86 research outputs found

    La capienza di un allevamento secondo il Decreto legislativo 152/1999: proposta di una metodologia di calcolo

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    RIASSUNTO L’autore esamina il Decreto Legislativo n. 152/1999 e successive modificazioni che regola in modo unitario la complessa materia della tutela delle acque dall’inquinamento incluso quello derivante dai nitrati provenienti da fonti agricole. Il problema in cui ci si imbatte è la determinazione della superficie di “terreno agricolo funzionalmente connesso con le attività di allevamento e di coltivazione del fondo”. Infatti tale definizione è imprecisa ed introduce non pochi dubbi sulla metodologia di valutazione. Di conseguenza si ricava il paradosso di una legge nata per proteggere le acque dall’inquinamento, ma che non riesce a fissare il quantitativo di azoto effettivamente apportato sui terreni ove è possibile eseguire la fertirrigazione con gli effluenti di allevamento. Tale quantitativo è invece chiaramente fissato nelle cosiddette ‘zone vulnerabili da nitrati di origine agricola’, dove il carico annuo massimo di azoto per ettaro è pari a 170 kg/(ha x anno). Questa aporia innesca un problema nella determinazione del numero annuo di animali allevabili. L’autore inoltre propone il calcolo del numero annuo di animali allevabili per ettaro, la capienza di un allevamento, in funzione del peso vivo medio dei capi e della composizione della “mandria” secondo varie categorie di animali. Per alcune tipologie di allevamento monocategoria è possibile visualizzare la capienza di allevamento attraverso un semplice calcolo in funzione di eventuali periodi di ‘fermo allevamento’. Parole chiave: Decreto Legislativo 152/1999, capienza allevamento, peso vivo medio del capo. SUMMARY The author examines the legislative decree “11 maggio 1999 n. 152”, dealing with the protection of environment and water from pollution. Particular attention was paid to pollution coming from nitrates produced by agricultural and breeding activities. A fundamental problem was met in the definition of “agricultural land functionally connected to breeding and cultivation activities”, quoting the above mentioned legislative decree. This definition is rather uncertain and it introduces doubts on the calculation of the amount of land. Aconsequence of this uncertainty is a not well defined limit of nitrogen load per hectare coming from animal slurries or agricultural wastes to be utilised as fertilising fluid. It’s a remarkable aspect that the legislative decree 152/1999 is clear in the definition of the same nitrogen load limit inside the “vulnerable zones”, where an amount of 170 kg of nitrogen per hectare and per year has been fixed. Another consequence is a not well-defined number of animals per hectare to breed: the so-called livestock capacity. The author develops an algorithm to calculate the livestock capacity, defining the ‘Animal mean live weight’ and analysing the composition of the “cattle”. Simplifying hypothesis, such as one-class “cattle”, developed a direct calculation depending on eventual scheduled stops

    Simulation of the thermal behaviour of a building retrofitted with a green roof: optimization of energy efficiency with reference to italian climatic zones

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    Running a building energy simulation program (EnergyPlus), simulations were conducted on a 'public housing' building type, in order to evaluate the energy savings achieved by a green roof coupled with different configurations of external wall. EnergyPlus enabled the investigation of the thermal behaviour variations of the building envelope, and the possible consequences, in terms of comfort, on the temperature of the internal spaces. The variation of the energy behaviour of the building envelope type was assessed primarily through the analysis of the operative temperature T° of the elements of surface casing, the trend of the surface heat fluxes on the faces of the elements of internal and external housing, the variation of the operating temperature inside the rooms. The energy savings achieved with a green roof varies considerably in relation to the reference performance obtained without this kind of insulating structure. The main parameters, useful to define the contribution of the green roof to the reduction of the loads of cooling plants, consist of the specific climate and the thermal isolation level of the initial coverage

    Environmental Impact of Green Roofing: The Contribute of a Green Roof to the Sustainable use of Natural Resources in a Life Cycle Approach

