12,165 research outputs found

    Critical point for the strong field magnetoresistance of a normal conductor/perfect insulator/perfect conductor composite with a random columnar microstructure

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    A recently developed self-consistent effective medium approximation, for composites with a columnar microstructure, is applied to such a three-constituent mixture of isotropic normal conductor, perfect insulator, and perfect conductor, where a strong magnetic field {\bf B} is present in the plane perpendicular to the columnar axis. When the insulating and perfectly conducting constituents do not percolate in that plane, the microstructure-induced in-plane magnetoresistance is found to saturate for large {\bf B}, if the volume fraction of the perfect conductor pSp_S is greater than that of the perfect insulator pIp_I. By contrast, if pS<pIp_S<p_I, that magnetoresistance keeps increasing as B2{\bf B}^2 without ever saturating. This abrupt change in the macroscopic response, which occurs when pS=pIp_S=p_I, is a critical point, with the associated critical exponents and scaling behavior that are characteristic of such points. The physical reasons for the singular behavior of the macroscopic response are discussed. A new type of percolation process is apparently involved in this phenomenon.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Magnetoresistance of Three-Constituent Composites: Percolation Near a Critical Line

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    Scaling theory, duality symmetry, and numerical simulations of a random network model are used to study the magnetoresistance of a metal/insulator/perfect conductor composite with a disordered columnar microstructure. The phase diagram is found to have a critical line which separates regions of saturating and non-saturating magnetoresistance. The percolation problem which describes this line is a generalization of anisotropic percolation. We locate the percolation threshold and determine the t = s = 1.30 +- 0.02, nu = 4/3 +- 0.02, which are the same as in two-constituent 2D isotropic percolation. We also determine the exponents which characterize the critical dependence on magnetic field, and confirm numerically that nu is independent of anisotropy. We propose and test a complete scaling description of the magnetoresistance in the vicinity of the critical line.Comment: Substantially revised version; description of behavior in finite magnetic fields added. 7 pages, 7 figures, submitted to PR

    Preliminary results on SiO v=3 J=1-0 maser emission from AGB stars

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    We present the results of SiO maser observations at 43GHz toward two AGB stars using the VLBA. Our preliminary results on the relative positions of the different J=1-0 SiO masers (v=1,2 and 3) indicate that the current ideas on SiO maser pumping could be wrong at some fundamental level. A deep revision of the SiO pumping models could be necessary.Comment: poster, 2 pages, 2 figures, Proc. IAU Symp. 287 "Cosmic Masers: from OH to H0", R.S. Booth, E.M.L. Humphreys and W.H.T. Vlemmings, ed

    Comment on "Optical Response of Strongly Coupled Nanopraticles in Dimer Arrays" (Phys. Rev. B 71(4), 045404, 2005)

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    I have re-calculated the extinction spectra of aggregates of two silver nanospheres shown in Figs.~2 and 3 of Ref.~8. I have used the approximate method of images according to Ref.~8 and an exact numerical technique. I have found that the three sets of data (those I have obtained by the method of images, the numerical results, and the results published in Ref.~8) do not coincide. In this Comment, I discuss the reasons for these discrepancies and the general applicability of the method of images to the quasi-static electromagnetic problem of two interacting nanospheres.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    SiO masers from AGB stars in the vibrationally excited v=1,v=2, and v=3 states

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    The v=1 and v=2 J=1-0 (43 GHz), and v=1 J=2-1 (86 GHz) SiO masers are intense in AGB stars and have been mapped using VLBI showing ring-like distributions. Those of the v=1, v=2 J=1-0 masers are similar, but the spots are rarely coincident, while the v=1 J=2-1 maser arises from a well separated region farther out. These relative locations can be explained by models tools that include the overlap of two IR lines of SiO and H2O. The v=3 J=1-0 line is not directly affected by any line overlap and its spot structure and position, relative to the other lines, is a good test to the standard pumping models. We present single-dish and simultaneous VLBI observations of the v=1, v=2, and v=3 J=1-0 maser transitions of 28SiO in several AGB stars. The spatial distribution of the SiO maser emission in the v=3 J=1-0 transition from AGB stars is systematically composed of a series of spots that occupy a ring-like structure. The overall ring structure is extremely similar to that found in the other 43 GHz transitions and is very different from the structure of the v=1 J=2-1 maser. The positions of the individual spots of the different 43 GHz lines are, however, very rarely coincident, which in general is separated by about 0.3 AU (between 1 and 5 mas). These results are very difficult to reconcile with standard pumping models, which predict that the masers of rotational transitions within a given vibrational state require very similar excitation conditions, while the transitions of different vibrational states should appear in different positions. However, models including line overlap tend to predict v=1, v=2, v=3 J=1-0 population inversion to occur under very similar conditions, while the requirements for v=1 J=2-1 appear clearly different, and are compatible with the observational results.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures accepted by A&

    Lectures on Non-BPS Dirichlet branes

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    A comprehensive introduction to the boundary state approach to Dirichlet branes is given. Various examples of BPS and non-BPS Dirichlet branes are discussed. In particular, the non-BPS states in the duality of Type IIA on K3 and the heterotic string on T4 are analysed in detail.Comment: 46 pages, 5 figures, LaTeX; lectures given at the TMR network school on `Quantum aspects of gauge theories, supersymmetry and quantum gravity', Torino, 26 January - 2 February 2000, and at the `Spring workshop on Superstrings and related matters', Trieste, 27 March - 4 April 2000; references adde

    Easy on that trigger dad: a study of long term family photo retrieval

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    We examine the effects of new technologies for digital photography on people's longer term storage and access to collections of personal photos. We report an empirical study of parents' ability to retrieve photos related to salient family events from more than a year ago. Performance was relatively poor with people failing to find almost 40% of pictures. We analyze participants' organizational and access strategies to identify reasons for this poor performance. Possible reasons for retrieval failure include: storing too many pictures, rudimentary organization, use of multiple storage systems, failure to maintain collections and participants' false beliefs about their ability to access photos. We conclude by exploring the technical and theoretical implications of these findings

    Theory of Optical Transmission through Elliptical Nanohole Arrays

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    We present a theory which explains (in the quasistatic limit) the experimentally observed [R. Gordon, {\it et al}, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 92}, 037401 (2004)] squared dependence of the depolarization ratio on the aspect ratio of the holes, as well as other features of extraordinary light transition. We calculated the effective dielectric tensor of a metal film penetrated by elliptical cylindrical holes and found the extraordinarily light transmission at special frequencies related to the surface plasmon resonances of the composite film. We also propose to use the magnetic field for getting a strong polarization effect, which depends on the ratio of the cyclotron to plasmon frequencies.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Engineering Electromagnetic Properties of Periodic Nanostructures Using Electrostatic Resonances

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    Electromagnetic properties of periodic two-dimensional sub-wavelength structures consisting of closely-packed inclusions of materials with negative dielectric permittivity ϵ\epsilon in a dielectric host with positive ϵh\epsilon_h can be engineered using the concept of multiple electrostatic resonances. Fully electromagnetic solutions of Maxwell's equations reveal multiple wave propagation bands, with the wavelengths much longer than the nanostructure period. It is shown that some of these bands are described using the quasi-static theory of the effective dielectric permittivity ϵqs\epsilon_{qs}, and are independent of the nanostructure period. Those bands exhibit multiple cutoffs and resonances which are found to be related to each other through a duality condition. An additional propagation band characterized by a negative magnetic permeability develops when a magnetic moment is induced in a given nano-particle by its neighbors. Imaging with sub-wavelength resolution in that band is demonstrated
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