8 research outputs found

    Shelf Life Studies Of Restructured And Dried Fruit Made From Concentrated Papaya Pulp [estudo Da Vida-de-prateleira De Fruta Estruturada E Desidratada Obtida De Polpa Concentrada De Mamão]

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    The restructured fruit made with concentrated papaya pulp (700 g/kg), sugar (340 g/kg), sodium alginate (7 g/kg), low methoxy pectin (7 g/kg) and glycerol (50 g/kg), cut in a solid cylindrical form (volume approx. 2 cm 3), dehydrated (12% humidity) and covered with icing sugar, was chosen for the shelf life studies. The physical, chemical, sensory and microbiological analyses were made on the product packaged in a multi layer film and stored at 0, 25 and 35°C, for 120 days to check for quality loss. The results showed that the firmness (TA.XT2 Texturometer) and the subjective evaluations of texture and overall quality were the evaluation that best explained the quality loss of the restructured fruit during storage. Under accelerated conditions (35°C) the product was considered adequate for consumption for up to 56 days, when it reached 4.5 (neither liked nor disliked) from the overall quality scale of the sensorial test. The kinetic values, E a = 19,89 kcal/mol and Q 10 = 3, established using accelerated shelf life testing, allowed for the estimation of a shelf life of 168 days for the product at 25°C. Under normal storage conditions, the shelf life of the product being estimated as 154 days based on the overall quality using the sensory results.263709714Antunes, A.J., Canho, V.P., (1983) Aditivos Em Alimentos, 178p. , São Paulo:Secretaria da Indústria, Comércio, Clência e TecnologiaFaria, E.Z., Yotsuyanagi, K., (2002) Técnicas de Análise Sensorial, 116p. , Campinas: ITAL. 1 a edGrizotto, R.K., Aguirre, J.M., Claus, M.L., Estudo da concentração da polpa de mamão para produção de fruta estruturada (2005) 6° Simpósio Latino Americano de Ciência de Alimentos, 1p. , 2005, Campinas: SLACA. CD RoomGrizotto, R.K., Bruns, R.E., Aguirre, J.M., Batista, G., Otimização via Metodologia de Superfície de Respostas dos parâmetros tecnológicos para produção de fruta estruturada e desidratada a partir de polpa concentrada de mamão (2005) Ciência e Tecnologia, 25 (1), pp. 158-164(2000) Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC International. 17 Ed., , HORWITZ, W (ed.). Gaithersburg, MarylandLabuza, T.P., Application of chemical kinetics to deterioration of foods (1984) J. Chem. Edu., 61 (4), pp. 348-358Labuza, T.P., (1982) Shelf-life Dating of Foods, 500p. , Westport: Food and Nutrition PressMori, E.E.M., Determinação da vida-de-prateleira através da análise sensorial e correlações (2004) Reações de Transformação e Vida-de-prateleira de Alimentos Processados, pp. 63-83. , Moura, S.C.S.R.Germer, S.P.M. (ed.) Campinas: ITAL. 3 a ed. (Manual Técnico no 6)Mouquet, C., Duma, J.C., Guilbert, S., Texturization of sweetened mango pulp: Optimization using response surface methodology (1992) J. Food Sci., 57 (6), pp. 1395-1400Netto, F.M., Determinação da vida-de-prateleira - Erros e limitações (2004) Reações de Transformação e Vida-de-prateleira de Alimentos Processados, pp. 83-92. , Moura, S. C. S. R.Germer, S. P. M. Campinas: ITAL. 3 a ed. (Manual Técnico no 6)Quast, D., Quem tem medo de atividade de água? (1997) Atividade de Água Em Alimentos, pp. 13-21. , Jardim, D.C.P.Germer, S. P. M. (coord.) Campinas: ITAL. a 13-8Silva, N., Junqueira, V.C.A., Silveira, N.F.A., (2001) Manual de Métodos de Análise Microbiológica de Alimentos, pp. 26-28. , São Paulo: Varella. 2 a ed(1997) User Manual. Texture Analyser. Model TA-XT2i, Godalming, Version 6.10 e 7.10, 87p. , STABLE MICRO SYSTEMS. Agosto deTeixeira Neto, R.O., Atividade de água e transformação dos alimentos (1997) Atividade de Água EM Alimentos, pp. 2-11. , Jardim, D.C.P.Germer, S.P.M. (coord.) Campinas: ITAL. a 2-9Teixeira Neto, R.O., Vitali, A.A., Moura, S.C.S.R., Introdução à cinética de reação em alimentos (2004) Reações de Transformação e Vida-de-prateleira de Alimentos Processados, pp. 63-83. , Moura, S. C. S. R.Germer, S. P. M. (ed.) Campinas: ITAL. 3 a ed. (Manual Técnico no6)Vijayanand, P., Yadav, A.R., Balasubramanyam, N., Narasimham, P., Storage stability of guava fruit bar prepared using a new process (2000) Lebens. Wiss. Tecnol., 33 (1), pp. 132-137Vitali, A.A., Teixeira Neto, R.O., Germer, S.P.M., Testes Acelerados de vida-de-prateleira de alimentos (2004) Reações de Transformação e Vida-de-prateleira de Alimentos Processados, pp. 75-92. , Moura, S. C. S. R.Germer, S. P. M. Campinas: ITAL. 3 a ed. (Manual Técnico no 6)Wright, B.B., Taub, I.A., Stored product quality: Open dating asd temperature monitoring (1997) Food Storage Stability, pp. 353-368. , Taub, I. A.Singh, R. P. (eds.). Boca Raton: CRC Pres