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    AbstractEven if several studies and researches have demonstrated that green roofs significantly contribute to energy saving, indoor thermal comfort, urban heat island mitigation, rain-water management and air pollution reduction, environmental benefits of green roofs mainly depend on use of primary energy, natural resources or raw materials used in the construction.A green roof is usually a more or less complex aggregation of different layer addressing each one to a specific characteristic and performance.Results of previous LCA researches, based on a cold climate scenario, have demonstrated the highest influence that some specific layers have on the overall impact of the green roofs and to what extent the global impact changes when insulation and the substrate layers vary in density and quality.Starting from results of these similar EU researches, this study aims to evaluate the variation of the overall impact in hot climates where insulation is less strategic than heat capacity.LCA has been applied to assess and compare the environmental impacts of four different green roof solutions compared to a standard clay pitched roof, based on the functional unit of 1m2 with the same reference service life, where layers have been selected according to local practice and market. Despite a general equivalence in environmental impacts of all the roofing elements, results have highlighted a general lack in specific life cycle inventory information that leads to a potential inaccuracy of the assessment especially when recycled material are used in the growing medium or when disposal scenario includes recycle processes

    From freshwater to marine aquaponic: new opportunities for marine fish species production

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    Due to the increasing world population, by 2050 food production should be increased of about 70% to 100%. Tanks to the lowest “carbon footprint”, aquaculture seems to be the most sustainable system for producing food (protein) of animal origin. Despite that, progress can be done for further improving aquaculture sustainability through the “aquaponic” system (IAS). A IAS is based on the bacteria nitrogen cycle which convert fish waste (faeces and uneaten feed) into nitrite and nitrate, this latter absorbed by plants grown in the hydroponic section of the aquaponic system; as a results, water is “depurated” and recycled into the fish tanks. Advantages of this system are the high productivity, the reduced water requirement, the neglectable waste production, the reduced plant disease incidence and pesticides utilization, the modularity of the system which allow its uses for a wide range of purposes (urban agriculture, people resilience in developing countries, marginal land exploitation, etc.); for a contrary, disadvantages are the relevant initial investments, the required high education level of the employees, the “sensitivity” of the systems and some minor others. A relevant future challenge for scientists is to develop “marine aquaponic system” for producing more valuable fish and crops, interesting also for the EU and ‘developed countries’ market

    Simulazione del comportamento energetico di un fabbricato-tipo in assenza/presenza di tetto/parete verde per ottimizzare l’efficienza energetica degli edifici, rispetto alle aree climatiche italiane

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    Le simulazioni condotte attraverso il software EnergyPlus, su un edificio tipo di edilizia residenziale pubblica hanno consentito, al variare delle configurazioni di involucro, di valutare le variazioni del comportamento termico dell’involucro dell’edificio e le eventuali ricadute, in termini di comfort, sulle temperature degli ambienti interni. Il software EnergyPlus impiegato per la simulazione, consente di dettagliare con estrema precisione il complesso meccanismo di scambio di calore che avviene all’interno di un substrato vegetale quale quello del tetto verde, inclusi i meccanismi di scambio per evapotraspirazione, ma non è tuttavia dotato di un modulo specifico per il calcolo delle prestazioni delle pareti verdi: i risultati del presente lavoro di ricerca possono quindi ritenersi indicativi, ma non validati, per quanto attiene ai dati relativi al comportamento della parete verde. La variazione di comportamento energetico dell’involucro degli edifici tipo è stata valutata principalmente attraverso l’analisi delle temperature T° superficiali degli elementi di involucro, l’andamento dei flussi di calore superficiali sulle facce interne ed esterne degli elementi di involucro, la variazione della temperatura T° operativa all’interno degli ambienti. Le simulazioni hanno confermato il contributo offerto dai sistemi a verde nella riduzione dei carichi temici, con particolare rilevanza per le zone climatiche temperate in cui le oscillazioni della T° esterna e i livelli di irradianza non sono particolarmente rilevanti. Le simulazioni hanno altresì rilevato la significatività di alcuni parametri descrittivi della natura del manto vegetale, primo fra tutti il LAI (Leaf Area Index), nel condizionare il comportamento degli strati vegetali, in riferimento alla capacità di dispersione del calore accumulato. Tale parametro è da tenersi in debita considerazione nella progettazione di tetti verdi in climi in cui i livelli di irradianza e le temperature T° diurne sono elevate (zone climatiche A, B), onde evitare che la copertura non sia in grado di smaltire durante le ore fresche notturne il calore assorbito durante il giorno

