102 research outputs found

    Impact of additive manufacturing on engineering education – evidence from Italy

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    Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to evaluate how the direct access to additive manufacturing (AM) systems impacts on education of future mechanical engineers, within a Master's program at a top Italian University. Design/methodology/approach - A survey is specifically designed to assess the relevance of entry-level AM within the learning environment, as a tool for project development. The survey is distributed anonymously to three consecutive cohorts of students who attended the course of "computer-aided production (CAP)", within the Master of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering at Politecnico di Torino. The course includes a practical project, consisting in the design of a polymeric product with multiple components and ending with the production of an assembled prototype. The working assembly is fabricated by the students themselves, who operate a fused deposition modelling (FDM) machine, finish the parts and evaluate assemblability and functionality. The post-course survey covers diverse aspects of the learning process, such as: motivation, knowledge acquisition, new abilities and team-working skills. Responses are analyzed to evaluate students' perception of the usefulness of additive technologies in learning product design and development. Among the projects, one representative case study is selected and discussed. Findings - Results of the research affirm a positive relationship of access to AM devices to perceived interest, motivation and ease of learning of mechanical engineering. Entry-level additive technologies offer a hands-on experience within academia, fostering the acquisition of technical knowledge. Research limitations/implications - The survey is distributed to more than 200 students to cover the full population of the CAP course over three academic years. The year the students participated in the CAP course is not tracked because the instructor was the same and there were no administrative differences. For this reason, the survey administration might be a limitation of the current study. In addition to this, no gender distinction is made because historically, the percentage of female students in Mechanical Engineering courses is about 10 per cent or lower. Although the answers to the survey are anonymous, only 37 per cent of the students gave a feedback. Thus, on the one hand, impact assessment is limited to a sample of about one-third of the complete population, but, on the other hand, the anonymity ensures randomization in the sample selection. Practical implications - Early exposure of forthcoming designers to AM tools can turn into a "think-additive" approach to product design, that is a groundbreaking conception of geometries and product functionalities, leading to the full exploitation of the possibilities offered by additive technologies. Social implications - Shared knowledge can act as a springboard for mass adoption of AM processes. Originality/value - The advantages of adopting AM technologies at different levels of education, for diverse educational purposes and disciplines, are well assessed in the literature. The innovative aspect of this paper is that the impact of AM is evaluated through a feedback coming directly from mechanical engineering students

    On the chaotic nature of electro-discharge machining

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    The long-accepted thermoelectric model for electro-discharge machining is being brought into question. Several experimental facts prompt the proposal of a new theory based on the effect of gap pollution on the ignition of discharges. The first experimental proof comes from the recently reported observation of debris chains and clusters. In this view, each step of the process depends on the previous ones through a deterministic relation, even if the overall evolution is unpredictable. The paper establishes mathematical grounds for the abovementioned intuitions by setting up and solving a recursive equation for the machining energy employed at each discharge event. By means of numerical and algebraic tools, the above equation is studied and shows a chaotic evolution similar to that of the logistic map. Results reconcile the apparent paradox between deterministic nature and stochastic localization of the discharges and introduce a description of the chaotic dynamics of electro-discharge processes

    Multi-disciplinary approach in engineering education: learning with additive manufacturing and reverse engineering

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    Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to report an interdisciplinary, cooperative-learning project in a second-year course within the "Enzo Ferrari" Master of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering. The work aims to raise awareness of the educational impact of additive manufacturing and reverse engineering. Design/methodology/approach - Students are asked to develop, concurrently, the design and the manufacturing solution for an eye-tracker head mount. A digital head model is reverse engineered from an anatomical mannequin and used as an ergonomic mock-up. The project includes prototype testing and cost analysis. The device is produced using additive manufacturing techniques for hands-on evaluation by the students. Findings - Results of the presented case study substantiate the authors' belief in the tremendous potential of interdisciplinary project-based learning, relying on innovative technologies to encourage collaboration, motivation and dynamism. Originality/value - The paper confirms a spreading conviction that the soon-to-be engineers will need new practice-oriented capabilities to cope with new competitive scenarios. Engineering education must adapt to the social, rather than industrial, revolution that is being brought about by additive fabrication

