11 research outputs found

    The effect of nifedipine tocolysis on Doppler indices of the uterine and umbilical Arteries

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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of oral nifedipine on Doppler indices of the uterine artery (UtA) and umbilical artery (UA) before and 24 hours, 48 hours, and 1 week after tocolytic treatment. Methods: This was a prospective, self-controlled, cohort study of 65 pregnant women undergoing nifedipine tocolysis. Doppler assessment of the UtA and UA was performed before treatment and 24 hours, 48 hours, and 1 week after the initial 4 doses of 10 mg of oral nifedipine, administered at 20-minute intervals. The maintenance dosage was 20 mg of oral nifedipine administered every 6 hours for 48 hours, for a total dose of 80 mg/day. Results: There was a decrease in the 24-hour values of the UA pulsatility index, resistance index (RI), systolic-diastolic (S:D) ratio, right UtA pulsatility index, RI, S:D ratio, and left UtA RI and S:D ratio with nifedipine therapy in comparison with the values recorded prior to nifedipine therapy. However, these differences were not statistically significant. There were no statistically significant differences between the data recorded prior to nifedipine administration and those obtained at 48 hours and 1 week after treatment. Conclusions: Oral nifedipine is a safe tocolytic agent with no long-term effect on fetomaternal circulation in pregnant women at risk of preterm delivery. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    Management of Fetal Bronchogenic Lung Cysts: A Case Report and Short Review of Literature

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    Congenital malformations of the lung (CML) are rare with similar embryological and clinical spectra and could result in mortality if left untreated. Bronchogenic cysts are formed during the budding of the tracheal diverticula and ventral foregut in the embryological period. In this paper we want to present a case of bronchogenic cyst with continuous intrauterine cyst aspiration follow-up. After the baby birth was operated and the postoperative period was uneventful. The pathological examination revealed a bronchogenic cyst

    Preterm Doğuma Neden Olan Risk Faktörleri

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    AMAÇ: Bu çalışmanın amacı gebede pretem doğuma neden olabilecek risk faktörlerinin belirlenmesidir. GEREÇ VE YÖNTEM: Çalışma Bülent Ecevit Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum servisinde yatan gebe hastalarda 1 Eylül 2008 - 1 Mayıs 2009 tarihleri arasında yapılmıştır. Çalışmada olası risk faktörlerini içeren bir form kullanıldı. BULGULAR: Preterm doğum için yaş, sistolik kan basıncı, ço- ğul gebelik, kronik hastalıklar, kansızlık, cinsel ilişki, 1 ay içinde yaşanan üzücü olay, travma, düşük gelir düzeyi ve lökositoz Lojistik Regresyon Analizine göre anlamlı bulunan faktörlerdi. SONUÇ: Düşük sosyoekonomik düzey, yüksek kan basıncı, stres, çoğul gebelik, tedavi gebelikleri, vajinal enfeksiyonlar, kronik hastalıklar ya da ağır anemi gibi durumlarda preterm doğum olabileceği düşünülmeli ve bu gebeler çok yakın takip edilerek tedavi edilmelidirler.AMAÇ: Bu çalışmanın amacı gebede pretem doğuma neden olabilecek risk faktörlerinin belirlenmesidir. GEREÇ VE YÖNTEM: Çalışma Bülent Ecevit Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum servisinde yatan gebe hastalarda 1 Eylül 2008 - 1 Mayıs 2009 tarihleri arasında yapılmıştır. Çalışmada olası risk faktörlerini içeren bir form kullanıldı. BULGULAR: Preterm doğum için yaş, sistolik kan basıncı, ço- ğul gebelik, kronik hastalıklar, kansızlık, cinsel ilişki, 1 ay içinde yaşanan üzücü olay, travma, düşük gelir düzeyi ve lökositoz Lojistik Regresyon Analizine göre anlamlı bulunan faktörlerdi. SONUÇ: Düşük sosyoekonomik düzey, yüksek kan basıncı, stres, çoğul gebelik, tedavi gebelikleri, vajinal enfeksiyonlar, kronik hastalıklar ya da ağır anemi gibi durumlarda preterm doğum olabileceği düşünülmeli ve bu gebeler çok yakın takip edilerek tedavi edilmelidirler

