17 research outputs found

    Una stima dell’onere servizio universale nei servizi postali italiani in presenza di costi efficienti di produzione

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    L’attuazione nel nostro paese della direttiva comunitaria sui servizi postali (n. 97/67/CE) ha portato ad un sensibile ampliamento della riserva legale che il Ministero delle Comunicazioni, nella sua qualità di regolatore, ha motivato con l’esigenza di garantire all’operatore incaricato del servizio universale, la società Poste Italiane S.p.A., ricavi sufficienti a coprire gli oneri dell’universalità. Obiettivo del presente lavoro è di dimostrare che qualora il gestore operasse con i costi di un’impresa postale europea mediamente efficiente risulterebbe in grado di coprire, già con la precedente estensione della riserva, ogni onere di servizio universale, registrando anzi margini positivi non trascurabili. A tal fine è stato effettuato un esercizio di stima dell’onere del servizio universale il quale utilizza una stima econometrica dei costi efficienti dell’operatore pubblico basata sui comportamenti medi delle aziende postali dei quindici paesi dell’Unione Europea. I risultati ottenuti sono tali da identificare l’ampliamento della riserva legale come strumento finalizzato a recuperare i costi di una gestione non efficiente, a tutelare l’operatore incaricato dall’avvio di effettivi processi competitivi e a mantenere sovvenzioni incrociate dall’area riservata in favore di quella solo teoricamente aperta alla concorrenza.

    La tutela della concorrenza nel mercato elettrico: analisi giuridico – economica e proposte di completamento del quadro comunitario

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    Il processo di liberalizzazione del mercato elettrico non ha ancora prodotto negli stati membri dei livelli adeguati sotto il profilo concorrenziale. Alle rigidità tipiche del settore (vincoli infrastrutturali e legali, elevati costi fissi, forti barriere all’entrata) si sono accompagnate delle scarse misure comunitarie per favorire il sorgere di strutture di mercato competitive, a livello di singolo paese e più in generale europeo. L’obiettivo di questo articolo è quello di analizzare le principali criticità, sotto il profilo della tutela della concorrenza, delle recenti Direttive e Regolamenti per il settore elettrico. Successivamente sono analizzate le principali difficoltà di indagine economica associate alle caratteristiche del mercato elettrico che ostacolano le valutazioni di rilevanza anticoncorrenziale da parte delle imprese operanti. Sulla base delle principali esperienze internazionali e di altri settori, si propongono alcune linee di integrazione della normativa comunitaria, e di conseguenza nazionale, al fine di garantire la tutela della concorrenza in un quadro comunitario di convergenza verso il mercato unico dell’energia elettrica.

    Improving efficiency in the MSW collection and disposal service combining price cap and yardstick regulation: The Italian case

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    The municipal solid waste collection and disposal service is a key element of the European strategy aimed at moving towards a circular economy. An efficient municipal solid waste collection and disposal is closely related to both lower waste tax and higher welfare of the interested population. In Italy, the lack of a centralized regulatory framework has determined heterogeneous performances of sector operators across the country. Firstly, we will be estimating the productive efficiency in different optimal territorial areas and secondly we will be forecasting the economic benefits that would arise under a new regulatory regime. Our approach combines the well-known yardstick competition and the price-cap mechanisms. Results suggest that if all territorial areas converged to the most efficient ones, a potential saving between 12% and 19% emerges, i.e., up to €2bn savings out of €10.05bn total tax revenue in 201

    Efficient scale and scope of business models used in municipal solid waste management

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    Purpose – The paper aims to compare the efficiency of alternative municipal solid waste (MSW) management business models: a single provider against multiple providers. Design/methodology/approach – In this paper the drivers of MSW management costs are analysed to test the impact of the scale and scope of MSW management services on the average cost. While the business-as-usual scenario foresees a single provider, the alternative scenario foresees multiple providers. Findings – Based on the empirical data on municipal waste management costs, on average, the size and the average cost of the service are inversely related. This trend is supported using sub-sets defined by the quantity of waste managed. Multiple factors aid in explaining this result, and among others, due to scale and scope, factors such as transition costs increase with the number of players running different services. Practical implications – The provision of public services of economic interest should favour the participation of more companies wherever possible to the extent that social surplus is produced. However, pursuing this principle to the detriment of efficient service delivery is not ideal. This paper demonstrated that a single-provider waste management business model is efficient under specific conditions, as in this article. Originality/value – This paper presents an original research methodology for comparatively analysing waste management service efficiency in urban areas and provides adequate evidence using alternative measures of costs according to the phase of the waste management chain, the scale and ultimately the scope of MSW management services. 研究目的 – 本學術論文擬比較另類的都市固體廢物管理模式的效率, 比較的對像是:單一服務提供者和多個提供服務者。 研究設計/方法/理念 – 研究人員分析都市固體廢物管理成本和價格的動因, 以測試有關的管理服務之規模和範圍對平均成本的影響。若在一切照常的情況下, 我們會預見單一服務提供者, 唯在不尋常的情況下, 我們則會預見多個提供服務者。 研究結果 – 根據都市廢物管理價格和成本上的實證數據, 平均而言, 服務的規模與其平均成本是成反比的。我們使用了以所處理之廢物量來界定的子集來支持這趨勢。多重因素會幫助解釋和說明這研究結果, 其中包括:因規模和範圍的關係, 諸如過度成本等的因素, 會按著提供各種不同服務的主要參與者的數目而增加。 實務方面的啟示 – 在能達創造社會剩餘的前題下, 會帶來經濟效益之公共服務的提供, 應有利於在可行範圍內有更多公司的參與; 但如果實行這原則而因此有損於服務提供的效率的話, 則這是不理想的。本文展示了在特定的情況下, 單一服務提供者的廢物管理商業模式是高效率的, 本文已說明這些特定情況。 研究的原創性/價值 – 本文為以比較分析法去探討城市地區廢物管理服務的效率、提出了一個新穎的研究方法, 並根據廢物管理鏈的階段、都市固體廢物管理服務的規模、以及最終其範圍, 考慮了成本和價格的另類測量方法, 繼而提供充分的證據, 以支持這些測量方法