    Process Variables In The Osmotic Dehydration Of Sliced Peaches [variáveis De Processo Na Desidratação Osmótica De Pêssegos Em Fatias]

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    This paper evaluated the influence of temperature and concentration of the sucrose syrup on the pre-osmotic dehydration of peaches. Physical (colour and texture) and chemical variables (soluble solid content; total sugar, reducing and non-reducing sugar contents; and titratable acidity) were investigated, as well as the osmotic dehydration parameters (loss of weight and water; solids incorporation). An experimental central composite design was employed varying the temperature (from 30 to 50 °C) and concentration (from 45 to 65 °Brix) and maintaining the syrup to fruit ratio (4:1), process time (4 hours), and format (slices). The degree of acceptance was used in the sensory analysis evaluating the following characteristics: appearance, taste, texture, colour, and overall quality using a hedonic scale. The results were modelled using the Statistica program (v. 6.0) and the Response Surface Methodology. The mathematical models of the following dimensionless variations yielded significant (p < 0.05) and predictive results: soluble solids content, total and non-reducing sugar contents, titratable acidity, colour parameter L*, and water loss. The models of the attributes colour and appearance yielded significant (p < 0.10) but not predictive results. Temperature was the prevalent effect in the models. The process conditions in the range from 50 to 54.1 °C and from 45 to 65 °Brix led to greater water losses and better sensory performances.304940948Abugoch, J.L., Guarda, M.A., Estudo de la perdida de acido ascórbico total em rodajas de kiwi, durante la deshidratacion osmótica (1991) Alimentos, 16 (5), pp. 15-19Araujo, E.A., Estudo Do Processo De Desidratação Osmótica E Secagem De Nectarina (Prunus Persica), p. 2005. , 113 f. Tese (Doutorado em Engenharia de Alimentos)-Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, 2005Azuara, E., Garcia, H.S., Beristain, C.I., Effect of the centrifugal force on osmotic dehydration of potatoes and apples (1996) Food Research International, 29 (2), pp. 195-199Barros Neto, B., Scarmino, I.S., Bruns, R.E., (1995) Planejamento E Otimização De Experimentos, , 2. ed. Campinas: Editora da UnicampBeristain, C., Mass transfer during osmotic dehydration of pineapple rings (1990) International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 25 (5), pp. 576-582Carvalho, C.R.L., (1990) Análises Químicas De Alimentos: Manual Técnico, , Campinas: ITALChiralt, A., Fito, P., Transport mechanisms in osmotic dehydration: The role of structure (2003) Food Science and Technology International, 9 (3), pp. 179-186Chitarra, M.I.F., Carvalho, V.D., Qualidade e industrialização de frutos temperados: Pêssegos, ameixas, figos (1985) Informe Agropecuário, 11 (125), pp. 56-65Cunha, L.M., Stochastic approach to the modelling of water losses during osmotic dehydration and improved parameter estimation (2001) International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 36 (3), pp. 253-262Fernandes, F., Optimization of osmotic dehydration of papaya followed by air-drying (2006) Food Research International, 39 (4), pp. 492-498Germer, S.P.M., (2004) Aptidão Das Variedades De Pêssego Régis, Tropical E IAC680 Para Produção De Passas Por Secagem Osmótica, , In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE CIêNCIA E TECNOLOGIA DE ALIMENTOS, 19., 2004, Recife. Anais. Recife: SBCTAGermer, S.P.M., Aptidão de cultivares de pêssego do Estado de São Paulo para a produção de passas por processo combinado de secagem osmótica e secagem com ar quente (2007) Brazilian Journal of Food Technology, 10 (3), pp. 151-158Heng, K., Guilbert, S., Cuq, J.L., Osmotic dehydration of papaya: Infuence of process variables on the product quality (1990) Science