35 research outputs found

    The Stromal Processing Peptidase of Chloroplasts is Essential in Arabidopsis, with Knockout Mutations Causing Embryo Arrest after the 16-Cell Stage

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    Stromal processing peptidase (SPP) is a metalloendopeptidase located in the stroma of chloroplasts, and it is responsible for the cleavage of transit peptides from preproteins upon their import into the organelle. Two independent mutant Arabidopsis lines with T-DNA insertions in the SPP gene were analysed (spp-1 and spp-2). For both lines, no homozygous mutant plants could be detected, and the segregating progeny of spp heterozygotes contained heterozygous and wild-type plants in a ratio of 2∶1. The siliques of heterozygous spp-1 and spp-2 plants contained many aborted seeds, at a frequency of ∼25%, suggesting embryo lethality. By contrast, transmission of the spp mutations through the male and female gametes was found to be normal, and so gametophytic effects could be ruled out. To further elucidate the timing of the developmental arrest, mutant and wild-type seeds were cleared and analysed by Nomarski microscopy. A significant proportion (∼25%) of the seeds in mutant siliques exhibited delayed embryogenesis compared to those in wild type. Moreover, the mutant embryos never progressed normally beyond the 16-cell stage, with cell divisions not completing properly thereafter. Heterozygous spp mutant plants were phenotypically indistinguishable from the wild type, indicating that the spp knockout mutations are completely recessive and suggesting that one copy of the SPP gene is able to produce sufficient SPP protein for normal development under standard growth conditions

    Possible import routes of proteins into the cyanobacterial endosymbionts/plastids of Paulinella chromatophora

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    The rhizarian amoeba Paulinella chromatophora harbors two photosynthetically active and deeply integrated cyanobacterial endosymbionts acquired ~60 million years ago. Recent genomic analyses of P. chromatophora have revealed the loss of many essential genes from the endosymbiont’s genome, and have identified more than 30 genes that have been transferred to the host cell’s nucleus through endosymbiotic gene transfer (EGT). This indicates that, similar to classical primary plastids, Paulinella endosymbionts have evolved a transport system to import their nuclear-encoded proteins. To deduce how these proteins are transported, we searched for potential targeting signals in genes for 10 EGT-derived proteins. Our analyses indicate that five proteins carry potential signal peptides, implying they are targeted via the host endomembrane system. One sequence encodes a mitochondrial-like transit peptide, which suggests an import pathway involving a channel protein residing in the outer membrane of the endosymbiont. No N-terminal targeting signals were identified in the four other genes, but their encoded proteins could utilize non-classical targeting signals contained internally or in C-terminal regions. Several amino acids more often found in the Paulinella EGT-derived proteins than in their ancestral set (proteins still encoded in the endosymbiont genome) could constitute such signals. Characteristic features of the EGT-derived proteins are low molecular weight and nearly neutral charge, which both could be adaptations to enhance passage through the peptidoglycan wall present in the intermembrane space of the endosymbiont’s envelope. Our results suggest that Paulinella endosymbionts/plastids have evolved several different import routes, as has been shown in classical primary plastids

    Characterisation of a Desmosterol Reductase Involved in Phytosterol Dealkylation in the Silkworm, Bombyx mori

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    Most species of invertebrate animals cannot synthesise sterols de novo and many that feed on plants dealkylate phytosterols (mostly C29 and C28) yielding cholesterol (C27). The final step of this dealkylation pathway involves desmosterol reductase (DHCR24)-catalysed reduction of desmosterol to cholesterol. We now report the molecular characterisation in the silkworm, Bombyx mori, of such a desmosterol reductase involved in production of cholesterol from phytosterol, rather than in de novo synthesis of cholesterol. Phylogenomic analysis of putative desmosterol reductases revealed the occurrence of various clades that allowed for the identification of a strong reductase candidate gene in Bombyx mori (BGIBMGA 005735). Following PCR-based cloning of the cDNA (1.6 kb) and its heterologous expression in Saccharomyces cerevisae, the recombinant protein catalysed reduction of desmosterol to cholesterol in an NADH- and FAD- dependent reaction

    The HLH-6 Transcription Factor Regulates C. elegans Pharyngeal Gland Development and Function

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    The Caenorhabditis elegans pharynx (or foregut) functions as a pump that draws in food (bacteria) from the environment. While the “organ identity factor” PHA-4 is critical for formation of the C. elegans pharynx as a whole, little is known about the specification of distinct cell types within the pharynx. Here, we use a combination of bioinformatics, molecular biology, and genetics to identify a helix-loop-helix transcription factor (HLH-6) as a critical regulator of pharyngeal gland development. HLH-6 is required for expression of a number of gland-specific genes, acting through a discrete cis-regulatory element named PGM1 (Pharyngeal Gland Motif 1). hlh-6 mutants exhibit a frequent loss of a subset of glands, while the remaining glands have impaired activity, indicating a role for hlh-6 in both gland development and function. Interestingly, hlh-6 mutants are also feeding defective, ascribing a biological function for the glands. Pharyngeal pumping in hlh-6 mutants is normal, but hlh-6 mutants lack expression of a class of mucin-related proteins that are normally secreted by pharyngeal glands and line the pharyngeal cuticle. An interesting possibility is that one function of pharyngeal glands is to secrete a pharyngeal lining that ensures efficient transport of food along the pharyngeal lumen

    A leucine aminopeptidase is involved in kinetoplast DNA segregation in <i>Trypanosoma brucei</i>

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    The kinetoplast (k), the uniquely packaged mitochondrial DNA of trypanosomatid protists is formed by a catenated network of minicircles and maxicircles that divide and segregate once each cell cycle. Although many proteins involved in kDNA replication and segregation are now known, several key steps in the replication mechanism remain uncharacterized at the molecular level, one of which is the nabelschnur or umbilicus, a prominent structure which in the mammalian parasite Trypanosoma brucei connects the daughter kDNA networks prior to their segregation. Here we characterize an M17 family leucyl aminopeptidase metalloprotease, termed TbLAP1, which specifically localizes to the kDNA disk and the nabelschur and represents the first described protein found in this structure. We show that TbLAP1 is required for correct segregation of kDNA, with knockdown resulting in delayed cytokinesis and ectopic expression leading to kDNA loss and decreased cell proliferation. We propose that TbLAP1 is required for efficient kDNA division and specifically participates in the separation of daughter kDNA networks

    A Novel Protein Kinase-Like Domain in a Selenoprotein, Widespread in the Tree of Life

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    Selenoproteins serve important functions in many organisms, usually providing essential oxidoreductase enzymatic activity, often for defense against toxic xenobiotic substances. Most eukaryotic genomes possess a small number of these proteins, usually not more than 20. Selenoproteins belong to various structural classes, often related to oxidoreductase function, yet a few of them are completely uncharacterised

    How protein targeting to primary plastids via the endomembrane system could have evolved? A new hypothesis based on phylogenetic studies

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