2,909 research outputs found

    Stability of the magnetic Schr\"odinger operator in a waveguide

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    The spectrum of the Schr\"odinger operator in a quantum waveguide is known to be unstable in two and three dimensions. Any enlargement of the waveguide produces eigenvalues beneath the continuous spectrum. Also if the waveguide is bent eigenvalues will arise below the continuous spectrum. In this paper a magnetic field is added into the system. The spectrum of the magnetic Schr\"odinger operator is proved to be stable under small local deformations and also under small bending of the waveguide. The proof includes a magnetic Hardy-type inequality in the waveguide, which is interesting in its own

    Braids of entangled particle trajectories

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    In many applications, the two-dimensional trajectories of fluid particles are available, but little is known about the underlying flow. Oceanic floats are a clear example. To extract quantitative information from such data, one can measure single-particle dispersion coefficients, but this only uses one trajectory at a time, so much of the information on relative motion is lost. In some circumstances the trajectories happen to remain close long enough to measure finite-time Lyapunov exponents, but this is rare. We propose to use tools from braid theory and the topology of surface mappings to approximate the topological entropy of the underlying flow. The procedure uses all the trajectory data and is inherently global. The topological entropy is a measure of the entanglement of the trajectories, and converges to zero if they are not entangled in a complex manner (for instance, if the trajectories are all in a large vortex). We illustrate the techniques on some simple dynamical systems and on float data from the Labrador sea.Comment: 24 pages, 21 figures. PDFLaTeX with RevTeX4 macros. Matlab code included with source. Fixed an inconsistent convention problem. Final versio

    Strong contraction of the representations of the three dimensional Lie algebras

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    For any Inonu-Wigner contraction of a three dimensional Lie algebra we construct the corresponding contractions of representations. Our method is quite canonical in the sense that in all cases we deal with realizations of the representations on some spaces of functions; we contract the differential operators on those spaces along with the representation spaces themselves by taking certain pointwise limit of functions. We call such contractions strong contractions. We show that this pointwise limit gives rise to a direct limit space. Many of these contractions are new and in other examples we give a different proof

    Abelian subgroups of Garside groups

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    In this paper, we show that for every abelian subgroup HH of a Garside group, some conjugate g1Hgg^{-1}Hg consists of ultra summit elements and the centralizer of HH is a finite index subgroup of the normalizer of HH. Combining with the results on translation numbers in Garside groups, we obtain an easy proof of the algebraic flat torus theorem for Garside groups and solve several algorithmic problems concerning abelian subgroups of Garside groups.Comment: This article replaces our earlier preprint "Stable super summit sets in Garside groups", arXiv:math.GT/060258

    Dual generators of the fundamental group and the moduli space of flat connections

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    We define the dual of a set of generators of the fundamental group of an oriented two-surface Sg,nS_{g,n} of genus gg with nn punctures and the associated surface Sg,nDS_{g,n}\setminus D with a disc DD removed. This dual is another set of generators related to the original generators via an involution and has the properties of a dual graph. In particular, it provides an algebraic prescription for determining the intersection points of a curve representing a general element of the fundamental group π1(Sg,nD)\pi_1(S_{g,n}\setminus D) with the representatives of the generators and the order in which these intersection points occur on the generators.We apply this dual to the moduli space of flat connections on Sg,nS_{g,n} and show that when expressed in terms both, the holonomies along a set of generators and their duals, the Poisson structure on the moduli space takes a particularly simple form. Using this description of the Poisson structure, we derive explicit expressions for the Poisson brackets of general Wilson loop observables associated to closed, embedded curves on the surface and determine the associated flows on phase space. We demonstrate that the observables constructed from the pairing in the Chern-Simons action generate of infinitesimal Dehn twists and show that the mapping class group acts by Poisson isomorphisms.Comment: 54 pages, 13 .eps figure

    Exact Casimir Interaction Between Semitransparent Spheres and Cylinders

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    A multiple scattering formulation is used to calculate the force, arising from fluctuating scalar fields, between distinct bodies described by δ\delta-function potentials, so-called semitransparent bodies. (In the limit of strong coupling, a semitransparent boundary becomes a Dirichlet one.) We obtain expressions for the Casimir energies between disjoint parallel semitransparent cylinders and between disjoint semitransparent spheres. In the limit of weak coupling, we derive power series expansions for the energy, which can be exactly summed, so that explicit, very simple, closed-form expressions are obtained in both cases. The proximity force theorem holds when the objects are almost touching, but is subject to large corrections as the bodies are moved further apart.Comment: 5 pages, 4 eps figures; expanded discussion of previous work and additional references added, minor typos correcte

    The BCS gap equation for spin-polarized fermions

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    We study the BCS gap equation for a Fermi gas with unequal population of spin-up and spin-down states. For cosh(δμ/T)2\cosh(\delta_\mu/T) \leq 2, with TT the temperature and δμ\delta_\mu the chemical potential difference, the question of existence of non-trivial solutions can be reduced to spectral properties of a linear operator, similar to the unpolarized case studied previously in \cite{FHNS,HHSS,HS}. For cosh(δμ/T)>2\cosh(\delta_\mu/T) > 2 the phase diagram is more complicated, however. We derive upper and lower bounds for the critical temperature, and study their behavior in the small coupling limit.Comment: 23 pages, 1 figur

    The spectral shift function and spectral flow

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    This paper extends Krein's spectral shift function theory to the setting of semifinite spectral triples. We define the spectral shift function under these hypotheses via Birman-Solomyak spectral averaging formula and show that it computes spectral flow.Comment: 47 page

    Scattering through a straight quantum waveguide with combined boundary conditions

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    Scattering through a straight two-dimensional quantum waveguide Rx(0,d) with Dirichlet boundary conditions on (-\infty,0)x{y=0} \cup (0,\infty)x{y=d} and Neumann boundary condition on (-infty,0)x{y=d} \cup (0,\infty)x{y=0} is considered using stationary scattering theory. The existence of a matching conditions solution at x=0 is proved. The use of stationary scattering theory is justified showing its relation to the wave packets motion. As an illustration, the matching conditions are also solved numerically and the transition probabilities are shown.Comment: 26 pages, 3 figure

    Quantum Versus Mean Field Behavior of Normal Modes of a Bose-Einstein Condensate in a Magnetic Trap

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    Quantum evolution of a collective mode of a Bose-Einstein condensate containing a finite number N of particles shows the phenomena of collapses and revivals. The characteristic collapse time depends on the scattering length, the initial amplitude of the mode and N. The corresponding time values have been derived analytically under certain approximation and numerically for the parabolic atomic trap. The revival of the mode at time of several seconds, as a direct evidence of the effect, can occur, if the normal component is significantly suppressed. We also discuss alternative means to verify the proposed mechanism.Comment: minor corrections are introduced into the tex