    Development of laser-based powder bed fusion process parameters and scanning strategy for new metal alloy grades: A holistic method formulation

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    In spite of the fast growth of laser-based powder bed fusion (L-PBF) processes as a part of everyday industrial practice, achieving consistent production is hampered by the scarce repeatability of performance that is often encountered across different additive manufacturing (AM) machines. In addition, the development of novel feedstock materials, which is fundamental to the future growth of AM, is limited by the absence of established methodologies for their successful exploitation. This paper proposes a structured procedure with a complete test plan, which defines step-by-step the standardized actions that should be taken to optimize the processing parameters and scanning strategy in L-PBF of new alloy grades. The method is holistic, since it considers all the laser/material interactions in different local geometries of the build, and suggests, for each possible interaction, a specific geometry for test specimens, standard energy parameters to be analyzed through a design of experiment, and measurable key performance indicators. The proposed procedure therefore represents a sound and robust aid to the development of novel alloy grades for L-PBF and to the definition of the most appropriate processing conditions for them, independent of the specific AM machine applied

    Fatigue behavior of as-built L-PBF A357.0 parts

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    Laser-based powder bed fusion (L-PBF) is nowadays the preeminent additive manufacturing (AM) technique to produce metal parts. Nonetheless, relatively few metal powders are currently available for industrial L-PBF, especially if aluminum-based feedstocks are involved. In order to fill the existing gap, A357.0 (also known as A357 or A13570) powders are here processed by L-PBF and, for the first time, the fatigue behavior is investigated in the as-built state to verify the net-shaping potentiality of AM. Both the low-cycle and high-cycle fatigue areas are analyzed to draw the complete Wohler diagram. The infinite lifetime limit is set to 2 7 106stress cycles and the staircase method is applied to calculate a mean fatigue strength of 60 MPa. This value is slightly lower but still comparable to the published data for AlSi10Mg parts manufactured by L-PBF, even if the A357.0 samples considered here have not received any post-processing treatment

    Effective Mechanical Properties of AlSi7Mg Additively Manufactured Cubic Lattice Structures

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    Lattice structures, whose manufacturing has been enabled by additive technologies, are gaining growing popularity in all the fields where lightweighting is imperative. Since the complexity of the lattice geometries stretches the technological boundaries even of additive processes, the manufactured structures can be significantly different from the nominal ones, in terms of expected dimensions but also of defects. Therefore, the successful use of lattices needs the combined optimization of their design, structural modeling, build orientation, and setup. The article reports the results of quasi-static compression tests performed on BCCxyz lattices manufactured in a AlSi7Mg alloy using additive manufacturing. The results are compared with numerical simulations using two different approaches. The findings show the influence of the relative density on stiffness, strength, and on the energy absorption properties of the lattice. The correlation with the technological feasibility points out credible improvements in the choice of a unit cell with fewer manufacturing issues, lower density, and possibly equal mechanical properties

    Directed energy deposition of steel 316L: Effects of build orientation

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    Metal Additive Manufacturing for the production of end parts is today the major interest in the field of layer-by-layer fabrication. Even if Powder Bed Fusion is by far the most diffused technology, powder-fed systems retain a specific attractiveness, mainly because they enable an easier manufacture of multi-material parts or even of composition-graded ones. These systems, recently categorized by ASTM standards under the term Directed Energy Deposition (DED), still suffer from scarce knowledge of part characteristics and of process robustness and repeatability. Among DED processes, Laser Consolidation (LC) allows the production of net-shape metal parts with good metallurgical soundness, high strength and ductility. As regards the mechanical performance, the non-coaxial architecture of the LC head poses the question of a secondary anisotropy, within each layer, in addition to the primary one that is due to the layerwise construction. The paper addresses the mechanical response and the microstructure obtained by LC with AISI 316L. The direction dependence of part properties is specifically explored. Remarkably high ductility, combined with high hardness and strength, are obtained. The effect of the relative orientation between the LC head and the part is quantified and associated with the observed microstructure
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