1,285 research outputs found

    A framework for compensating rest allowance

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    A great many papers have been written on the subject of human fatigue but the complaint is often made in industry that, while many of these studies may be of scientific value, it is very difficult to see how they may assist those who are concerned with the problem in industry, in particular the time study engineers whose job it is to assess the fatigue that work involves and to apply the appropriate allowances. The object of this paper is to consider the problem of these allowances (usually termed. Compensating Rest or C.R. allowances) in the light of scientific evidence. It is not proposed to refer to previous work that bears on this field in any specific way, since a paper which did so would run to considerable length, but rather to evaluate some of the most important material and to suggest the type of framework for C.R. allowances that would appear most rational in the light of available evidence. As this paper is written primarily for those in industry, knowledge of industrial practices and terminology is assumed

    The use of low-cost photogrammetry techniques to create an accurate model of a human skull

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    There has been increasing interest in low-cost close range photogrammetry techniques for use in a variety of applications. The use of these techniques in medicine, forensic science, architecture, engineering, archaeology and anthropology to record, measure and monitor objects and sites has been growing in recent years. Close range photogrammetry has been particularly investigated and preferred for human body mapping due to being non-contact, non-invasive, accurate, and inexpensive and data is re-measurable. Skulls have been traditionally measured using callipers and tape in anthropological study, which is subject to observer error. Close range photogrammetry can be used to perform more accurate measurements and retain a digital copy of the skull, which can be re-used for a number of purposes. Using low cost software (Photomodeler), and low cost cameras, the aim of this project is to detail the camera calibration techniques and image capture of a skull. The process for 3D modelling using close range photogrammetry includes camera calibration to determine the camera’s internal parameters, photographing the object within a control target frame, and processing the data with photogrammetry software. Achieving a high precision camera calibration and producing a high-accuracy 3D model were more difficult than anticipated. There are a number of factors which can result in a poor quality models. However, the results show that photogrammetry can be utilised in the capture of accurate 3D skull model using low-cost cameras efficiently. The research was successful, the project objectives were satisfied and the accuracy across the project was approximately 0.4mm


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    Scholars criticized the manslaughter conviction of Michelle Carter almost as soon as the case was decided. Much of the criticism surrounding the case called for legislative action as the appropriate course of action. Fast forward a few years and Massachusetts is prosecuting another girlfriend for encouraging her boyfriend to kill himself. In response, Massachusetts has proposed legislation during the 2021 session aimed at criminalizing encouraging or assisting suicide, seeking to join several states that already have taken this approach. This Article considers the cause of suicide, recognizing it as a mental illness, and examines the societal harm associated with suicide. Then, this Article reviews the facts in four modern cases where the defendants were charged with encouraging another’s suicide and finds punishment was justified based on common theories of punishment. Lastly, this Article turns to the construction and validity of statutes criminalizing, encouraging, or assisting suicide. This Article will draw parallels with existing anti-hazing laws and highlight the problem with using the term “assisting” in these statutes before finally examining the likely effectiveness of Massachusetts’s proposed legislation

    Fab Labs at the Library: Community \u27Makerspaces\u27 Give Access to Cutting-edge Tools

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    The Authors explore a new service that a handful of public libraries are offering their patrons -- multipurpose workshops for designing and creating objects. At the heart of these “makerspaces,” “fab labs,” or “hackerspaces” is a 3-D printer that creates an object based on a digital design by melting the plastic and extruding it to form the shape of the object it is printing. The Authors interviewed two library directors, Jeff Krull and Sue Considine, on their different approaches to implementing this innovative service

    Fab Labs at the Library: Community \u27Makerspaces\u27 Give Access to Cutting-edge Tools

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    The Authors explore a new service that a handful of public libraries are offering their patrons -- multipurpose workshops for designing and creating objects. At the heart of these “makerspaces,” “fab labs,” or “hackerspaces” is a 3-D printer that creates an object based on a digital design by melting the plastic and extruding it to form the shape of the object it is printing. The Authors interviewed two library directors, Jeff Krull and Sue Considine, on their different approaches to implementing this innovative service

    Data management to information portals

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    pp. 215-21

    コクリツキョクチケンキュウジョ ノ サイエンス・データマネージメント ニ カンスル ワークショップ ホウコク

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    2004年2月25-27日に国立極地研究所にて,「国立極地研究所のサイエンス・データマネージメントに関するワークショップ」が開催された.南極研究科学委員会と南極観測実施責任者評議会により設立された「合同南極データマネージメント委員会」において主導的な活動をしてきたオーストラリア南極局のデータマネージャー等2名を招待し,南極局におけるおよそ過去10年におけるデータマネージメントの発展をレビューし,国立極地研究所におけるデータマネージメントの今後の方向性について討議した.The Workshop on Science Data Management was held at the National Institute of Polar Research (NIPR) from February 25-27, 2004. The Manager and Senior Applications developer from the Australian Antarctic Data Centre (AADC) were invited to distil the development and operation of the AADC in the context of Antarctic science data management and the Joint Committee on Antarctic Data Management (JCADM). The current data management situation and future requirements at NIPR were identified

    Convict James Belbin's references, Van Diemen's Land 1843 and 1844

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    Copies of testimonials, entitled 'memorandum of certificates to my memorial to his excellency Governor Willmott to grant me a pension on my retiring from my situation as superintendent and inspector to Government Slaughter Houses', attesting to the good character of James Belbin, convict, from Sir John Lewes Pedder, who noted that Belbin's care in entering the marks of animals brought to slaughter were of great value in detecting sheep stealing; Algernon Montagu, Matthew Forster, W. Fletcher, William Kermode, Charles Swanston, John Kerr and George Thomas Boyes. RS 90/