3,132 research outputs found

    Increased expression of aggrecan and biglycan mRNA in Achilles tendinopathy

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    To determine the expression of mRNA encoding the proteoglycans aggrecan, versican, biglycan and decorin in mid-tendon samples of chronic painful Achilles tendinopathy and ruptured Achilles tendons, compared with normal tendons. Total RNA isolated from frozen tendon samples (14 normal, 13 painful, 14 ruptured) was assayed by relative quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction for aggrecan, versican, biglycan and decorin mRNA, normalized using 18S rRNA. Differences between sample groups were tested by univariate analysis of variance with age as co-variate. In normal tendon samples expression of each of the proteoglycan mRNA decreased with increasing age. Decorin mRNA was the most highly-expressed of the proteoglycan mRNA, while versican mRNA expression was higher (3.8-fold) than that of aggrecan. In painful tendinopathy both aggrecan and biglycan mRNA expression increased (more than 10-fold and 5-fold, respectively) compared with normal tendon samples, but levels of versican and decorin mRNA were not significantly changed. In ruptured tendons the levels of aggrecan, biglycan and versican mRNA were not changed compared with normal tendon samples, but decorin mRNA decreased markedly. Increased aggrecan and biglycan mRNA expression in painful tendinopathy resembles the pattern in fibrocartilaginous regions of tendon, and may reflect an altered mechanical environment at the site of the lesion. Increased aggrecan mRNA expression may underlie the increase in glycosaminoglycan observed in painful tendinopathy

    Versican splice variant messenger RNA expression in normal human Achilles tendon and tendinopathies

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    Versican is the principal large proteoglycan expressed in mid-tendon, but its role in tendon pathology is unknown. Our objective was to define the expression of versican isoform splice variant messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) in normal Achilles tendons, in chronic painful tendinopathy and in ruptured tendons. Total RNA isolated from frozen tendon samples (normal n = 14; chronic painful tendinopathy n = 10; ruptured n = 8) was assayed by relative quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for total versican, versican variants V0, V1, V2, V3 and type I collagen a1 mRNA, normalized to glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH). Differences between sample groups were tested by Wilcoxon statistics. Painful and ruptured tendons showed a significant decrease (median 2-fold) in the expression of versican mRNA, in contrast to an increased expression (median 8-fold) of type I collagen a1 mRNA in painful tendons. Versican splice variants V0 and V1 mRNA were readily detected in normal samples, V3 levels were substantially lower, and V2 levels were more variable. Each of V1, V2 and V3 mRNA showed significant decreases in expression in painful and ruptured tendons, but V0 was not significantly changed. Changes in versican expression relative to that of collagen, and alterations in the balance of versican splice variants, may contribute to changes in matrix structure and function in tendinopathies

    Ebola virus disease epidemic in West Africa: Lessons learned and issues arising from West African countries

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    © Royal College of Physicians 2015. All rights reserved.The current Ebola virus disease (EVD) outbreak ravaging three nations in West Africa has affected more than 14,000 persons and killed over 5,000. It is the longest and most widely spread Ebola epidemic ever seen. At the time of this overview (written November 2014), having affected eight different nations, Nigeria and Senegal were able to control and eliminate the virus within a record time. Ghana has successfully, to date, kept the virus away from the country, despite economic and social relationships with affected nations. What lessons can we learn from Nigeria, Senegal and Ghana in the current epidemic? How can the world improve the health systems in low- and middle-income countries to effectively manage future outbreaks? Recently, the Royal College of Physicians launched a new partnership with the West African College of Physicians to curtail the effects of HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis in the region. We believe that strengthened health systems, skilled human resources for health and national ownership of problems are key to effective management of outbreaks such as EVD

    Influence of cortical descending pathways on neuronal adaptation in the auditory midbrain

