26 research outputs found

    Water scenarios for the Danube River Basin: Elements for the assessment of the Danube agriculture-energy-water nexus

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    This report provides background material for the identification and elicitation of scenarios relevant for the futures of the agriculture-energy-ecosystems-water nexus in the Danube region. We present a summary of the regional climate scenarios available as input for water resources simulations, and the consequent long term average water balance figures estimated using a Budyko framework. Then we introduce the LUISA model for the simulation of land use-related variables in the region. Finally, we include a contribution by a water expert from the Danube region, presenting an initial reasoning on important elements to be addressed in scenario simulations. This report is intended as a reader for water professionals, stakeholders and decision makers in the Danube region, in order to stimulate the foresight of scenarios worth being simulated with JRC models, so to further our understanding of the water-energy-agriculture-ecosystems nexus and its management in the mid- and long-term.JRC.H.1-Water Resource

    The water-energy nexus and the implications for the flexibility of the Greek power system

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    The operation of the power systems is constrained by the availability of water resources, which are necessary for cooling thermal power plants and determine the generation of hydro reservoirs and run-of-river power plants. The interactions between the water and power systems have impacts on the quantity and quality of the water resources, thus affecting human uses and the environment. The European power system has witnessed in the past several examples of the consequences of reduced availability of water, which range from monetary losses, to demand restrictions, or increased wear and tear of the power plants. The importance of these impacts, and the expectation that climate change will produce similar episodes in the future more often, raises several research questions relevant for policy making. Some of these questions may be addressed by WATERFLEX, an exploratory research project carried out by units C7 (Knowledge for the Energy Union) and D2 (Water and Marine Resources) of the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC). The main goal of WATERFLEX is to assess the potential of hydropower as a source of flexibility to the European power system, as well as analysing the Water-Energy nexus against the background of the EU initiatives towards a low-carbon energy system. The method proposed in the WATERFLEX project for better representing and analysing the complex interdependencies between the power and water sectors consists of combining two of the modelling tools available at the JRC, the LISFLOOD hydrological model [1] and the Dispa-SET unit commitment and dispatch model [2], with a medium-term hydrothermal coordination model. In order to test and validate the proposed approach described above, this document describes a case study carried out to analyse the implications of different hydrologic scenarios for the flexibility of the Greek power system.JRC.C.7-Knowledge for the Energy Unio

    The water-power nexus of the Iberian Peninsula power system: WATERFLEX project

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    Water availability influences power generation and its costs. Policies aimed at keeping the water stress index of thermal power plants within acceptable limits are needed. This report provides a model-based analysis of the water-power nexus in the Iberian Peninsula.JRC.C.7-Knowledge for the Energy Unio

    Climate change and Europe’s water resources

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    In addition to the already existing pressure on our freshwater resources, climate change may further decrease water availability. In this study, projections of future water resources, due to climate change, land use change and changes in water consumption have been assessed using JRC’s LISFLOOD water resources model. The results presented are based on 11 climate models which project current and future climate under two Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs): RCP4.5 and RCP 8.5 emission scenario. RCP4.5 may be viewed as a moderate-emissions-mitigation-policy scenario and RCP8.5 as a high-end emissions scenario. A 30-year window around the year that global warming reaches 1.5oC, 2oC and 3oC above preindustrial temperature has been analysed and compared to the 1981-2010 control climate window (baseline). The 1.5°C and 2°C warming scenarios are explicitly considered in the Paris Agreement, while a 3°C global warming is a scenario that could be expected by the end of the 21st century if adequate mitigation strategies are not taken. First, we performed future projections without socio-economic developments to show the effect of climate change only. Next, an integrated assessment is performed including future changes in land use, water demand and population. This allows us to disentangle the effects of climate and socio-economic changes. In general, the climate projections reveal a typically North-South pattern across Europe for water availability. Overall, Southern European countries are projected to face decreasing water availability, particularly Spain, Portugal, Greece, Cyprus, Malta, Italy and Turkey. Central and Northern European countries show an increasing annual water availability.JRC.D.2-Water and Marine Resource

    The water-power nexus of the Iberian Peninsula power system. WATERFLEX project

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    Water availability influences power generation and its costs. Policies aimed at keeping the water stress index of thermal power plants within acceptable limits are needed. This report provides a model-based analysis of the water-power nexus in the Iberian PeninsulaLa disponibilidad de agua influye en la generación de energía y sus costos. Se necesitan políticas dirigidas a mantener el índice de estrés hídrico de las centrales térmicas dentro de límites aceptables. Este informe proporciona un análisis basado en modelos del nexo entre el agua y la energía en la Península Ibéric

