may lead to new therapeutic strategies for treating cytokine-mediated diseases

    Bio-ecological aspects of the hermit crab Paguristes calliopsis (Crustacea, Diogenidae) from Anchieta Island, Brazil

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    In southern Atlantic studies on hermit crab biology are scanty considering the local biodiversity. In this way, some population features of Paguristes calliopsis Forest and Saint Laurent, 1968 such as size frequency distribution, sex ratio and shell occupation in the natural environment were studied. Specimens were collected by means of scuba methods in the infralittoral area of the Anchieta Island. A total of 116 individuals were analyzed. Size measurements (minimum; maximum; mean shield length &plusmn; sd, respectively) were 0.8; 4.5; 2.76 &plusmn; 0.79 mm for males and 2.28 &plusmn; 0.36 mm for females. The sex ratio was 1.47:1 in favor of males which prevailed in the largest size classes. The hermit crabs occupied shells from eleven gastropod species and Cerithium atratum (Born 1778) was significantly the most occupied one (75.86%). Significant correlations were not obtained in all regression analysis, demonstrating sexual differences on fitting of the occupied shells. In the studied area P. calliopsis population is small if compared with the other hermit crab populations. The shell utilization varies as a function of shell availability and hermit crabs interspecific competition, in relation to the other coexistent species.<br>Os estudos sobre a biologia dos ermitões no Atlântico sul ocidental são escassos considerando-se a biodiversidade local. O presente trabalhou caracterizou a população do ermitão Paguristes calliopsis Forest and Saint Laurent, 1968 quanto à distribuição de freqüência de tamanho dos indivíduos, ao sex-ratio, e a ocupação das conchas no ambiente natural. Os exemplares foram coletados por mergulho autônomo na região infralitoral da Ilha Anchieta. Um total de 116 indivíduos foi analisado. O tamanho do comprimento do escudo cefalotorácico (mínimo; máximo; média ± sd, respectivamente) dos indivíduos variou de: 0.8; 4.5; 2.76 ± 0.79 mm para machos e 2.28 ± 0.36 mm para fêmeas. O sex-ratio foi de 1.47:1 em favor dos machos, sendo estes os que prevaleceram nas maiores classes de tamanho. Os ermitões ocuparam conchas de 11 espécies de gastrópodes sendo Cerithium atratum (Born 1778) significativamente a concha mais ocupada (75.86%). Não foram obtidas correlações significativas em todas as análises de regressão, demonstrando diferenças entre os grupos sexuais quanto a adequação das conchas ocupadas. Na área estudada a população de P. calliopsis pode ser considerada pequena quando comparada com as outras populações coexistentes. O padrão de utilização de conchas variou em função da disponibilidade destas e da competição interespecífica

    What determines the duration of war? Insights from assessment strategies in animal contests.

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    Interstate wars and animal contests both involve disputed resources, restraint and giving up decisions. In both cases it seems illogical for the weaker side to persist in the conflict if it will eventually lose. In the case of animal contests analyses of the links between opponent power and contest duration have provided insights into what sources of information are available to fighting animals. I outline the theory of information use during animal contests and describe a statistical framework that has been used to distinguish between two strategies that individuals use to decide whether to persist or quit. I then apply this framework to the analysis of interstate wars. War duration increases with the power of winners and losers. These patterns provide no support for the idea that wars are settled on the basis of mutual assessment of capabilities but indicate that settlement is based on attrition. In contrast to most animal contests, war duration is as closely linked to the power of the winning side as to that of the losing side. Overall, this analysis highlights a number of similarities between animal contests and interstate war, indicating that both could be investigated using similar conceptual frameworks

    A Simple Threshold Rule Is Sufficient to Explain Sophisticated Collective Decision-Making

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    Decision-making animals can use slow-but-accurate strategies, such as making multiple comparisons, or opt for simpler, faster strategies to find a 'good enough' option. Social animals make collective decisions about many group behaviours including foraging and migration. The key to the collective choice lies with individual behaviour. We present a case study of a collective decision-making process (house-hunting ants, Temnothorax albipennis), in which a previously proposed decision strategy involved both quality-dependent hesitancy and direct comparisons of nests by scouts. An alternative possible decision strategy is that scouting ants use a very simple quality-dependent threshold rule to decide whether to recruit nest-mates to a new site or search for alternatives. We use analytical and simulation modelling to demonstrate that this simple rule is sufficient to explain empirical patterns from three studies of collective decision-making in ants, and can account parsimoniously for apparent comparison by individuals and apparent hesitancy (recruitment latency) effects, when available nests differ strongly in quality. This highlights the need to carefully design experiments to detect individual comparison. We present empirical data strongly suggesting that best-of-n comparison is not used by individual ants, although individual sequential comparisons are not ruled out. However, by using a simple threshold rule, decision-making groups are able to effectively compare options, without relying on any form of direct comparison of alternatives by individuals. This parsimonious mechanism could promote collective rationality in group decision-making