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    Adaptation of the spike rate of sensory neurones is associated with alteration in neuronal representation of a wide range of stimuli, including sound level, visual contrast, and whisker vibrissa motion. In the inferior colliculus (IC) of the auditory midbrain, adaptation may allow neurones to adjust their limited representational range to match the current range of sound levels in the environment. Two outstanding questions concern the rapidity of this adaptation in IC, and the mechanisms underlying it. I hypothesise that the descending, corticofugal system, a major pathway of the auditory system, plays a role in neuronal adaptation to sound level statistics in the IC. I recorded single unit responses in guinea pig IC to a broadband stimulus which switched every 5s between two distributions of sound level. I then deactivated auditory cortex bilaterally using cooling cryoloops. During cooling, adapted neuronal rate-vs.-sound level functions shifted rightwards, with thresholds tending to increase. This resulted in attenuation of the improvement in neuronal representation of mean sound levels associated with adaptation. In addition, the population of IC neurones adapted more slowly to the switching stimulus during cooling. The data suggest that cortex is not necessary for the generation of midbrain spike-rate adaptation, but that adaptation appears to be a property intrinsic to IC neurones and/or inherited from more peripheral sites. Nonetheless, corticofugal activity appears to be important in midbrain neural coding of sound level, altering adaptation and improving neuronal representation of sound levels around the most common levels in the stimulus

    Structural equation model testing and the quality of natural killer cell activity measurements

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    BACKGROUND: Browne et al. [Browne, MacCallum, Kim, Andersen, Glaser: When fit indices and residuals are incompatible. Psychol Methods 2002] employed a structural equation model of measurements of target cell lysing by natural killer cells as an example purportedly demonstrating that small but statistically significant ill model fit can be dismissed as "negligible from a practical point of view". METHODS: Reanalysis of the natural killer cell data reveals that the supposedly negligible ill fit obscured important, systematic, and substantial causal misspecifications. RESULTS: A clean-fitting structural equation model indicates that measurements employing higher natural-killer-cell to target-cell ratios are more strongly influenced by a progressively intrusive factor, whether or not the natural killer cell activity is activated by recombinant interferon γ (rIFN γ). The progressive influence may reflect independent rate limiting steps in cell recognition and attachment, spatial competition for cell attachment points, or the simultaneous lysings of single target cells by multiple natural killer cells. CONCLUSIONS: If the progressively influential factor is ultimately identified as a mere procedural impediment, the substantive conclusion will be that measurements of natural killer cell activity made at lower effector to target ratios are more valid. Alternatively, if the individual variations in the progressively influential factor are modifiable, this may presage a new therapeutic route to enhancing natural killer cell activity. The methodological conclusion is that, when using structural equation models, researchers should attend to significant model ill fit even if the degree of covariance ill fit is small, because small covariance residuals do not imply that the underlying model misspecifications are correspondingly small or inconsequential

    Do sex hormones confound or mediate the effect of chronotype on breast and prostate cancer? A Mendelian randomization study

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    Morning-preference chronotype has been found to be protective against breast and prostate cancer. Sex hormones have been implicated in relation to chronotype and the development of both cancers. This study aimed to assess whether sex hormones confound or mediate the effect of chronotype on breast and prostate cancer using a Mendelian Randomization (MR) framework. Genetic variants associated with chronotype and sex hormones (total testosterone, bioavailable testosterone, sex hormone binding globulin, and oestradiol) (p<5×10-8) were obtained from published genome-wide association studies (n≤244,207 females and n≤205,527 males). These variants were used to investigate causal relationships with breast (nCases/nControls = 133,384/113,789) and prostate (nCases/nControls = 79,148/61,106) cancer using univariable, bidirectional and multivariable MR. In females, we found evidence for: I) Reduced risk of breast cancer per category increase in morning-preference (OR = 0.93, 95% CI:0. 88, 1.00); II) Increased risk of breast cancer per SD increase in bioavailable testosterone (OR = 1.10, 95% CI: 1.01, 1.19) and total testosterone (OR = 1.15, 95% CI:1.07, 1.23); III) Bidirectional effects between morning-preference and both bioavailable and total testosterone (e.g. mean SD difference in bioavailable testosterone = -0.08, 95% CI:-0.12, -0.05 per category increase in morning-preference vs difference in morning-preference category = -0.04, 95% CI: -0.08, 0.00 per SD increase in bioavailable testosterone). In males, we found evidence for: I) Reduced risk of prostate cancer per category increase in morning-preference (OR = 0.90, 95% CI: 0.83, 0.97) and II) Increased risk of prostate cancer per SD increase in bioavailable testosterone (OR = 1.22, 95% CI: 1.08, 1.37). No bidirectional effects were found between morning-preference and testosterone in males. While testosterone levels were causally implicated with both chronotype and cancer, there was inconsistent evidence for testosterone as a mediator of the relationship. The protective effect of morning-preference on both breast and prostate cancer is clinically interesting, although it may be difficult to effectively modify chronotype. Further studies are needed to investigate other potentially modifiable intermediates

