2,370 research outputs found

    Exemplifying the Language Change of Jennifer Lopez

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    This paper investigates American singer and actress Jennifer Lopez’s use of the sociolinguistic variables (ing), PRICE, and TRAP through a longitudinal study of readily available interviews over the course of 16 years. The study is an example of the same speaker of English showing lifespan change in one variable (TRAP), and age-grading in two others ((ing) and PRICE). The findings show that different variables can pattern differently, and that social context plays an important role in these linguistic developments

    User Satisfaction with Personalised Internet Applications

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    The study focuses on user satisfaction with websites and personalised internet applications in particular. The abundance of information on the web is increasing more and more. Therefore, the significance of websites targeting the users’ preferences, like personalised Internet applications, is rising. The aim of this study was to find out which factors determine user satisfaction with personalised internet applications. Factors like the usefulness of the information or trust towards how personal information is handled were considered. A large-scale user survey evaluating three internet applications (from the travel, e-learning and real estate domains) was conducted. Expert opinions were collected to complement the results and provide insights from users’ and experts’ points of views

    User Satisfaction with Personalised Internet Applications

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    The study focuses on user satisfaction with websites and personalised internet applications in particular. The abundance of information on the web is increasing more and more. Therefore, the significance of websites targeting the users’ preferences, like personalised Internet applications, is rising. The aim of this study was to find out which factors determine user satisfaction with personalised internet applications. Factors like the usefulness of the information or trust towards how personal information is handled were considered. A large-scale user survey evaluating three internet applications (from the travel, e-learning and real estate domains) was conducted. Expert opinions were collected to complement the results and provide insights from users’ and experts’ points of views

    The Impact of Movement on Student Learning and Engagement

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    The research question addressed in this project was, what impact does movement have on student learning and engagement? It focused on the teaching strategies used by one teacher in a low income school setting. Students were enrolled in a court ordered treatment program with minimal opportunities for movement throughout the day. Primary and secondary analyses of various mediums including surveys, formative assessments, warm¬up questions, as well as behavior logs were collected and analyzed. This data was used to investigate changes in engagement, long term comprehension, and behavior, among other things. The teacher’s findings were then compared to the literature. The growth and successes are discussed, as are the areas for improvement in future studies with similar intent

    Front dynamics and entanglement in the XXZ chain with a gradient

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    We consider the XXZ spin chain with a magnetic field gradient and study the profiles of the magnetization as well as the entanglement entropy. For a slowly varying field it is shown that, by means of a local density approximation, the ground-state magnetization profile can be obtained with standard Bethe ansatz techniques. Furthermore, it is argued that the low-energy description of the theory is given by a Luttinger liquid with slowly varying parameters. This allows us to obtain a very good approximation of the entanglement profile using a recently introduced technique of conformal field theory in curved spacetime. Finally, the front dynamics is also studied after the gradient field has been switched off, following arguments of generalized hydrodynamics for integrable systems. While for the XX chain the hydrodynamic solution can be found analytically, the XXZ case appears to be more complicated and the magnetization profiles are recovered only around the edge of the front via an approximate numerical solution.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, minor changes, as publishe

    Cyclical characteristics of tithe series in Mid Frankonia and Switzerland 1339-1708: an application of maximum entropy spectral analysis

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    Die 'klassischen' Methoden der spektralen EinschĂ€tzung von Zeitreihen weisen ernsthafte MĂ€ngel bei der Anwendung auf ökonomische Daten auf. Der vorliegende Beitrag demonstriert, daß die Maximum-Entropie Spektral-Analyse fĂŒr solche Daten mehr Erfolg verspricht. Analysiert werden mit dieser Methode die Schwankungen in den Abgaben zum Zehnten als ein wichtiger Indikator fĂŒr die GetreideernteertrĂ€ge in Deutschland (Mittelfranken) und der Schweiz. Getreide war das wichtigste Agrarprodukt in der vorindustriellen Wirtschaft, das nicht weniger als 70 Prozent des menschlichen Kalorienbedarfs deckte. Die Schwankungen der ErnteertrĂ€ge hatten daher entscheidende Implikation fĂŒr Leben und Tod der Bevölkerung. Anhand der Methode finden die Autoren einen Vierjahreszyklus bei den Abgaben und den Marktpreisen fĂŒr Getreide sowohl in Deutschland als auch in der Schweiz. Inwieweit klimatischen Schwankungen bei diesen Zyklen eine Rolle spielen, soll in weiteren Studien untersucht werden. (ICE)'In this paper we present a method of describing the cyclical characteristics of a time series in the frequency domain by computing the spectrum of the series. Classical spectral estimation has serious deficiencies if used with economic data. For such short series, Maximum Entropy spectral estimation is more suitable. To demonstrate the method, we analyze the cyclical structure of tithe series from Germany and Switzerland in the period 1339-1708. These series are indicators for grain output. Grains were the most important agricultural products in the pre-industrial economy, providing no less than 70 per cent of human caloric requirements. Hence, fluctuations in output had implications for life and death. We find a robust cyclical structure in the tithe series with a cycle length of about 4 years. These cycles can be found in both the Mid Franconian data and the Swiss data. The coherence between cycles in different regions declines with geographical distance.' (author's abstract

    Mayfly types and additional material (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) examined by F.-J. Pictet and A.-E. Pictet, housed in the Museums of Natural History of Geneva and Vienna

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    Fig. 8. Teloganopsis hispanica (Eaton, 1888). Male imago holotype. Scale bar: 1 mm.Published as part of Sartori, Michel & Bauernfeind, Ernst, 2020, Mayfly types and additional material (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) examined by F.-J. Pictet and A.-E. Pictet, housed in the Museums of Natural History of Geneva and Vienna, pp. 315-339 in Revue suisse de Zoologie 127 (2) on page 332, DOI: 10.35929/RSZ.0022, http://zenodo.org/record/574379
