359 research outputs found

    Human Rif1 protein binds aberrant telomeres and aligns along anaphase midzone microtubules

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    We identified and characterized a human orthologue of Rif1 protein, which in budding yeast interacts in vivo with the major duplex telomeric DNA binding protein Rap1p and negatively regulates telomere length. Depletion of hRif1 by RNA interference in human cancer cells impaired cell growth but had no detectable effect on telomere length, although hRif1 overexpression in S. cerevisiae interfered with telomere length control, in a manner specifically dependent on the presence of yeast Rif1p. No localization of hRif1 on normal human telomeres, or interaction with the human telomeric proteins TRF1, TRF2, or hRap1, was detectable. However, hRif1 efficiently translocated to telomerically located DNA damage foci in response to the synthesis of aberrant telomeres directed by mutant-template telomerase RNA. The hRif1 level rose during late S/G2 but hRif1 was not visible on chromosomes in metaphase and anaphase; however, notably, specifically during early anaphase, hRif1 aligned along a subset of the midzone microtubules between the separating chromosomes. In telophase, hRif1 localized to chromosomes, and in interphase, it was intranuclear. These results define a novel subcellular localization behavior for hRif1 during the cell cycle

    Anatomy and dynamics of DNA replication fork movement in yeast telomeric regions

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    Replication initiation and replication fork movement in the subtelomeric and telomeric DNA of native Y′ telomeres of yeast were analyzed using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis techniques. Replication origins (ARSs) at internal Y′ elements were found to fire in early-mid-S phase, while ARSs at the terminal Y′ elements were confirmed to fire late. An unfired Y′ ARS, an inserted foreign (bacterial) sequence, and, as previously reported, telomeric DNA each were shown to impose a replication fork pause, and pausing is relieved by the Rrm3p helicase. The pause at telomeric sequence TG(1-3) repeats was stronger at the terminal tract than at the internal TG(1-3) sequences located between tandem Y′ elements. We show that the telomeric replication fork pause associated with the terminal TG(1-3) tracts begins ∼100 bp upstream of the telomeric repeat tract sequence. Telomeric pause strength was dependent upon telomere length per se and did not require the presence of a variety of factors implicated in telomere metabolism and/or known to cause telomere shortening. The telomeric replication fork pause was specific to yeast telomeric sequence and was independent of the Sir and Rif proteins, major known components of yeast telomeric heterochromatin

    Systematic and Cell Type-Specific Telomere Length Changes in Subsets of Lymphocytes.

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    Telomeres, the protective DNA-protein complexes at the ends of linear chromosomes, are important for genome stability. Leukocyte or peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) telomere length is a potential biomarker for human aging that integrates genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors and is associated with mortality and risks for major diseases. However, only a limited number of studies have examined longitudinal changes of telomere length and few have reported data on sorted circulating immune cells. We examined the average telomere length (TL) in CD4+, CD8+CD28+, and CD8+CD28- T cells, B cells, and PBMCs, cross-sectionally and longitudinally, in a cohort of premenopausal women. We report that TL changes over 18 months were correlated among these three T cell types within the same participant. Additionally, PBMC TL change was also correlated with those of all three T cell types, and B cells. The rate of shortening for B cells was significantly greater than for the three T cell types. CD8+CD28- cells, despite having the shortest TL, showed significantly more rapid attrition when compared to CD8+CD28+ T cells. These results suggest systematically coordinated, yet cell type-specific responses to factors and pathways contribute to telomere length regulation

    Local enrichment of HP1alpha at telomeres alters their structure and regulation of telomere protection.