    Surgical repair for aortic dissection accompanying a right-sided aortic arch

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    Aortic anomaly in which a right-sided aortic arch associated with Kommerell's diverticulum and aberrant left subclavian artery is rare. The present report describes a patient with type-B aortic dissection accompanying aortic anomalies consisting of right-sided aortic arch and the left common carotid and left subclavian artery arising from Kommerell's diverticulum. As dissecting aortic aneurysm diameter increased rapidly, Single-stage surgical repair of extensive thoracic aorta was performed through median sternotomy and right posterolateral fifth intercostal thoracotomy, yielding favorable results. Our surgical procedures are discussed

    Capability and dependency in the Newcastle 85+ cohort study. Projections of future care needs

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Little is known of the capabilities of the oldest old, the fastest growing age group in the population. We aimed to estimate capability and dependency in a cohort of 85 year olds and to project future demand for care.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Structured interviews at age 85 with 841 people born in 1921 and living in Newcastle and North Tyneside, UK who were permanently registered with participating general practices. Measures of capability included were self-reported activities of daily living (ADL), timed up and go test (TUG), standardised mini-mental state examination (SMMSE), and assessment of urinary continence in order to classify interval-need dependency. To project future demand for care the proportion needing 24-hour care was applied to the 2008 England and Wales population projections of those aged 80 years and over by gender.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of participants, 62% (522/841) were women, 77% (651/841) lived in standard housing, 13% (106/841) in sheltered housing and 10% (84/841) in a care home. Overall, 20% (165/841) reported no difficulty with any of the ADLs. Men were more capable in performing ADLs and more independent than women. TUG validated self-reported ADLs. When classified by 'interval of need' 41% (332/810) were independent, 39% (317/810) required help less often than daily, 12% (94/810) required help at regular times of the day and 8% (67/810) required 24-hour care. Of care-home residents, 94% (77/82) required daily help or 24-hour care. Future need for 24-hour care for people aged 80 years or over in England and Wales is projected to increase by 82% from 2010 to 2030 with a demand for 630,000 care-home places by 2030.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This analysis highlights the diversity of capability and levels of dependency in this cohort. A remarkably high proportion remain independent, particularly men. However a significant proportion of this population require 24-hour care at home or in care homes. Projections for the next 20 years suggest substantial increases in the number requiring 24-hour care due to population ageing and a proportionate increase in demand for care-home places unless innovative health and social care interventions are found.</p

    Worldwide trends in mortality from biliary tract malignancies

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    BACKGROUND: Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinomas are malignant tumors arising from the intrahepatic biliary tract. The pathogenesis of these tumors remains unknown. Although there is a marked global variation in prevalence, some recent studies have suggested an increase in mortality from intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma in several regions of low endemicity. As the study of mortality trends may yield clues to possible etiological factors, we analyzed worldwide time trends in mortality from biliary tract malignancies. METHODS: Annual age-standardized rates for individual countries were compiled for deaths from biliary tract malignancies using the WHO database. These data were used to analyze gender and site-specific trends in mortality rates. RESULTS: An increasing trend for mortality from intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma was noted in most countries. The average estimated annual percentage change (EAPC) in mortality rates for males was 6.9 ± 1.5, and for females was 5.1 ± 1.0. Increased mortality rates were observed in all geographic regions. Within Europe, increases were higher in Western Europe than in Central or Northern Europe. In contrast, mortality rates for extrahepatic biliary tract malignancies showed a decreasing trend in most countries, with an overall average EAPC of -0.3 ± 0.4 for males, but -1.3 ± 0.4 for females. CONCLUSIONS: There has been a marked global increase in mortality from intrahepatic, but not extra-hepatic, biliary tract malignancies