72 research outputs found

    <em>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</em> Biofilm Lung Infection in Cystic Fibrosis: The Challenge of Persisters

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa lung infection is difficult to eradicate due to the multiple (intrinsic and acquired) antibiotic resistance of bacteria and to their ability to produce a thick biofilm. Antibiotic treatment is hampered by poor antibiotic diffusion, efflux pump overexpression and the development of a persistent subpopulation with low metabolic activity. This is a cause for special concern in Cystic Fibrosis (CF) patients, where P. aeruginosa lung infection is the chief cause of morbidity and mortality. Combined tobramycin-ciprofloxacin treatment is routinely adopted due to the low frequency of resistant strains and its ostensible ability to control the infection. Nevertheless, symptoms usually recur, mainly due to the antibiotic persisters, which are difficult to detect in routine cultural microbiological assays. This chapter describes the issues involved in the microbiological diagnosis of P. aeruginosa lung infection in CF patients and the possible role of subinhibitory antibiotic concentrations in persister development and infection recurrence

    Innovative hydraulic lime-based finishes with unconventional aggregates and TiO2 for the improvement of indoor air quality

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    This paper reports a study on 8 unconventional hydraulic lime-based mortars able to improve indoor air quality by acting as passive systems. Mortars have been prepared with commercial sand or highly adsorbent materials as aggregates with/without TiO2 as photocatalytic agent, to test also the decomposition of airborne pollutants. Mechanical properties, hygrometric behavior, inhibition of growth of molds and depollution properties have been tested. Despite using porous materials (zeolite and activated carbon), in mortars with unconventional aggregates, compressive strength is higher than in sand-based ones, with a more than double higher water vapor permeability. Zeolite-based mortars have the highest moisture buffering capacity followed by silica gel- and activated carbon-based mortars (1.5–2 times higher than reference, respectively, because of the high porosity of unconventional aggregates). Sand-based mortars show optimum inhibitory capacity against fungal growth. Concerning unconventional aggregates, silica gel mortars have good inhibitory capacity, whereas zeolite and activated carbon give to mortars an optimum substrate for molds. Mortars with unconventional aggregates as silica gel remove more than 80% of tracer pollutant after 2 h of test, whereas zeolite-based mortars remove the 65% of it after 120 min. TiO2 enhances depollution properties as photocatalytic oxidation agent when the mortar is close to saturation

    VanA type enterococci from humans, animals and food: species distribution, population structure, Tn1546-typing and location, and virulence determinants

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    VanA-type human (n = 69), animal (n = 49), and food (n =36) glycopeptide-resistant enterococci (GRE) from different geographic areas were investigated to study their possible reservoirs and transmission routes. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) revealed two small genetically related clusters, M39 (n = 4) and M49 (n = 13), representing Enterococcus faecium isolates from animal and human feces and from clinical and fecal human samples. Multilocus sequence typing showed that both belonged to the epidemic lineage of CC17. purK allele analysis of 28 selected isolates revealed that type 1 was prevalent in human strains (8/11) and types 6 and 3 (14/15) were prevalent in poultry (animals and meat). One hundred and five of the 154 VanA GRE isolates, encompassing different species, origins, and PFGE types, were examined for Tn1546 type and location (plasmid or chromosome) and the incidence of virulence determinants. Hybridization of S1- and I-CeuI-digested total DNA revealed a plasmid location in 98% of the isolates. Human intestinal and animal E. faecium isolates bore large (>150 kb) vanA plasmids. Results of PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism and sequencing showed the presence of prototype Tn1546 in 80% of strains and the G-to-T mutation at position 8234 in three human intestinal and two pork E. faecium isolates. There were no significant associations (P > 0.5) between Tn1546 type and GRE source or enterococcal species. Virulence determinants were detected in all reservoirs but were significantly more frequent (P < 0.02) among clinical strains. Multiple determinants were found in clinical and meat Enterococcus faecalis isolates. The presence of indistinguishable vanA elements (mostly plasmid borne) and virulence determinants in different species and PFGE-diverse populations in the presence of host-specific purK housekeeping genes suggested that all GRE might be potential reservoirs of resistance determinants and virulence traits transferable to human-adapted clusters