    Impact of a changing climate, land use, and water usage on water resources in the Danube river basin

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    Impact of a changing climate, land use, and water usage on water resources in the Danube river basinJRC.D.2-Water and Marine Resource

    Assessing the effects of water saving measures on Europe's water resources: BLUE2 project - Freshwater quantity

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    Using JRC's LISFLOOD water resources model, the effect of four policy measures on Europe's water resources were investigated under current and future climate. The measures evaluated were increasing irrigation efficiency, urban water use efficiency, cooling water usage for energy production, and urban waste-water re-use for irrigation. The measures were evaluated following their current planned implementation (BAU) under the Water Framework Directive. Furthermore, an Maximum Feasible Technology scenario was investigated for all 4 measures. Increasing irrigation efficiency shows to have the largest effect on improving water resources, under current climate. Under future climate change however, the projected decreases in water availability in especially the Mediterranean are larger than the increases obtained with improving irrigation efficiency. This may indicate that an increased level of ambition in water efficiency measures is required to reduce the impact of climate change on water resources.JRC.D.2-Water and Marine Resource

    Global warming and drought impacts in the EU

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    Droughts induce a complex web of impacts that span many sectors of the economy, as exemplified by extensive crop failure, reduced power supply, and shipping interruptions in the EU during 2018 and 2019. With global warming droughts will happen more frequent, last longer and become more intense in southern and western parts of Europe, while drought conditions will become less extreme in northern and north-eastern Europe. With 3°C global warming in 2100 drought losses could be 5 times higher compared to today, with the strongest increase in drought losses projected in the Mediterranean and Atlantic regions of Europe. When expressed with respect to the total size of the economy the effects are dampened relatively, because drought-sensitive sectors like agriculture are projected to become relatively less economically prevalent in future EU economies than they are nowadays. The consequences on ecosystems are typically not monetized and hence are not reflected in the loss estimates.JRC.E.1-Disaster Risk Managemen

    Current water resources in Europe and Africa - Matching water supply and water demand

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    Ensuring good quality water in sufficient quantities for all legitimate uses is a major policy aim of the European Commission, and the main aim of the Blueprint to Safeguard Europe's Water, which will be launched in 2012. The Blueprint is the EU policy response to emerging challenges in the field of water. It is within this policy framework that JRC carries out research on hydrological simulation modelling, aiming to provide scientific assessments of general available water resources and floods, droughts and water scarcity. The main aim of the work is to assess current and future water availability versus current and future water demands from different economic sectors. Before future challenges can be addressed, a thorough analysis of current water resources is needed. The scope of this study is an analysis of current water resources in Europe and Africa, and matching water supply and water demand from various sectors. Several attempts already have been made to assess European, African and global water resources. Recently, Haddeland et al. (2011) produced a multimodel estimate of the global terrestrial water balance at 0.5o spatial resolution. This has been achieved within the Global Water Availability Assessment (GWAVA), developed in the context of the EU-funded WATCH project (https://gateway.ceh.ac.uk ). Within another EU-funded project GLOWASIS (Global Water Scarcity Information System), Utrecht University and Deltares develop a global water scarcity map also at 0.5o spatial resolution, to be finished Dec 2012 (http://glowasis.eu ). First results are published in Van Beek et al (2011). JRC is partner in this project to benchmark the global product with the higher resolution European and African assessments. A further study was conducted by Hoekstra and Mekonnen (2011), assessing global water scarcity for the world’s major river basins. Other available information on global water resources are available from: • FAO, Aquastat portal http://www.fao.org/nr/water/aquastat/globalmaps/index.stm • UNEP: http://maps.grida.no/go/graphic/freshwater-availability-groundwater-and-river-flow • Cleaningwater: http://cleaningwater.se/whats-new/geographical-distribution • IWMI Institute: http://www.iwmi.cgiar.org/WAtlas/Default.aspx • World Resources Institute: http://earthtrends.wri.org/maps_spatial/maps_detail_static.php?map_select=265&theme=4 • Monde diplomatique: http://www.monde-diplomatique.fr/cartes/disponibiliteeau • GRID-Arendal (Africa): http://www.grida.no/publications/vg/africa/ • EEA (Europe): http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/figures/annual-water-availability-per-capita-by-country-2001 In general however, the analysis done in the products described above is done at national scales, at relatively coarse spatial resolution (0.5o), and using water demand data from the year 2000 or before, because more recent data are not yet available. The scope of the study presented here, is to carry out an higher spatial resolution analysis for Europe (5 km ~ 0.05o) and Africa (0.1o), using a daily timescale for modelling, and using for Europe new JRC analysis of water uses for irrigation, livestock, industry and energy, and domestic purposes. The analysis is carried out using the JRC LISFLOOD hydrological simulation model, supported by several other available models (EPIC, LUMP).JRC.H-Institute for Environment and Sustainability (Ispra