Des Aliments, 10, pp. 831-848Kowalska, H., Lenart, A., Mass exchange during osmotic pre-treatment of vegetables (2001) Journal of Food Engineering, 49 (2-3), pp. 137-140Lerici, C.R., Osmotic dehydration of fruit: Infuence of osmotic agents on drying behavior and product quality (1985) Journal of Food Science, 50 (5), pp. 1217-1226Mota, R.V., Avaliação da qualidade físico-química e aceitabilidade de passas de pêssego submetidas à desidratação osmótica (2005) Ciência E Tecnologia De Alimentos, 25 (1), pp. 789-794Panagiotou, N., Karathanos, V.T., Maroulis, Z.B., Mass transfer modeling of the osmotic dehydration of some fruits (1998) International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 33 (3), pp. 267-284Park, K.J., Osmotic dehydration kinetics of pear D ́anjou (Pyrus communis L.) (2002) Journal of Food Engineering, 52 (3), pp. 293-298Pereira, L.M., Kinetic aspects, texture, and colour evaluation of some tropical fruits during osmotic dehydration (2006) Drying Technology, 24 (4), pp. 475-484Ponting, J.D., Osmotic Dehydration of Fruits (1966) Food Technology, 20 (10), pp. 125-128Raoult-Wack, A.L., Recent advances in the osmotic dehydration of foods (1994) Trends In Food Science & Technology, 5 (8), pp. 255-260Riva, M., Structure-property relationships in osmo-air-dehydrated apricot cubes (2005) Food Research International, 38 (5), pp. 533-542Sahari, M.A., Souti, M., Emam-Jomeh, Z., Improving the dehydration of dried peach by osmotic method (2006) Journal of Food Technology, 4 (3), pp. 189-193Saurel, R., Mass transfer phenomena during osmotic dehydration of apple. I. Fresh plant tissue (1994) International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 29 (5), pp. 531-542Shi, X.Q., Fito, P., Chiralt, A., Infuence of vacuum treatment on mass transfer during osmotic dehydration of fruits (1995) Food Research International, 28 (5), pp. 445-454Tan, M., Efect of osmotic pre-treatment and infrared radiation on drying rate and color changes during drying of potato and pineapple (2001) Drying Technology, 19 (9), pp. 2193-2207Vial, C., Guilbert, S., Cuq, J.L., Osmotic dehydration of kiwi fruits: Infuence of process variables on the color and ascorbic acid content (1991) Science Des Aliments, 11 (1), pp. 63-84Videv, K., Efect of sugar syrup concentration and temperature on the rate of osmotic dehydration of apples (1990) Journal of Food Science and Technology, 27 (5), pp. 307-30

    Osmotic Dehydration Of Peaches As A Function Of Temperature And Concentration Of Sucrose Syrup [desidratação Osmótica De Pêssegos Em Função Da Temperatura E Concentração Do Xarope De Sacarose]

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    The production of dried peach by osmotic dehydration is an alternative for using the excess of peach production. The influence of the temperature and concentration of the sucrose syrup in osmotic dehydration of peaches was evaluated. Variations in physical and chemical properties, and osmotic dehydration parameters (weight loss and water loss; solids incorporation) were investigated. An experimental central composite design was employed ranging the temperature (30 to 50 oC) and concentration (45 to 65 °Brix), keeping the syrup:fruit mass ratio 4:1, process time 4 h, and format pieces (halves). The degree of acceptance was used in the sensory analysis, evaluating the following characteristics: appearance, taste, texture, colour and overall quality. The results were modelled using the Statistica program (v. 6.0) employing the Response Surface Methodology. The following mathematical models resulted significant (p &lt; 0.05) and predictive: dimensionless soluble solids content and colour parameter L*, water loss and weight loss parameters. The temperature was the prevalent effect. The process conditions from 50 to 54.1 °C and from 55 to 65 °Brix presented more water loss and better sensory performances.152161169Araújo, E.A., (2005) Estudo do processo de desidratação osmótica e secagem denectarina (Prunus persica), p. 113. , Campinas: UNICAMP, Tese DoutoradoArgandoña, E.J.S., (2005) Goiabas desidratadas osmoticamente e secas: Avaliação de um sistema osmótico semicontínuo, da secagem e da qualidade, p. 172. , Campinas: UNICAMP, Tese DoutoradoAzuara, E., Garcia, H.S., Beristain, C.I., Effect of the centrifugal force on osmotic dehydration of potatoes and