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    Enhanced telomere maintenance is evident in malignant cancers. While telomeres are thought to be inherently heterochromatic, detailed mechanisms of how epigenetic modifications impact telomere protection and structures are largely unknown in human cancers. Here we develop a molecular tethering approach to experimentally enrich heterochromatin protein HP1α specifically at telomeres. This results in increased deposition of H3K9me3 at cancer cell telomeres. Telomere extension by telomerase is attenuated, and damage-induced foci at telomeres are reduced, indicating augmentation of telomere stability. Super-resolution STORM imaging shows an unexpected increase in irregularity of telomeric structure. Telomere-tethered chromo shadow domain (CSD) mutant I165A of HP1α abrogates both the inhibition of telomere extension and the irregularity of telomeric structure, suggesting the involvement of at least one HP1α-ligand in mediating these effects. This work presents an approach to specifically manipulate the epigenetic status locally at telomeres to uncover insights into molecular mechanisms underlying telomere structural dynamics

    Visualization of actin filaments and monomers in somatic cell nuclei

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    © The Author(s), 2013. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Molecular Biology of the Cell 24 (2013): 982-994, doi:10.1091/mbc.E12-09-0685.In addition to its long-studied presence in the cytoplasm, actin is also found in the nuclei of eukaryotic cells. The function and form (monomer, filament, or noncanonical oligomer) of nuclear actin are hotly debated, and its localization and dynamics are largely unknown. To determine the distribution of nuclear actin in live somatic cells and evaluate its potential functions, we constructed and validated fluorescent nuclear actin probes. Monomeric actin probes concentrate in nuclear speckles, suggesting an interaction of monomers with RNA-processing factors. Filamentous actin probes recognize discrete structures with submicron lengths that are excluded from chromatin-rich regions. In time-lapse movies, these actin filament structures exhibit one of two types of mobility: 1) diffusive, with an average diffusion coefficient of 0.06–0.08 μm2/s, or (2) subdiffusive, with a mobility coefficient of 0.015 μm2/s. Individual filament trajectories exhibit features of particles moving within a viscoelastic mesh. The small size of nuclear actin filaments is inconsistent with a role in micron-scale intranuclear transport, and their localization suggests that they do not participate directly in chromatin-based processes. Our results instead suggest that actin filaments form part of a large, viscoelastic structure in the nucleoplasm and may act as scaffolds that help organize nuclear contents.This bulk of this work was supported by a grant from the National Institutes of Health to R.D.M. (5R01GM061010-12). Additional support was provided by National Institutes of Health Grant R01 CA096840 (E.H.B.), a National Science Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship (B.B.), a National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Fellowship (B.B.), and a Genentech Fellowship (B.C.)

    The Telomere Terminal Transferase of Tetrahymena Is a Ribonucleoprotein Enzyme with Two Kinds of Primer Specificity

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    We have analyzed the de novo telomere synthesis catalyzed by the enzyme telomere terminal transferase (telomerase) from Tetrahymena. Oligonucleotides representing the G-rich strand of telomeric sequences from five different organisms specifically primed the addition of TTGGGG repeats in vitro, suggesting that primer recognition may involve a DNA structure unique to these oligonucleotides. The sequence at the 3' end of the oligonucleotide primer specified the first nucleotide added in the reaction. Furthermore, the telomerase was shown to be a ribonucleoprotein complex whose RNA and protein components were both essential for activity. After extensive purification of the enzyme by a series of five different chromatographic steps, a few small low abundance RNAs copurified with the activity

    Identification of a Specific Telomere Terminal Transferase Activity in Tetrahymena Extracts

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    We have found a novel activity in Tetrahymena cell free extracts that adds tandem TTGGGG repeats onto synthetic telomere primers. The single-stranded DNA oligonucleotides (TTGGGG)4 and TGTGTGGGTGTGTGGGTGTGTGGG, consisting of the Tetrahymena and yeast telomeric sequences respectively, each functioned as primers for elongation, while (CCCCAA)4 and two nontelomeric sequence DNA oligomers did not. Efficient synthesis of the TTGGGG repeats depended only on addition of micromolar concentrations of oligomer primer, dGTP, and dTTP to the extract. The activity was sensitive to heat and proteinase K treatment. The repeat addition was independent of both endogenous Tetrahymena DNA and the endogenous alpha-type DNA polymerase; and a greater elongation activity was present during macronuclear development, when a large number of telomeres are formed and replicated, than during vegetative cell growth. We propose that the novel telomere terminal transferase is involved in the addition of telomeric repeats necessary for the replication of chromosome ends in eukaryotes
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