17,889 research outputs found

    Shear and Vorticity in a Combined Einstein-Cartan-Brans-Dicke Inflationary Lambda-Universe

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    A combined BCDE (Brans-Dicke and Einstein-Cartan) theory with lambda-term is developed through Raychaudhuri's equation, for inflationary scenario. It involves a variable cosmological constant, which decreases with time, jointly with energy density, cosmic pressure, shear, vorticity, and Hubble's parameter, while the scale factor, total spin and scalar field increase exponentially. The post-inflationary fluid resembles a perfect one, though total spin grows, but the angular speed does not (Berman, 2007d). Keywords: Cosmology; Einstein; Brans-Dicke; Cosmological term; Shear; Spin; Vorticity; Inflation; Einstein-Cartan; Torsion. PACS: 04.20.-q ; 98.80.-k ; 98.80.Bp ; 98.80.JkComment: 8 pages including front one. Published versio

    A General Relativistic Rotating Evolutionary Universe

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    We show that when we work with coordinate cosmic time, which is not proper time, Robertson-Walker's metric, includes a possible rotational state of the Universe. An exact formula for the angular speed and the temporal metric coefficient, is found.Comment: 5 pages including front cover. Publishe

    Atomic entanglement generation with reduced decoherence via four-wave mixing

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    In most proposals for the generation of entanglement in large ensembles of atoms via projective measurements, the interaction with the vacuum is responsible for both the generation of the signal that is detected and the spin depolarization or decoherence. In consequence, one has to usually work in a regime where the information aquisition via detection is sufficiently slow (weak measurement regime) such as not to strongly disturb the system. We propose here a four-wave mixing scheme where, owing to the pumping of the atomic system into a dark state, the polarization of the ensemble is not critically affected by spontaneous emission, thus allowing one to work in a strong measurement regime

    Shear and Vorticity in Inflationary Brans-Dicke Cosmology with Lambda-Term

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    We find a solution for exponential inflation in Brans-Dicke cosmology endowed with a cosmological term, which includes time-varying shear and vorticity. We find that the scalar field and the scale factor increase exponentialy while shear, vorticity, energy density, cosmic pressure and the cosmological term decay exponentialy for beta < 0, where beta is defined in the text.Comment: 8 pages including front one. Published by Astrophysics and Space Scienc

    The Pioneer Anomaly and a Machian Universe

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    We discuss astronomical and astrophysical evidence, which we relate to the principle of zero-total energy of the Universe, that imply several relations among the mass M, the radius R and the angular momentum L of a "large" sphere representing a Machian Universe. By calculating the angular speed, we find a peculiar centripetal acceleration for the Universe. This is an ubiquituous property that relates one observer to any observable. It turns out that this is exactly the anomalous acceleration observed on the Pioneers spaceships. We have thus, shown that this anomaly is to be considered a property of the Machian Universe. We discuss several possible arguments against our proposal.Comment: 6 pages including front page. Publishe

    Inflationary phase in Generalized Brans-Dicke theory

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    We find a solution for exponential inflation in a Brans-Dicke generalized model, where the coupling "constant " is variable. While in General Relativity the equation of state is p is equal to minus rho, here we find p proportional to rho, where the proportionality constant is smaller than -2/3. The negativity of cosmic pressure implies acceleration of the expansion, even with lambda < 0 >.Comment: International Journal of Theoretical Physics, to be publishe

    Non-Resonant Effects in Implementation of Quantum Shor Algorithm

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    We simulate Shor's algorithm on an Ising spin quantum computer. The influence of non-resonant effects is analyzed in detail. It is shown that our ``2Ď€k2\pi k''-method successfully suppresses non-resonant effects even for relatively large values of the Rabi frequency.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figure

    Cooperative spin decoherence and population transfer

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    An ensemble of multilevel atoms is a good candidate for a quantum information storage device. The information is encrypted in the collective ground state atomic coherence, which, in the absence of external excitation, is decoupled from the vacuum and therefore decoherence free. However, in the process of manipulation of atoms with light pulses (writing, reading), one inadvertently introduces a coupling to the environment, i.e. a source of decoherence. The dissipation process is often treated as an independent process for each atom in the ensemble, an approach which fails at large atomic optical depths where cooperative effects must be taken into account. In this paper, the cooperative behavior of spin decoherence and population transfer for a system of two, driven multilevel-atoms is studied. Not surprisingly, an enhancement in the decoherence rate is found, when the atoms are separated by a distance that is small compared to an optical wavelength; however, it is found that this rate increases even further for somewhat larger separations for atoms aligned along the direction of the driving field's propagation vector. A treatment of the cooperative modification of optical pumping rates and an effect of polarization swapping between atoms is also discussed, lending additional insight into the origin of the collective decay
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