apples (1996) Food Research International, 29, pp. 195-199Azoubel, P.M., Oliveira, S.B., Araujo, A.J.B., Silva, I.R.A., Park, K.J., Influence of osmotic pretreatment on the total carotenoids content of dried mango (2008) International Conference of Agricultural Engineering, Brazilian Congress of Agricultural Engineering, 37. , In, Foz do Iguaçú. Anais...Foz do Iguaçu: SBEA/CIGR/ASABE, CD RomBarros Neto, B., Scarmino, I.S., Bruns, R.E., (1995) Planejamento e otimização de experimentos, p. 299. , 2a. ed. Campinas: UNICAMPBuchweitz, P.R., (2005) Avaliação da pré-secagem osmótica de kiwi (Actinidia deliciosa) complementada por processos convencionais, p. 224. , Campinas: UNICAMP, Tese DoutoradoCarvalho, C.R.L., Mantovani, D.M.B., Carvalho, P.R.N., Moraes, R.M., (1990) Análises Químicas de Alimentos - Manual Técnico, p. 121. , Campinas: ITALChiralt, A., Fito, P., Transport mechanisms in osmotic dehydration: The role of structure (2003) Food Science and Technology International, 9, pp. 179-186Chitarra, M.I.F., Carvalho, V.D., Qualidade e industrialização de frutos temperados: Pêssegos, ameixas, figos (1985) Informe Agropecuário, 11, pp. 56-65Cunha, L.M., Oliveira, F.A.R., Aboim, A.P., Frías, J.M., Pinheiro-Torres, A., Stochastic approach to the modelling of water losses during osmotic dehydration and improved parameter estimation (2001) International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 36, pp. 253-262Dionello, R.G., Berbert, P.A., Molina, M.A.B., Pereira, R.C., Viana, A.P., Carlesso, V.O., Desidratação osmótica de frutos de duas cultivares de abacaxi em xarope de açúcar invertido (2009) Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental, 13, pp. 596-605Fernandes, F., Rodrigues, S., Gaspareto, O.C.P., Oliveira, E.L., Optimization of osmotic dehydration of papaya followed by air-drying (2006) Food Research International, 39, pp. 492-498Germer, S.P.M., de Queiroz, M.R., Aguirre, J.M., Barbosa, W., Berbari, S.A., Sigrist, J.M.M., Quast, E., Aptidão de cultivares de pêssego do Estado de São Paulo para a produção de passas por processo combinado de secagem osmótica e secagem com ar quente (2007) Brazilian Journal of Food Technology, 10, pp. 151-158Germer, S.P.M., de Queiroz, M.R., Aguirre, J.M., Berbari, S.A., The influence of process variables on the osmotic drying and on sensory tests of sliced dehydrated peaches (2008) International Conference of Agricultural Engineering, Brazilian Congress of Agricultural Engineering, 37. , In, Foz do Iguaçú. Anais...Foz do Iguaçu: SBEA/CIGR/ASABE. 2008. CD RomHeng, K., Guilbert, S., Cuq, J.L., Osmotic dehydration of papaya: Influence of process variables on the product quality (1990) Science des Aliments, 10, pp. 831-848Kowalska, H., Lenart, A., Mass exchange during osmotic pretreatment of vegetables (2001) Journal of Food Engineering, 49 (2-3), pp. 137-140Lerici, C.R., Pinnavaia, G., Dalla Rosa, M., Bartolucci, L., Osmotic dehydration of fruit: Influence of osmotic agents on drying behavior and product quality (1985) Journal of Food Science, 50, pp. 1217-1226Martins, M.C.P., Cunha, T.L., Silva, M.R., Efeitos das condições da desidratação osmótica na qualidade de passas de caju-do-cerrado (2008) Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos, 28, pp. 158-165Mota, R.V., Avaliação da qualidade físico-química e aceitabilidade de passas de pêssego submetidas à desidratação osmótica (2005) Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos, 25 (1), pp. 789-794Park, K.J., Bin, A., Brod, F.P.R., Park, T.H.K.B., Osmotic dehydration kinetics of pear D'Anjou (Pyrus communis L.) (2002) Journal of Food Engineering, 52 (3), pp. 293-298Pereira, L.M., Ferrari, C.C., Mastrantoni, D.S., Rodrigues, A.C.C., Hubinger, M.D., Kinetic aspects, texture, and colour evaluation of some tropical fruits during osmotic dehydration (2006) Drying Technology, 24, pp. 475-484Ponting, J.D., Watters, G.G., Forrey, R.R., Jackson, R., Stanley, W.L., Osmotic Dehydration of Fruits (1966) Food Technology, 20, pp. 125-128(2008) Normas de Classificação de Pêssego e Nectarina, , PBMH & PIF - Programa Brasileiro para a modernização da horticultura & Produção integr ada, São Paulo: CEAGESPRaoult-Wack, A.L., Recent advances in the osmotic dehydration of foods (1994) Trends in Food Science & Technology, 5 (8), pp. 255-260Riva, M., Campolongo, S., Leva, A.A., Maestrelli, A., Totteggiani, D., Structure-property