    Beta glucan enhances the wound healing process in zebrafish

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    β-glucans are natural compounds that interact with the innate immune system. Macrophages play an important role in wound healing process and appear to act as the key regulatory cells for skin repair by removing dead tissues and killing pathogens. Macrophages also produce growth factors that stimulate cells involved in wound healing (production of extracellular matrix). Discovering natural products which may enhance the wound healing process in fish, has numerous health benefits and 1,3-1,6 ß-glucans may reduce the negative effect of stress, inflammatory reactions, and secondary infections. In this study, the effects on wound healing process in zebrafish (Danio rerio) of 1,3-1,6 ß-glucan extracted from yeast cell wall was investigated. Ninety female fish were distributed into 3 groups (3 replicates). Two products were used as source of 1,3-1,6 ß-glucan: MacroGard® and new MacroGard (Biorigin©), MI and MII respectively; fish daily feed intake was estimated in advance (3.88% BW) and both MI and MII included into the feed for reaching the dose of 12.5 mg kg-1 BW. Treatments started 2 weeks before injuring. Afterwards, two circular shape wounds were made using a laser source on the dorsal edge of the abdomen. Wounds were then digitally photographed at 2, 4, 10, 16, 20, 30 days post wound (dpw). Wound area was measured by Image J® software and wound size given as a mean of the two wounds for each fish. The first clear differences of wound sizes (1.882, 1.725 and 1.665 mm2, for Control, MI and MII, respectively) were observed already at 4 dpw and differences were statistically significant between MI and MII compared to Control group (P<0.05); this early effect seems to suggest a rapid influx of immune cells to a wound in particular when "activated" by 1,3-1,6 ß-glucan (Paul and Fend 2009). Again, at 16 dpw groups MI (0.766 mm2) and MII (0.634 mm2) showed significantly (P<0.05) lower wound area than Control (0.994 mm2); at 20 dpw, wound area of MII (0.518 mm2) was significantly (P<0.05) different from Control (0.702 mm2) and MI (0.713 mm2). Analysis of final wound status (at 30 dpw) showed that 67.9% of fish from MII group had completely healed wounds while that was significantly (P<0.05) lower with 23.1% and 41.4% in control and MI groups, respectively suggesting that MII has better wound healing potential than MI. The present study demonstrate that 1,3-1,6 ß-glucan (MacroGard®) have potential to be applied as natural wound healing agent in fish. Particularly interesting seems mainly to be their early effect that may imply a higher protection from possible secondary infections. However, further studies are required to determine the optimal feed inclusion in diets for different fish species as well as to explain the slightly higher wound healing effects observed for MII than MI

    Effect of Leaf Area Index on Green Facade Thermal Performance in Buildings

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    Green facades applied on a building's envelope allow achieving the building's passive thermal control and energy consumption reduction. These are complex systems and many site- and plant-specific parameters influence their energy behavior. The leaf area index (LAI) is a relevant plant characteristic to consider. Solar shading and latent heat loss of plant evapotranspiration are the two main cooling mechanisms. The aim of this study was to assess the cooling effect provided by an evergreen south oriented green facade in summer in a Mediterranean area and to investigate what happens when LAI changes. Experimental data were used to calculate the cooling effect provided by the facade. Simulations with different LAI values were performed to determine the related cooling effect. The canopy solar transmissivity decreased by 54% for every LAI unit increase. LAI significantly influenced the green facade cooling performance. As LAI increased, solar shading and latent heat increased; this was relevant until an upper limit value of 6. An exponential equation to calculate the mean extinction coefficient (k(m)), and a polynomial relationship, with very good agreement, were proposed to calculate shading and latent heat as function of LAI. The findings of this research can effectively contribute to fill still existing gaps on green facades' energy performance and to the energy simulation of buildings equipped with them

    Quantification of noradrenergic-, dopaminergic-, and tectal-neurons during aging in the short-lived killifish Nothobranchius furzeri

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    Parkinson's disease (PD) is characterized by phosphorylation and aggregation of the protein alpha-Synuclein and ensuing neuronal death progressing from the noradrenergic locus coeruleus to midbrain dopaminergic neurons. In 2019, Matsui and colleagues reported a spontaneous age-dependent degeneration of dopaminergic neurons and an even greater neurodegeneration of the noradrenergic neurons in the short-lived killifish Nothobranchius furzeri. Given the great possible relevance of a spontaneous model for PD, we assessed neurodegeneration of noradrenergic and dopaminergic neurons in two further laboratory strains of N. furzeri. We implemented, for the first time in N. furzeri, a whole-brain clarification technique and proceeded to entire 3D nuclei reconstruction to quantify total cell numbers in two different stains of N. furzeri. In both strains, we observed that age-dependent neurodegeneration is limited to the locus coeruleus and does not involve the posterior tuberculum. We also applied 3D counting to the optic tectum, an area of active adult neurogenesis, and detected an increase of neurons with age. Our results confirm age-dependent neurodegeneration of noradrenergic neurons, a condition reminiscent of the presymptomatic stage of PD indicating that N. furzeri could be used in the future to identify modifying factors for age-dependent neurodegeneration and open the intriguing possibility that natural genetic variation may influence the susceptibility of dopaminergic neurons