    Defence strategies and antibiotic resistance gene abundance in enterococci under stress by exposure to low doses of peracetic acid

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    partially_open12noPeracetic acid (PAA) is an organic compound used efficiently as disinfectant in wastewater treatments. Yet, at low doses it may cause selection; thus, the effect of low doses of PAA on Enterococcus faecium as a proxy of human-related microbial waste was evaluated. Bacteria were treated with increasing doses of PAA (from 0 to 25 mg L1 min) and incubated in regrowth experiments under non-growing, limiting conditions and under growing, favorable conditions. The changes in bacterial abundance, in bacterial phenotype (number and composition of small cell clusters), and in the abundance of an antibiotic resistance gene (ARG) was evaluated. The experiment demonstrated that the selected doses of PAA efficiently removed enterococci, and induced a long-lasting effect after PAA inactivation. The relative abundance of small clusters increased during the experiment when compared with that of the inoculum. Moreover, under growing favorable conditions the relative abundance of small clusters decreased and the number of cells per cluster increased with increasing PAA doses. A strong stability of the measured ARG was found, not showing any effect during the whole experiment. The results demonstrated the feasibility of low doses of PAA to inactivate bacteria. However, the stress induced by PAA disinfection promoted a bacterial adaptation, even if potentially without affecting the abundance of the ARG.openTurolla, Andrea; Sabatino, Raffaella; Fontaneto, Diego; Eckert, Ester M.; Colinas, Noemi; Corno, Gianluca; Citterio, Barbara; Biavasco, Francesca; Antonelli, Manuela; Mauro, Alessandro; Mangiaterra, Gianmarco; Di Cesare, AndreaTurolla, Andrea; Sabatino, Raffaella; Fontaneto, Diego; Eckert, Ester M.; Colinas, Noemi; Corno, Gianluca; Citterio, Barbara; Biavasco, Francesca; Antonelli, Manuela; Mauro, Alessandro; Mangiaterra, Gianmarco; Di Cesare, Andre

    Structural Modifications of the Quinolin-4-yloxy Core to Obtain New Staphylococcus aureus NorA Inhibitors

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    : Tackling antimicrobial resistance (AMR) represents a social responsibility aimed at renewing the antimicrobial armamentarium and identifying novel therapeutical approaches. Among the possible strategies, efflux pumps inhibition offers the advantage to contrast the resistance against all drugs which can be extruded. Efflux pump inhibitors (EPIs) are molecules devoid of any antimicrobial activity, but synergizing with pumps-substrate antibiotics. Herein, we performed an in silico scaffold hopping approach starting from quinolin-4-yloxy-based Staphylococcus aureus NorA EPIs by using previously built pharmacophore models for NorA inhibition activity. Four scaffolds were identified, synthesized, and modified with appropriate substituents to obtain new compounds, that were evaluated for their ability to inhibit NorA and synergize with the fluoroquinolone ciprofloxacin against resistant S. aureus strains. The two quinoline-4-carboxamide derivatives 3a and 3b showed the best results being synergic (4-fold MIC reduction) with ciprofloxacin at concentrations as low as 3.13 and 1.56 µg/mL, respectively, which were nontoxic for human THP-1 and A549 cells. The NorA inhibition was confirmed by SA-1199B ethidium bromide efflux and checkerboard assays against the isogenic pair SA-K2378 (norA++)/SA-K1902 (norA-). These in vitro results indicate the two compounds as valuable structures for designing novel S. aureus NorA inhibitors to be used in association with fluoroquinolones

    Characterization of a Multiresistance Plasmid Carrying the optrA and cfr Resistance Genes From an Enterococcus faecium Clinical Isolate

