3 research outputs found

    The role of cytomegalovirus in the development of opportunistic infections

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    Background: About one century ago, was found and described a new virus, which, due to its particular way of damaging cells, was called cytomegalovirus. Human is the only natural source of cytomegalovirus infection. The relevance is that it is a widespread pathology, and due to its ability to “disguise” in the human body, remains unnoticed until the “defect” appears in the body’s immune system. It is especially dangerous for pregnant women, children and people with immunodeficiency. It is one of the most common infections that cause pathology in the fetus and newborns, which, in turn, leads to serious consequences, from disability to child death. There are many ways of cytomegalovirus transmission: airborne, parenteral, domestic contact, sexual and vertical (transplacentally, with aspiration of secretions from the birth canal and natural feeding). The virus is able to have a direct and indirect effect on the body. It is able to independently induce immunosuppression. The article describes the epidemiological data, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, and modern methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of cytomegalovirus infection. Also, some diagnostic problems in immunosuppressive organisms are described. Conclusions: Due to its consequences, namely, children`s disability, death and immunosuppressed people, cytomegalovirus has become a demographic problem. A high infection frequency indicates a low level of social development of the population. More public awareness is needed on the transmission and possible consequences of cytomegalovirus infection


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    Agro-industrial waste management is an important problem of modern society as agriculture and food industry are important sources of waste. Wine production generates a considerable amount of winemaking waste (grape marc). Grape marc can be a source of natural dyes, antioxidants and could have various applications, if it is confirmed that it does not contain technogenic contaminants or unwanted microorganisms, for example, producers of mycotoxins. The paper developed the Real -Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (Real-Time PCR) methodology for testing the presence of potentially mycotoxogenic fungal species capable of producing ochratoxin A (OTA), which could be applied before grape marc processing. Based on the non-ribosomal peptide sequence of OTA, involved in ochratoxin biosynthesis, the primers have been developed for the detection of microorganisms potentially capable of producing ochratoxin A

    Особенности микробной флоры глотки у детей в эволюции среднего отита

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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Catedra OtorinolaringologieBackground. Auditory tube particularities in early childhood predetermine the pharyngeal flora influence on tympanic cavity status. Aim: to analyze and compare the evolution of otitis media in children in function of pharyngeal flora. Subjects and methods. We have monitored electro-acoustical and otomicroscopical dynamics and pharyngeal flora of 185 children with otitis media from their first year of life till 10 years. Results. Group A β-hemolytic Strep and Staph aureus in children of early age correlated with recurrence, r = 0.84 and 0.53 correspondingly. The majority of these patients underwent ear surgery at least twice during 10 years. The second surgical procedure included also tonsillectomy. Conclusions. Pharyngeal flora in children at an early age influences the OM evolution and may be used as an indicator of chronicity.Введение. Особенности слуховой трубы в раннем детском возрасте предопределяют влияние флоры глотки на состояние барабанной полости. Цель исследования. Проанализировать и сопоставить данные эволюции патологии среднего уха у детей в зависимости от микрофлоры глотки. Материалы и методы. Проводились мониторинговые исследования электроакустических и отомикроскопических характеристик среднего уха и микробной флоры глотки у 185 детей со средним отитом с первого года до 10 летнего возраста детей. Результаты. Наличие Group A β-hemolytic Strep и Staph aureus в раннем возрасте коррелировало с рецидивированием среднего отита, (r = 0.84 and 0.53, соответственно). Большинство из этих пациентов перенесли повторную операцию на ухе в течение 10 лет наблюдения. Повторное хирургическое вмешательство включало также тонзилэктомию. Заключение. Микробная флора глотки в раннем возрасте влияет на эволюцию среднего отита и может служить индикатором риска хронизации