3,088 research outputs found

    Public experiences of mass casualty decontamination

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    In this article, we analyze feedback from simulated casualties who took part in field exercises involving mass decontamination, to gain an understanding of how responder communication can affect people’s experiences of and compliance with decontamination. We analyzed questionnaire data gathered from 402 volunteers using the framework approach, to provide an insight into the public’s experiences of decontamination and how these experiences are shaped by the actions of emergency responders. Factors that affected casualties’ experiences of the econtamination process included the need for greater practical information and better communication from responders, and the need for privacy. Results support previous findings from small-scale incidents that involved decontamination in showing that participants wanted better communication from responders during the process of decontamination, including more practical information, and that the failure of responders to communicate effectively with members of the public led to anxiety about the decontamination process. The similarity between the findings from the exercises described in this article and previous research into real incidents involving decontamination suggests that field exercises provide a useful way to examine the effect of responder communication strategies on the public’s experiences of decontamination. Future exercises should examine in more detail the effect of various communication strategies on the public’s experiences of decontamination. This will facilitate the development of evidence-based communication strategies intended to reduce anxiety about decontamination and increase compliance among members of the public during real-life incidents that involve mass decontamination

    Statistical Approaches for Estimating Sex-Specific Effects in Endocrine Disruptors Research

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    BACKGROUND: When a biologic mechanism of interest is anticipated to operate differentially according to sex, as is often the case in endocrine disruptors research, investigators routinely estimate sex-specific associations. Less attention has been given to potential sexual heterogeneity of confounder associations with outcomes. When relationships of covariates with outcomes differ according to sex, commonly applied statistical approaches for estimating sex-specific endocrine disruptor effects may produce divergent estimates. OBJECTIVES: We discuss underlying assumptions and evaluate the performance of two traditional approaches for estimating sex-specific effects, stratification and product terms, and introduce a simple modeling alternative: an augmented product term approach. METHODS: We describe the impact of assumptions regarding sexual heterogeneity of confounder relationships on estimates of sex-specific effects of the exposure of interest for three approaches: stratification, traditional product terms, and augmented product terms. Using simulated and applied examples, we demonstrate properties of each approach under a range of scenarios. RESULTS: In simulations, sex-specific exposure effects estimated using the traditional product term approach were biased when confounders had sex-dependent associations with the outcome. Sex-specific estimates from stratification and the augmented product term approach were unbiased but less precise. In the applied example, the three approaches yielded similar estimates, but resulted in some meaningful differences in conclusions based on statistical significance. CONCLUSIONS: Investigators should consider sexual heterogeneity of confounder associations when choosing an analytic approach to estimate sex-specific effects of endocrine disruptors on health. In the presence of sex-dependent confounding, our augmented product term approach may be advantageous over stratification when there is prior knowledge available to fit reduced models or when investigators seek an automated test for effect measure modification. https://doi.org/10.1289/EHP334

    Spontaneous hypothermia on intensive care unit admission is a predictor of unfavorable neurological outcome in patients after resuscitation: an observational cohort study

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    Introduction: A large number of patients resuscitated for primary cardiac arrest arrive in the intensive care unit (ICU) with a body temperature = 35.0 degrees C). Neurological outcome after six months was assessed by means of the Glasgow Outcome Score (GOS), with GOS 1 to 3 defined as unfavorable and GOS 4 to 5 as favorable. A logistic regression model was used to analyze the influence of the different parameters on neurological outcome. Results: The data of 105 consecutive patients resuscitated for primary cardiac arrest and treated with induced mild hypothermia were analyzed. Median ICU admission temperature was 35.1 degrees C (interquartile range (IQR) 34.3 to 35.7). After six months, 61% of the patients had an unfavorable outcome (59% died and 2% were severely disabled), whereas 39% had a favorable outcome (moderate disability or good recovery). Among patients with spontaneous hypothermia on ICU admission, the percentage with unfavorable outcome was higher (69% versus 50%, P = 0.05). Logistic regression showed that age, acute physiology and chronic health evaluation (APACHE) II and sequential organ failure assessment (SOFA) scores and spontaneous hypothermia on ICU admission all had an increased odds ratio (OR) for an unfavorable outcome after six months. Spontaneous hypothermia had the strongest association with unfavorable outcome (OR 2.6, 95% CI (confidence interval) 1.1 to 5.9), which became even stronger after adjustment for age, presenting heart rhythm, APACHE II and SOFA scores (OR 3.8, CI 1.3 to 11.0). Conclusions: In this observational cohort study, spontaneous hypothermia on ICU admission was the strongest predictor of an unfavorable neurological outcome in patients resuscitated for primary cardiac arres