    Impact of a changing climate, land use, and water usage on Europe’s water resources: A model simulation study

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    In this work, an assessment of the impacts of climate change on Europe’s water resources has been performed, focusing on the effects of 2°C warming. Climate projections from 1981-2100 were run through a distributed hydrological model assuming constant land use and water demand (year 2006). In this study, the 2°C warming period of five climate change projections was analysed. As a consequence of a 2 degree climate change, it is expected that - except for the Mediterranean region - precipitation will increase in most parts of Europe with the highest values over the Alps and Eastern Europe. These increases in precipitation are most likely linked to the increase in temperature which triggers more convective storms in the summer months. The observed consequences of a 2 degree climate change for the river flow and extreme events – floods and droughts - are: • The annual median river discharge shows an increase in most parts of Europe, except for the Mediterranean area where a decrease in flow is projected in all four seasons. • As a consequence of climate change, extreme peak discharges are projected to increase in almost every part of Europe, even the Mediterranean. The highest increases in flood hazards are found in the summer months for the inland countries whereas coastal zones and parts of Scandinavia show a decrease in floods. These increases are probably linked again to the increase in temperature which triggers more convective storms with a higher probability of floods. Especially urban areas near larger rivers might need more attention to flood risk management and planning, due to projections of growth of urban areas and increased flood hazard. • Streamflow droughts will become more severe in the summer season mainly for the Mediterranean region (Spain, Portugal, Greece). This might have an impact for cooling water intake for industrial and energy production activities, irrigation water availability, critical environmental flow conditions, as well as hydropower potential. • According the climate change projections the most extreme events are projected to occur in summer with an increase in flood risk in the eastern part of Europe (e.g. Poland) and the Baltic countries and extreme droughts in the Mediterranean region. These projected future changes in the hydrological cycle are directly reflected in the water resources indicators. Especially the southern European countries are projected to face increased water shortages: • Climate change projections lead to an increase in the number of days per year that river flows are lower than a critical minimum in the Mediterranean regions and a decrease in the northern latitudes. Especially Spain and Portugal face increased low flow conditions. • The climate change projections lead to a decrease of groundwater resources in the southern European countries and an increase for the northern countries. Further over-abstraction of groundwater in southern European countries – beyond renewable capacity – might lead to critical deep groundwater levels and increased pumping costs to extract the water for use at the surface. • Soil moisture stress conditions - which could reduce agricultural crop yields, are especially increasing under the 2oC warming scenario in the already stressed areas in the Mediterranean. Specific crop yield effects are described in the report on agriculture. - • The southern European regions with already a high current water consumption relative to water availability are projected to be most affected by a 2-degree warming due to a decrease in freshwater resources, and at the same time an increased need for irrigation water due to higher evaporative demands. • In the Mediterranean countries and especially in Spain the water resources situation will become more unsustainable. Inflowing upstream freshwater is also not sufficient to meet local water needs under a 2 degree warming. • For eastern Europe, the projections indicate that some regions will rely to a reduced extent on upstream inflow to meet their local water demands. Policy implications: • Especially in the Mediterranean part of Europe, water savings will be essential to adapt to the decreasing overall water availability; savings could take place to increasing irrigation efficiency, sub-optimal or deficit irrigation strategies, efficiency increases in cooling processes in industry and energy production, public water savings, a better intra-annual management of water resources in a basin (e.g. storing winter water in hydropower reservoirs for irrigation water use in summer. Increased synergies between the water and agricultural policies are needed. • To raise awareness for the importance of water, setting a reasonable price on water will be an essential incentive for users for water savings. As long as water is either free of charge or to cheap, users will likely not be urged for savings. • A better control on and prevention of illegal abstractions is needed to prevent over-abstraction of groundwater in a number of European regions. A better reporting of water abstractions does help the monitoring of water resources as well. • Given the expected increase in flood hazard, especially in the urbanised areas – which in many cases are expected for further grow until 2050 according to JRC’s LUISA projections – flood risk management, prevention and adaptation to floods will become an even bigger issue.JRC.D.2-Water and Marine Resource