    Application of a smart dynamic scale for measuring live-fish biomass in aquaculture

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    — The need of measuring the fish biomass, either for in-land facilities or offshore cages, drove recently to develop a cheap dynamic scale (by MEGA Materials srl), based on a board of the Arduino family, suitable to measure live-fish weights. Via a Bluetooth transmitter and a specific app the communication with smartphones is allowed. The estimation of live-fish biomass is extremely relevant to precisely quantify the daily dose of feed to be supplied and to avoid a reduction of fish growth. We present the comparison between ‘static’ and ‘dynamic’ weight measures of seabream juveniles reared in tanks

    Modelli di LCA per sostenibilità energetica e ambientale di coperture e/o pareti verdi di edifici

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    Nel presente Report è stata condotta una Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) applicata a 6 tipologie di copertura a verde relativa alle tipologie ‘Tetto verde estensivo’ e ‘Tetto verde intensivo’, secondo l'approccio modulare così come definito dalla norma europea UNI EN 15804. Inoltre, è stata condotta una LCA sulla ‘Parete verde‘ attualmente in corso di realizzazione presso la sede ENEA a La Casaccia. Infine, è stata condotta una LCA sull’impianto di Solar Cooling, del tipo a ciclo chiuso ad Acqua-Bromuro di Litio a singolo effetto, realizzato presso il Centro Sperimentale Martucci dell’Università di Bari. L'analisi degli impatti nel ciclo di vita ha considerato i flussi in ingresso e uscita dal sistema relativamente alla sola fase di produzione A dei materiali ed in particolare alle fasi: A1, estrazione e lavorazione delle materie prime e delle materie prime seconde o dei flussi secondari in ingresso; A2, trasporto delle materie prime allo stabilimento di produzione; A3, processo di produzione. La LCA è stata calcolata tramite il software GaBi™ che è un programma modulare, standardizzato secondo le norme della serie ISO 14040, che consente di creare bilanci di ciclo di vita di prodotti e servizi e di analizzare e interpretare i risultati. Esso è strutturato in modo tale da consentire l’elaborazione dei dati considerando sia i flussi ed i processi che i diagrammi di flusso denominati “plan”. I Database GaBi™, creati dalla azienda ‘Thinkstep’, rappresentano sul mercato i database LCA più accurati e contengono oltre 10000 profili di inventario del Ciclo di Vita basati su dati industriali primari. Per tutte le tipologie di copertura a verde analizzate, sono stati definiti cinque scenari di analisi, al variare dei livelli diversi di isolamento termico, con l’obiettivo di valutare l'incidenza della prestazione termica sulla prestazione ambientale. Inoltre, sono stati analizzati 7 differenti substrati vegetativi, ovvero medium, utilizzati nelle diverse configurazioni, elaborati a partire da mix disponibili attualmente sul mercato europeo. In linea generale, le ‘categorie di danno’ che maggiormente concorrono a determinare l’impatto ambientale del medium sono l’Esaurimento delle risorse abiotiche fossili ADPf, il Potenziale di Riscaldamento Globale GWP, e il Potenziale di Acidificazione AP. L’analisi degli elementi che, in ogni diversa composizione, contribuiscono ad innalzare il valore di questi indicatori in maniera significativa, è particolarmente importante in fase progettuale per la corretta composizione del mix atta a soddisfare sia le prestazioni specifiche che la minimizzazione dell’impatto ambientale. Per quanto riguarda la ‘Parete verde’, le categorie di impatto, sono dominate dalla produzione della struttura portante e degli elementi scatolari in acciaio zincato e delle griglie pedonali. I vasi in plastica per la piantumazione delle essenze a verde, realizzati con resine termoplastiche, incidono in maniera determinante sulla categoria Esaurimento delle Risorse Abiotiche – fossili ADPf e sul consumo di energia da fonti non rinnovabili. Infine, per l’impianto di Solar Cooling le categorie di impatto, così come il consumo di risorse e le emissioni in aria di CO2, sono dominate dalla produzione del subimpianto solare con tubi evacuati, e dagli impatti legati alla realizzazione dei serbatoi di accumulo per irrigazione e delle pompe di circolazione del subimpianto frigorifero