    Designing waste management systems to meet circular economy goals: The Italian case

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    Waste management capacity plays a prominent role in complying with circular economy goals, such as reducing municipal waste disposal by landfilling to 10%. We first analyze the imbalance in municipal solid waste management across Italy by estimating the quantities of waste to be treated using technologies different from those currently in use. Subsequently, we estimate the impact that a system compliant with circular economy goals would have on the cost of waste management. Our empirical analyses are based on an econometric method. The results suggest that Italy could reduce the use of landfill by 11.5%, resulting in a 13% reduction in mechanical-biological treatment. The waste-to-energy capacity would rise by 4.6% compared to the current situation, while the organic fraction treatment capacity would increase by 8.3%. Besides the positive impact on the environment, the potential annual savings on the cost of waste management could reach 0.07%, or 0.27% when the phase corresponding to treatment and disposal is considered. We provide insights into the design of more efficient national waste management plans using a novel approach based on best performers

    European achievements in soil remediation and brownfield redevelopment

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    With the aim of sharing best practices of soil restoration and management of contaminated sites among European countries and to raise awareness of the enormous efforts made to succeed in such difficult commitment, the experts of the EIONET Soil working group on contaminated sites and brownfields agreed to gather their country's interesting cases and successful stories of recovery of contaminated areas. This second edition of the monograph presents seventeen new cases from eight European countries and its Regions of how polluted sites and brownfields have been remediated like new methodologies of sustainable restoration of the subsoil, development of innovative technologies, and funding mechanisms etc. These stories have been compiled to present what national, regional or local governments are doing to improve the quality of the environment and the living conditions of their population. A second aim is the promotion of best practices among industry, consultancies and business operators.JRC.D.3-Land Resource

    Market Structure of Urban Waste Treatment and Disposal: Empirical Evidence from the Italian Industry

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    In light of the organizational dynamics of services of economic interest, the regulation of municipal solid waste management is a critical issue to deal with so as to achieve sustainability goals in the coming decades. The European circular economy targets limit the share of municipal waste in landfills to a maximum of 10% by 2035. Consequently, waste-to-energy plants may temporarily become the primary option for residual unsorted waste. The municipal waste management chain comprises two consequential stages: collection and transport, and the treatment and disposal stage, which characterizes as an oligopolistic market structure. After defining the relevant market and calculating market concentration measures, we analyze market power in the treatment and disposal of non-recyclable mixed waste, also known as residual waste. Our analyses are based on empirical data using well-known market concentration indices such as the Herfindahl–Hirschman index and concentration ratios. We report the results of three different market concentration scenarios based on alternative geographic and product market definitions. Considering only waste-to-energy as a product market, we present a situation of moderate concentration, typically involving the attention of competition authorities. On the contrary, considering both options as a single product market, no relevant evidence emerges due to the significant share of waste sent to landfills in 2019, i.e., 20.1% of the total municipal solid waste generated in Italy. Implications for future studies consist of new detailed information on the municipal waste treatment market structure in one of the leading European countries that may prompt comparative studies. Policy implications are derived from the possibility of taking cues from this paper to envisage appropriate regulatory models for an evolving sector in which market spaces are increasing

    Emissions trading system: bridging the gap between environmental targets and fair competition

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    The effectiveness of the European Emissions Trading System in supporting a level playing field while reducing total emissions is tested. While data show a robust impact on the environment as a steady decrease in carbon emissions is observed, it is reported that its ability to internalize emission costs may improve to better address the import of extra European generated emissions that negatively impact the economy when not properly accounted for. Analyzing data in six European countries between 2016 and 2020, the results suggest competitive advantages for industries with higher extra-European imports of inputs that result in biased production costs that, in turn, alter competitive positioning. The novelty lies in focusing on the threats to fair competition within Europe along with the well-known carbon leakage risk widely investigated by previous literature. Complementary policy tools capable of internalizing emission costs, regardless of their origin, are necessary to improve the healthy functioning of the system. In this regard, carbon taxation may outperform carbon border adjustment, as it is based on consumption patterns. Our results can aid policymakers in designing impact analyses aimed at limiting potential distortions to Europe’s level playing field

    Review and Perspectives of Key Decarbonization Drivers to 2030

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    Global climate policy commitments are encouraging the development of EU energy policies aimed at paving the way for cleaner energy systems. This article reviews key decarbonization drivers for Italy considering higher environmental targets from recent European Union climate policies. Energy efficiency, the electrification of final consumption, the development of green fuels, increasing the share of renewable energy sources in the electric system, and carbon capture and storage are reviewed. A 2030 scenario is designed to forecast the role of decarbonization drivers in future energy systems and to compare their implementation with that in the current situation. Energy efficiency measures will reduce final energy consumption by 15.6%, as primary energy consumption will decrease by 19.8%. The electrification of final consumption is expected to increase by 6.08%. The use of green fuels is estimated to triple as innovative fuels may go to market at scale to uphold the ambitious decarbonization targets set in the transportation sector. The growing trajectory of renewable sources in the energy mix is confirmed, as while power generation is projected to increase by 10%, the share of renewables in that generation is expected to increase from 39.08% to 78.16%. Capture and storage technologies are also expected to play an increasingly important role. This article has policy implications and serves as a regulatory reference in the promotion of decarbonization investments