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    open13noEnterococcus faecium E35048, a bloodstream isolate from Italy, was the first strain where the oxazolidinone resistance gene optrA was detected outside China. The strain was also positive for the oxazolidinone resistance gene cfr. WGS analysis revealed that the two genes were linked (23.1 kb apart), being co-carried by a 41,816-bp plasmid that was named pE35048-oc. This plasmid also carried the macrolide resistance gene erm(B) and a backbone related to that of the well-known Enterococcus faecalis plasmid pRE25 (identity 96%, coverage 65%). The optrA gene context was original, optrA being part of a composite transposon, named Tn6628, which was integrated into the gene encoding for the ζ toxin protein (orf19 of pRE25). The cfr gene was flanked by two ISEnfa5 insertion sequences and the element was inserted into an lnu(E) gene. Both optrA and cfr contexts were excisable. pE35048-oc could not be transferred to enterococcal recipients by conjugation or transformation. A plasmid-cured derivative of E. faecium E35048 was obtained following growth at 42°C, and the complete loss of pE35048-oc was confirmed by WGS. pE35048-oc exhibited some similarity but also notable differences from pEF12-0805, a recently described enterococcal plasmid from human E. faecium also co-carrying optrA and cfr; conversely it was completely unrelated to other optrA- and cfr-carrying plasmids from Staphylococcus sciuri. The optrA-cfr linkage is a matter of concern since it could herald the possibility of a co-spread of the two genes, both involved in resistance to last resort agents such as the oxazolidinones.openMorroni, Gianluca; Brenciani, Andrea; Antonelli, Alberto; Maria D’Andrea, Marco; Di Pilato, Vincenzo; Fioriti, Simona; Mingoia, Marina; Vignaroli, Carla; Cirioni, Oscar; Biavasco, Francesca; Varaldo, Pietro E.; Rossolini, Gian Maria; Giovanetti, EleonoraMorroni, Gianluca; Brenciani, Andrea; Antonelli, Alberto; Maria D’Andrea, Marco; Di Pilato, Vincenzo; Fioriti, Simona; Mingoia, Marina; Vignaroli, Carla; Cirioni, Oscar; Biavasco, Francesca; Varaldo, Pietro E.; Rossolini, Gian Maria; Giovanetti, Eleonor

    Characterization of coagulase-negative staphylococcal isolates from blood with reduced susceptibility to glycopeptides and therapeutic options

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS) are a major cause of nosocomial blood stream infection, especially in critically ill and haematology patients. CoNS are usually multidrug-resistant and glycopeptide antibiotics have been to date considered the drugs of choice for treatment. The aim of this study was to characterize CoNS with reduced susceptibility to glycopeptides causing blood stream infection (BSI) in critically ill and haematology patients at the University Hospital Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy, in 2007.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Hospital microbiology records for transplant haematology and ICU were reviewed to identify CoNS with elevated MICs for glycopeptides, and isolates were matched to clinical records to determine whether the isolates caused a BSI. The isolates were tested for susceptibility to new drugs daptomicin and tigecycline and the genetic relationship was assessed using f-AFLP.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of a total of 17,418 blood cultures, 1,609 were positive for CoNS and of these, 87 (5.4%) displayed reduced susceptibility to glycopeptides. Clinical review revealed that in 13 cases (7 in haematology and 6 in ICU), CoNS with reduced susceptibility to glycopeptides were responsible for a BSI. <it>Staphylococcus epidermidis </it>was the causative organism in 11 instances and <it>Staphylococcus haemolyticus </it>in 2. The incidence of oxacillin resistance was high (77%), although all isolates remained susceptible to linezolid, daptomycin and tigecycline. Fingerprinting of CoNS identified one clonal relationship between two isolates.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Multi-resistant CoNS with reduced susceptibility to glycopeptides, although still relatively infrequent in our hospital, are emerging pathogens of clinical concern. Surveillance by antibiotyping with attention to multi-resistant profile, and warning to clinicians, is necessary.</p

    Interactions between Glycopeptides and β-Lactams against Isogenic Pairs of Teicoplanin-Susceptible and -Resistant Strains of Staphylococcus haemolyticus

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    Four isogenic derivatives with stably increased glycopeptide MICs (all become resistant to teicoplanin) were obtained from four glycopeptide-susceptible clinical isolates of Staphylococcus haemolyticus. All strains were extensively analyzed and compared for a number of distinctive features. In particular, the results provided insights into the puzzling issue of antistaphylococcal interactions between glycopeptides and β-lactams, especially the paradox of double zones around β-lactam disks and the relationships between autolysis rate and type of interaction
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