    Risk Factors Causing Preterm Labor

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to determine the risk factors, that may cause preterm labor among the pregnant women. STUDY DESIGN: Our study was performed between the dates 1st September 2008 - 1st May 2009, among pregnant women, who are hospitalized in Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of Bülent Ecevit University Faculty of Medicine. A survey sheet was constituted to determine possible risk factors of preterm labor. RESULTS: Variables, which were evaluated as significant according to Logistic Regression Analysis, were found as age, systolic blood pressure, multiple pregnancies, presence of chronic disease, anemia, intercourse, experiencing a bitter event within the last month, trauma, low income and leukocytosis. CONCLUSIONS: Conditions related to low socio-cultural level, high blood pressure, stress, multiple pregnancies, therapeutic pregnancies, vaginal infections, presence of a chronic disease, or severe anemia led us to suspect about preterm labor; risk factors should be eliminated by intensive monitoring of these pregnant women

    More than an uterotonic agent: Oxytocin prevents peritoneal adhesion [Uterotonik bir ajandan fazlası: Oksitosin postoperatif adezyonları önlüyor]

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    Prevention of postoperative adhesions (PPA) has become an important issue. The aim is to investigate the effect of Oxytocin (OT) on PPAs. A total of thirty female Wistar-albino rats were randomly divided into three groups (10 rats/group). The cecal peritone of Group I rats (controls) were scraped, to trigger adhesion formation, and no treatment were given. After cecal scrubbing, 1 mL saline solution was applied to each rat in Group II (i.p. saline treated group) and 80 IU/kg of OT (Pituisan®, Ege Vet, Turkey) to Group III (i.p. OT treated group) intraperitoneally. All animals were sacrificed 10 days after surgery and adhesions graded in terms of severity and histopathologic characteristics. The median scores for the extent, severity, and degree of adhesions in Group I and Group II were statistically significant and considerably higher than those scores for Group III (P<0.001). The inflammation, neovascularization, and fibrosis scores for Group III were statistically significant and considerably lower than those scores for Groups I and II (P<0.001, P<0.001 and P=0.002 respectively). OT, significantly prevented adhesion formation improving wound healing possibly by suppressing adhesion formation with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. OT may be useful in the prevention of PPA in humans. © 2016, Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi. All rights reserved

    Uterotonik Bir Ajandan Fazlası: Oksitosin Postoperatif Adezyonları Önlüyor

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    Postoperatif adezyonların (PPA) önlenmesi önemli bir konu olmuştur. Bu çalışmada amaç Oksitosinin (OT) PPA üzerindeki etkisini araştırmaktır. Toplam 30 Wistar-albino dişi rat üç eşit gruba ayrıldı (10 rat/grup). Grup I ratlarda (kontrol) sekum peritonu adezyon oluşturmak amacıyla sıyrıldı ve hiçbir tedavi verilmedi. Grup II'ye (i.p. salin tedavi grubu) sekum sıyrılmasından sonra intraperitoneal 1 ml saline ve Grup III (i.p. OT tedavi grubu)'e 80I U/kg (Pituisan®, Ege Vet, Turkey) OT uygulandı. Bütün hayvanlar cerrahiden 10 gün sonra öldürüldü ve adezyonlar şiddeti ve histolojik özellikleri açısından derecelendirildi. Grup I ve II'deki adezyonların yaygınlık, şiddet ve derecelerinin medyan skorlarının Grup III'dekilere göre istatistiksel olarak arttığı görüldü (P<0.001). Grup III'deki inflamasyon, neovaskülarizasyon ve fibrozis skorları Grup I ve II'deki skorlara göre istatistiksel olarak anlamlı ve belirgin ölçüde düşük bulundu (P<0.001, P<0.001 and P=0.002 respectively). Oksitosin, anti-enflamatuarve anti- oksidan özellikleri ile adezyon oluşum sürecindeki basamakları baskılayarak, yara iyileşmesini düzenleyerek ratlarda adezyon oluşumunu ciddi ölçüde engellemiştir. OT insanlarda PPA önlenmesinde faydalı olabilir.Prevention of postoperative adhesions (PPA) has become an important issue. The aim is to investigate the effect of Oxytocin (OT) on PPAs. A total of thirty female Wistar-albino rats were randomly divided into three groups (10 rats/group). The cecal peritone of Group I rats (controls) were scraped, to trigger adhesion formation, and no treatment were given. After cecal scrubbing, 1 mL saline solution was applied to each rat in Group II (i.p. saline treated group) and 80 IU/kg of OT (Pituisan&reg;, Ege Vet, Turkey) to Group III (i.p. OT treated group) intraperitoneally. All animals were sacrificed 10 days after surgery and adhesions graded in terms of severity and histopathologic characteristics. The median scores for the extent, severity, and degree of adhesions in Group I and Group II were statistically significant and considerably higher than those scores for Group III (P<0.001). The inflammation, neovascularization, and fibrosis scores for Group III were statistically significant and considerably lower than those scores for Groups I and II (P<0.001, P<0.001 and P=0.002 respectively). OT, significantly prevented adhesion formation improving wound healing possibly by suppressing adhesion formation with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. OT may be useful in the prevention of PPA in humans

