8 research outputs found

    Controlling Curie temperature in (Ga,Ms)As through location of the Fermi level within the impurity band

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    The ferromagnetic semiconductor (Ga,Mn)As has emerged as the most studied material for prototype applications in semiconductor spintronics. Because ferromagnetism in (Ga,Mn)As is hole-mediated, the nature of the hole states has direct and crucial bearing on its Curie temperature TC. It is vigorously debated, however, whether holes in (Ga,Mn)As reside in the valence band or in an impurity band. In this paper we combine results of channeling experiments, which measure the concentrations both of Mn ions and of holes relevant to the ferromagnetic order, with magnetization, transport, and magneto-optical data to address this issue. Taken together, these measurements provide strong evidence that it is the location of the Fermi level within the impurity band that determines TC through determining the degree of hole localization. This finding differs drastically from the often accepted view that TC is controlled by valence band holes, thus opening new avenues for achieving higher values of TC.Comment: 5 figures, supplementary material include

    Tunable hot-carrier photodetection beyond the bandgap spectral limit

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    The spectral response of common optoelectronic photodetectors is restricted by a cutoff wavelength limit λ that is related to the activation energy (or bandgap) of the semiconductor structure (or material) (Δ) through the relationship λ = hc/Δ. This spectral rule dominates device design and intrinsically limits the long-wavelength response of a semiconductor photodetector. Here, we report a new, long-wavelength photodetection principle based on a hot-cold hole energy transfer mechanism that overcomes this spectral limit. Hot carriers injected into a semiconductor structure interact with cold carriers and excite them to higher energy states. This enables a very long-wavelength infrared response. In our experiments, we observe a response up to 55 μm, which is tunable by varying the degree of hot-hole injection, for a GaAs/AlGaAs sample with Δ = 0.32 eV (equivalent to 3.9 μm in wavelength)