    Multimodality characterization of microstructure by the combination of diffusion NMR and time-domain diffuse optical data

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    Combining datasets with a model of the underlying physics prior to mapping of tissue provides a novel approach improving the estimation of parameters. We demonstrate this approach by merging near infrared diffuse optical signal data with diffusion NMR data to inform a model describing the microstructure of a sample. The study is conducted on a homogeneous emulsion of oil in a dispersion medium of water and proteins. The use of a protein based background, rich in collagen, introduces a similarity to real tissues compared to other models such as intralipids. The sample is investigated with the two modalities separately. Then, the two datasets are used to inform a combined model, and to estimate the size of the microstructural elements and the volume fraction. The combined model fits the microstructural properties by minimizing the difference between experimental and modelled data. The experimental results are validated with confocal laser scanning microscopy. The final results demonstrate that the combined model provides improved estimates of microstructural parameters compared to either individual model alone

    Diffusion microscopic MRI of the mouse embryo: Protocol and practical implementation in the splotch mouse model

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    Advanced methodologies for visualizing novel tissue contrast are essential for phenotyping the ever-increasing number of mutant mouse embryos being generated. Although diffusion microscopic MRI (μMRI) has been used to phenotype embryos, widespread routine use is limited by extended scanning times, and there is no established experimental procedure ensuring optimal data acquisition

    Proximity to Sports Facilities and Sports Participation for Adolescents in Germany

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    Objectives - To assess the relationship between proximity to specific sports facilities and participation in the corresponding sports activities for adolescents in Germany. Methods - A sample of 1,768 adolescents aged 11–17 years old and living in 161 German communities was examined. Distances to the nearest sports facilities were calculated as an indicator of proximity to sports facilities using Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Participation in specific leisure-time sports activities in sports clubs was assessed using a self-report questionnaire and individual-level socio-demographic variables were derived from a parent questionnaire. Community-level socio-demographics as covariates were selected from the INKAR database, in particular from indicators and maps on land development. Logistic regression analyses were conducted to examine associations between proximity to the nearest sports facilities and participation in the corresponding sports activities. Results - The logisitic regression analyses showed that girls residing longer distances from the nearest gym were less likely to engage in indoor sports activities; a significant interaction between distances to gyms and level of urbanization was identified. Decomposition of the interaction term showed that for adolescent girls living in rural areas participation in indoor sports activities was positively associated with gym proximity. Proximity to tennis courts and indoor pools was not associated with participation in tennis or water sports, respectively. Conclusions - Improved proximity to gyms is likely to be more important for female adolescents living in rural areas

    Mapping of citrullinated fibrinogen B-cell epitopes in rheumatoid arthritis by imaging surface plasmon resonance

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    Introduction Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) frequently involves the loss of tolerance to citrullinated antigens, which may play a role in pathogenicity. Citrullinated fibrinogen is commonly found in inflamed synovial tissue and is a frequent target of autoantibodies in RA patients. To obtain insight into the B-cell response to citrullinated fibrinogen in RA, its autoepitopes were systematically mapped using a new methodology. Methods Human fibrinogen was citrullinated in vitro by peptidylarginine deiminases (PAD), subjected to proteolysis and the resulting peptides were fractionated by ion exchange chromatography. The peptide composition of the citrullinated peptide-containing fractions was determined by high resolution tandem mass spectrometry. The recognition of these fractions by patient sera was subsequently analyzed by imaging surface plasmon resonance on microarrays. Results In total about two-thirds of the 81 arginines of human fibrinogen were found to be susceptible to citrullination by the human PAD2, the human PAD4 or the rabbit PAD2 enzymes. Citrullination sites were found in all three polypeptide chains of fibrinogen, although the α-chain appeared to contain most of them. The analysis of 98 anti-citrullinated protein antibody-positive RA sera using the new methodology allowed the identification of three major citrullinated epitope regions in human fibrinogen, two in the α- and one in the β-chain. Conclusions A comprehensive overview of citrullination sites in human fibrinogen was generated. The multiplex analysis of peptide fractions derived from a post-translationally modified protein, characterized by mass spectrometry, with patient sera provides a versatile system for mapping modified amino acid-containing epitopes. The citrullinated epitopes of human fibrinogen most efficiently recognized by RA autoantibodies are confined to three regions of its polypeptides