relationships in osmoair- dehydrated apricot cubes (2005) Food Research International, 38 (5), pp. 533-542Sahari, M.A., Souti, M., Emam-Jomeh, Z., Improving the dehydration of dried peach by osmotic method (2006) Journal of Food Technology, 4 (3), pp. 189-193(1989) SAS/STAT User's guide, 6, p. 1294. , SAS, Version 6. Cary: SAS InstituteSato, G.S., Produção de pêssegos de mesa e para indústria no Brasil (2001) Informações Econômicas, 31 (6), pp. 61-63Saurel, R., Raoult-Wack, A.L., Rios, G., Guilbert, S., Mass transfer phenomena during osmotic dehydration of apple. I. Fresh plant tissue (1994) International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 29 (5), pp. 531-542Shi, X.Q., Fito, P., Chiralt, A., Influence of vacuum treatment on mass transfer during osmotic dehydration of fruits (1995) Food Research International, 28 (5), pp. 445-454Tan, M., Chua, K.J., Mujumdar, A.S., Chou, S.K., Effect of osmotic pre-treatment and infrared radiation on drying rate and color changes during drying of potato and pineapple (2001) Drying Technology, 19 (9), pp. 2193-220

    Adequate timing for heart-of-palm harvesting in King palm Determinação de estádio adequado para colheita de palmito de palmeira real australiana

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    Heart-of-palm, palm heart, or "palmito" can be considered as a non-conventional vegetable, largely consumed in Brazil and exported to more than sixty countries. Timing of heart-of-palm harvesting is a critical issue in palmito agribusiness, since it affects yield, quality and costs. A three-year field experiment was utilized to identify the correct timing for king palm heart-of-palm harvesting, from the standpoint of maximizing yield and minimizing growing period. The experimental site was located at Pariqueraçu, Vale do Ribeira, a region where palmito agribusiness has increased recently, due to adequate climatic conditions, low costs and high industry demand. Crop was grown in 2 x 0.75 m spacing, utilizing six-month old seedlings. Growth was assessed periodically by measuring plant diameter and height (from soil level to insertion of leaf spear), as well as leaf number and size. Harvest was done, from 36 to 40 months after planting date. The results showed high plant variability, a common feature in palm. In spite of genetic variability, the adequate timing for start heart-of-palm harvesting (considering plant growth rate, yield, quality and market type), was reached when palms were 80 to 115 cm (small diameter) and 200 to 300 cm tall (large diameter). The time to attain those heights varies widely among plants and growing conditions. In this experiment, harvesting could be started at 22 months after planting.<br>Palmito é uma hortaliça não convencional, largamente consumida no Brasil e exportada para mais de sessenta países. A determinação do tempo adequado para sua colheita é fundamental para o agronegócio palmito, visto que afeta produção, qualidade e custos. Um experimento a campo, com três anos de idade, foi utilizado para identificar o ponto adequado de colheita de palmito da palmeira real australiana de forma a maximizar produção e minimizar tempo de cultivo. A área experimental está localizada em Pariqueraçu, Vale do Ribeira (SP), uma região em que o agronegócio palmito vem crescendo recentemente devido às condições climáticas adequadas, baixos custos e alta demanda pelas indústrias locais. O cultivo foi feito no espaçamento de 2 x 0,75 m utilizando mudas com seis meses de idade. O crescimento das plantas foi avaliado periodicamente, medindo-se diâmetro e altura (do solo até a inserção da folha flecha), bem como número e comprimento de folhas. A colheita foi feita entre 36 e 40 meses após o plantio. Os resultados mostraram grande variabilidade entre plantas, característica comum em palmeiras. Apesar da variabilidade genética, concluiu-se que o ponto adequado para começar a colheita de palmito (considerando taxa de crescimento, produção, qualidade e tipo de mercado) tem início quando as plantas atingem altura de 80 a 115 cm (palmito de pequeno diâmetro) e 200 a 300 cm (para diâmetros maiores). O tempo necessário para atingir essas alturas varia grandemente entre plantas e entre condições de cultivo. Neste experimento a colheita poderia ter início 22 meses após o plantio