12,833 research outputs found

    Technique for lowering the noise figure in RF amplifiers

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    Low-level RF amplifiers are operated at noise figures at or near the theoretical minimum, while maintaining high-gain stability. Formulas for the minimum amplifier noise figure value are derived from the analytical noise-figure expression involving the parameters of the equivalent circuit representing the actual system

    Optimized experimental settings for the best detection of quantum nonlocality

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    Nonlocality lies at the core of quantum mechanics from both a fundamental and applicative point of view. It is typically revealed by a Bell test, that is by violation of a Bell inequality, whose success depends both on the state of the system and on parameters linked to experimental settings. This leads to find, given the state, optimized parameters for a successful test. Here we provide, for a quite general class of quantum states, the explicit expressions of these optimized parameters and point out that, for a continuous change of the state, the corresponding suitable experimental settings may unexpectedly vary discontinuously. We finally show in a paradigmatic open quantum system that this abrupt "jump" of the experimental settings may even occur during the time evolution of the system. These jumps must be taken into account in order not to compromise the correct detection of nonlocality in the system.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Non equilibrium dissipation-driven steady many-body entanglement

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    We study an ensemble of two-level quantum systems (qubits) interacting with a common electromagnetic field in proximity of a dielectric slab whose temperature is held different from that of some far surrounding walls. We show that the dissipative dynamics of the qubits driven by this stationary and out of thermal equilibrium (OTE) field, allows the production of steady many-body entangled states, differently from the case at thermal equilibrium where steady states are always non-entangled. By studying up to ten qubits, we point out the role of symmetry in the entanglement production, which is exalted in the case of permutationally invariant configurations. In the case of three qubits, we find a strong dependence of tripartite entanglement on the spatial disposition of the qubits, and in the case of six qubits, we find several highly entangled bipartitions where entanglement can, remarkably, survive for large qubit-qubit distances up to 100 ÎĽ\mum.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, updated version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Toward a Mathematical Theory of Behavioral-Social Dynamics for Pedestrian Crowds

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    This paper presents a new approach to behavioral-social dynamics of pedestrian crowds by suitable development of methods of the kinetic theory. It is shown how heterogeneous individual behaviors can modify the collective dynamics, as well as how local unusual behaviors can propagate in the crowd. The main feature of this approach is a detailed analysis of the interactions between dynamics and social behaviors.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figure


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    Quantum thermal machines with single nonequilibrium environments

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    We propose a scheme for a quantum thermal machine made by atoms interacting with a single non-equilibrium electromagnetic field. The field is produced by a simple configuration of macroscopic objects held at thermal equilibrium at different temperatures. We show that these machines can deliver all thermodynamic tasks (cooling, heating and population inversion), and this by establishing quantum coherence with the body on which they act. Remarkably, this system allows to reach efficiencies at maximum power very close to the Carnot limit, much more than in existing models. Our findings offer a new paradigm for efficient quantum energy flux management, and can be relevant for both experimental and technological purposes.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    A High Current Proton Linac with 352 MHz SC Cavities

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    A proposal for a 10-120 mA proton linac employing superconducting beta-graded, CERN type, four cell cavities at 352 MHz is presented. The high energy part (100 MeV-1 GeV) of the machine is split in three beta-graded sections, and transverse focusing is provided via a periodic doublet array. All the parameters, like power in the couplers and accelerating fields in the cavities, are within the state of the art, achieved in operating machines. A first stage of operation at 30 mA beam current is proposed, while the upgrade of the machine to 120 mA operation can be obtained increasing the number of klystrons and couplers per cavity. The additional coupler ports, up to four, will be integrated in the cavity design. Preliminary calculations indicate that beam transport is feasible, given the wide aperture of the 352 MHz structures. A capital cost of less than 100 Mat10mA,reachingupto280M at 10 mA, reaching up to 280 M for the 120 mA extension, has been estimated for the superconducting high energy section (100 MeV-1 GeV). The high efficiency of the proposed machine, reaching 50% at 15 mA, makes it a good candidate for proposed nuclear waste incineration facilities and Energy Amplifier studies.Comment: 9 Pages, 4 figures, LaTeX2e, html version found from http://hptesla.mi.infn.it/~pierini/publication_list.html . To Appear in the Proceedings of the 1996 LINAC Conference, Geneve, August 26-30 199
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