    Links between traumatic brain injury and ballistic pressure waves originating in the thoracic cavity and extremities

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    Identifying patients at risk of traumatic brain injury (TBI) is important because research suggests prophylactic treatments to reduce risk of long-term sequelae. Blast pressure waves can cause TBI without penetrating wounds or blunt force trauma. Similarly, bullet impacts distant from the brain can produce pressure waves sufficient to cause mild to moderate TBI. The fluid percussion model of TBI shows that pressure impulses of 15-30 psi cause mild to moderate TBI in laboratory animals. In pigs and dogs, bullet impacts to the thigh produce pressure waves in the brain of 18-45 psi and measurable injury to neurons and neuroglia. Analyses of research in goats and epidemiological data from shooting events involving humans show high correlations (r > 0.9) between rapid incapacitation and pressure wave magnitude in the thoracic cavity. A case study has documented epilepsy resulting from a pressure wave without the bullet directly hitting the brain. Taken together, these results support the hypothesis that bullet impacts distant from the brain produce pressure waves that travel to the brain and can retain sufficient magnitude to induce brain injury. The link to long-term sequelae could be investigated via epidemiological studies of patients who were gunshot in the chest to determine whether they experience elevated rates of epilepsy and other neurological sequelae

    Form factors at strong coupling via a Y-system

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    We compute form factors in planar N=4 Super Yang-Mills at strong coupling. Namely we consider the overlap between an operator insertion and 2n gluons. Through the gauge/string duality these are given by minimal surfaces in AdS space. The surfaces end on an infinite periodic sequence of null segments at the boundary of AdS. We consider surfaces that can be embedded in AdS_3. We derive set of functional equations for the cross ratios as functions of the spectral parameter. These equations are of the form of a Y-system. The integral form of the Y-system has Thermodynamics Bethe Ansatz form. The area is given by the free energy of the TBA system or critical value of Yang-Yang functional. We consider a restricted set of operators which have small conformal dimension

    Fluoroquinolones and isoniazid-resistant tuberculosis: implications for the 2018 WHO guidance.

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    INTRODUCTION: 2018 World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines for the treatment of isoniazid (H)-resistant (Hr) tuberculosis recommend a four-drug regimen: rifampicin (R), ethambutol (E), pyrazinamide (Z) and levofloxacin (Lfx), with or without H ([H]RZE-Lfx). This is used once Hr is known, such that patients complete 6 months of Lfx (≥6[H]RZE-6Lfx). This cohort study assessed the impact of fluoroquinolones (Fq) on treatment effectiveness, accounting for Hr mutations and degree of phenotypic resistance. METHODS: This was a retrospective cohort study of 626 Hr tuberculosis patients notified in London, 2009-2013. Regimens were described and logistic regression undertaken of the association between regimen and negative regimen-specific outcomes (broadly, death due to tuberculosis, treatment failure or disease recurrence). RESULTS: Of 594 individuals with regimen information, 330 (55.6%) were treated with (H)RfZE (Rf=rifamycins) and 211 (35.5%) with (H)RfZE-Fq. The median overall treatment period was 11.9 months and median Z duration 2.1 months. In a univariable logistic regression model comparing (H)RfZE with and without Fqs, there was no difference in the odds of a negative regimen-specific outcome (baseline (H)RfZE, cluster-specific odds ratio 1.05 (95% CI 0.60-1.82), p=0.87; cluster NHS trust). Results varied minimally in a multivariable model. This odds ratio dropped (0.57, 95% CI 0.14-2.28) when Hr genotype was included, but this analysis lacked power (p=0.42). CONCLUSIONS: In a high-income setting, we found a 12-month (H)RfZE regimen with a short Z duration to be similarly effective for Hr tuberculosis with or without a Fq. This regimen may result in fewer adverse events than the WHO recommendations