    Levels of oxidized LDL, estrogens, and progesterone in placenta tissues and serum paraoxonase activity in preeclampsia

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    In vitro literature studies have suggested that atherosclerotic oxidized low density lipoprotein (OxLDL) inhibits trophoblast invasion. The objective of this study was to determine the levels of OxLDL and to examine the relationship between antioxidative estradiol, estriol, and prooxidative progestin in normal and preeclamptic placental tissues and measure the serum activity of antioxidative paraoxonase (PON1). The study included 30 preeclamptic and 32 normal pregnant women. OxLDL was determined with ELISA, estradiol, unconjugated estriol, and progesterone that were determined with chemiluminescence method in placental tissues. Serum PON1 activity was determined with spectrophotometric method. Levels of OxLDL (P = 0.027), estriol (P < 0.001), estradiol (P = 0.008), and progesterone (P = 0.00 9) were lower in the placental tissues of preeclamptic group compared to the normal pregnant women. Serum PON1 activity was higher in preeclamptic group (P = 0.040) and preeclamptic group without intrauterine growth restriction (P = 0.008) compared to normal pregnant women. Tissue estriol of preeclamptic group without/with IUGR (P < 0.001, P = 0.002) was lower than the normal group. Results of our study suggest that the events leading to fetoplacental insufficiency lead to a reduction in the levels of estriol limit deposition of OxLDL in placental tissues. The serum PON1 activity is probably important in the inhibition of OxLDL in preeclampsia. © 2013 Şerefden Açikgöz et al

    The Impact of CoronaVac Vaccination on 28-day Mortality Rate of Critically Ill Patients with COVID-19 in Türkiye

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    Background:Vaccines against coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) have been effective in preventing symptomatic diseases, hospitalizations, and intensive care unit (ICU) admissions. However, data regarding the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines in reducing mortality among critically ill patients with COVID-19 remains unclear.Aims:To determine the vaccination status and investigate the impact of the COVID-19 vaccine on the 28-day mortality in critically ill patients with COVID-19.Study Design:Multicenter prospective observational clinical study.Methods:This study was conducted in 60 hospitals with ICUs managing critically ill patients with COVID-19. Patients aged ≥ 18 years with confirmed COVID-19 who were admitted to the ICU were included. The present study had two phases. The first phase was designed as a one-day point prevalence study, and demographic and clinical findings were evaluated. In the second phase, the 28-day mortality was evaluated.Results:As of August 11, 2021, 921 patients were enrolled in the study. The mean age of the patients was 65.42 ± 16.74 years, and 48.6% (n = 448) were female. Among the critically ill patients with COVID-19, 52.6% (n = 484) were unvaccinated, 7.7% (n = 71) were incompletely vaccinated, and 39.8% (n = 366) were fully vaccinated. A subgroup analysis of 817 patients who were unvaccinated (n = 484) or who had received two doses of the CoronaVac vaccine (n = 333) was performed. The 28-day mortality rate was 56.8% (n = 275) and 57.4% (n = 191) in the unvaccinated and two-dose CoronaVac groups, respectively. The 28-day mortality was associated with age, hypertension, the number of comorbidities, type of respiratory support, and APACHE II and sequential organ failure assessment scores (p < 0.05). The odds ratio for the 28-day mortality among those who had received two doses of CoronaVac was 0.591 (95% confidence interval: 0.413-0.848) (p = 0.004).Conclusion:Vaccination with at least two doses of CoronaVac within six months significantly decreased mortality in vaccinated patients than in unvaccinated patients